Don't you just hate it?

  • Thread starter Seismica


United Kingdom
Don't you just hate it when you get a perfect out lap, and then each and every qualifying lap is slow, get caught up in traffic and whatnot?

Don't you just hate it when there is a pile up into turn 1 and you lose your front wing (Despite attempts to avoid it), because you were unable to get a front row spot on the grid?

Don't you just hate it, when after going in to get your wing replaced (Which put you stone dead last) and then when you come out it starts raining, making it near impossible to catch up?

Don't you just hate it, when you get lapped in the rain, and the car behind instead of using the space you have provided for them, instead they try to use your racing line, locking wheels and knocking you into the gravel?

Don't you just hate it when you come out of the gravel trap and you get a 10+ second penalty?

Actually, I do hate it. That is why I rage quit. :lol:

This game is so frustrating :P Back to a relaxing game of FFXIII, I'll wait a while before I play F1:CE again.
Don't you just hate it that you can't change the front wing and fuel up and change tyres all at the same time? And also, how slow it takes to change the front wing?
Don't you just hate it when people who cant handle proper racing games start bleating on about how it's the game's at fault when it's really their own lack of skill or patience that's to blame? This is the only game on PS3 that demands your full attention for more than a couple of hours at a time. I play every practice/qualifying/race session like my life depended on it. I don't get much chance to play through the week, but most Sundays, I put it on around 10am and am still going strong at 3pm. No other racing game on PS3 has this power to keep you engrossed.
Dont you hate it when you ride a kerb and it automatically spins you out.

Nope, because only a few kerbs in the entire game do this and most can be solved with setup if you so wish to ride them. Nice and realistic actually.

I don't hate any of the afforementioned things (well I would hate not having the game) because the reason I love the game so much is because it is hard. I like that it is so difficult to nail a lap, avoid a collision, have to deal with changing weather...they make the game challenging and far more engaging. I don't want to easily put out laps every time, overtake the whole field in 1 corner or always to race in sunny weather.
If I did, I would just put it in easy mode ;).
Don't you hate it when you just go over a corner too much ,still with 2 wheels on track, the rule in real life, and you get a 8 second penalty? and because of how much it slows you down in a corner, you accidentally go over anoother one, and it becomes a 18 second penalty?
I only have the demo, but i can't stand the penalties. So I turned them off. If I feel that i cheated, i just let the other driver pass me.

p.s.-Does anybody know where to buy it online for pretty cheap? Most of the people on ebay have it for $40+(way to much for a used game).
I only have the demo, but i can't stand the penalties. So I turned them off. If I feel that i cheated, i just let the other driver pass me.

p.s.-Does anybody know where to buy it online for pretty cheap? Most of the people on ebay have it for $40+(way to much for a used game).

Amazons probably your best bet, heres the link to the F1 CE game page:

When you buy the game however, make sure you get a PAL copy rather than NTSC version because the NTSC version does not allow online play. Hope this helps and see you hope to see you online.

Something to do with this thread:

Dont you just hate when you make a car setup which you try and perfect but when you go and test it it sucks and end up worse than the default setup.
I only have the demo, but i can't stand the penalties. So I turned them off. If I feel that i cheated, i just let the other driver pass me.

p.s.-Does anybody know where to buy it online for pretty cheap? Most of the people on ebay have it for $40+(way to much for a used game).

Personaly id wait for F1 2010.
Son't you just hate it when everytime you have a trail for Ferrari, Renault,or McLaren. No matter how fast you are your always offered test driver......which sucks so much i wish they never put that position in the game.
I got First Driver in a trial at Ferrari. Well, it was at Magny Cours, which is my favourite track :).

Don't you just hate it when you overtake the AI, the AI locks wheels with you, instead of keeping a distance like what a real driver would, and then either spins you, or you get stuck.
Dont you hate it when the game realises you shouldn't be in first in a torro rosso on hard and spins you out to even the score.

Like at circuit de nevers (which i used to hate and now love dont know why) i was in the lead and i spun then i spun every time i threatened 3rd place and i got stacked in the pits on a planned stop.:banghead::banghead::banghead: and i saw an oil flag and took the corner as i usually did and spun carried on to find the oil at the next corner.
Bring on F1 2010 and lower stress levels.
Don't you just hate it when the AI lock wheels, and then rather than spinnning you, just hold you back and you can't turn out because they act as if your not there

Dont' you just hate it when the AI are too scared to overtake you and stay behind because your in the middle of the track and there too scared to go up the side even thought your on the bloody racing line adn they easily have enoughr oom

Don't you hate the final hairpin of Montreal where the AI take the most rediculos line ever and by braking at the 100 sign for a bit and then running the curbs you can easily get heaps ahead of them, but rather than see that, the AI yuse there ****** line and will run into you because they breaked too late.

Don't you hate the commentators at the start......

Don't you hate the arrogant punk who is your race engener... you start the race last to challenge yourself, you overtake 10 to get up to 12th, then one car that you had barely passed and is on a different line gets ahead and you here 'a few errors cost you your place there' or the 'we both know you can race better than that'.... I mean bloody hell I just picked up 12 places at the start and then lost one by being on a different line, which I was on so I could get another 3 places, so shut the fk up about 1 place...

Don't you hate cars that try to get off the racing line when smoke appears in the most illogical places... e.g. catalunya the slow left near the greezy red bit. Can't remember the turn no.. just at the start of sector 3. If a car goes down there, rather than just going onwards and not turning which should happen in real life, they instead decide to wait for the car to the left to go and then move onto the little curb there that everyone is trying to hit....

Don't you hate the AI because they follow the one line and so at the start you can make up aobut 5 places by breaking late and off the line and each corner

Don't you ahte the fact that they wont go defencive if you are coming up on them, they brake the same and turn in the same... try to defend bloodyu hell

Don't you the lack of anything to do with F1 in the game.
The cars aren't right.. and 4th gear is a Godpower while the real F1 don't have it
THe circuits aren't right as you can take 3 seconds off the fastest lap or pole in a real race in the game
The rules cut engine power for being bumped off the road
Everyone retires with a bad front wing
I don't believe the Saftey Car is in the game at all
Ferrari aren't trying to get away TEam orders
McLaren aren't always braking down (remember this is 2005 or 6)

The game should be called Single Seat racing - inspired by F1.

I for one hope that the 2010 is ALOT better..

Having said that.. I'm off to play it
Dont you hate it when you can go unrealistically fast.

example hungaroring real times 1min 21 sec my best 1min 14sec
Dont you hate it when you can go unrealistically fast.

example hungaroring real times 1min 21 sec my best 1min 14sec

That is a product of prime conditions in the game and the lack of fear holding you back.
No, Toro Rosso were granted a rev-limited Cosworth V10 because they wanted to avoid the costs of redesigning their car (it was the first year Red Bull owned Minardi).
No, Toro Rosso were granted a rev-limited Cosworth V10 because they couldn't sort out a new engine supply deal in time (it was the first year Red Bull owned Minardi).

Thanks mate :)

Before this I always thought Midland was the last car to use the V10....