Drifting Line Clarification

  • Thread starter xsyorra
I've heard about people talk about a "Drift Line" for the different drivetrains, but never in detail. Usually, I just get the car sideways and try to follow the very familliar with racing lines for grip racing, but what defines the line for a drift?
Is it based on the grip lines or a different line altogether?
I'm not sure 100%, but I'm mostly sure that it is the normal 'grip' line, just done sideways. Out-in I guess.
You might want to check out this thread - https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33684

They're discussing "Race Drifting" and displaying some fairly good examples of drifting lines.

I've never really heard anybody use the term "Drift Line" before, but in most cases, the line I use for drifting is fairly close to the line I use for racing. It's also a lot easier to link drifts if you stick pretty close to the race line.

Originally posted by xsyorra
I checked it out earlier, but it's mostly for drifting while grip racing. I'm asking in general, both exhibition and racing.....what defines the line for which drivetrain?

For almost any drivetrain, your line is probably going to be the same or close. The only real difference is your technique for starting and maintaining the drift. Check out some of the videos that have been posted on the forum. Watch the line FR and AWD cars use when drifting the same corner. They're usually very similar. (Unless the drifter doesn't know what he/she's doing in which case they may look very different. :D)

Originally posted by xsyorra
I checked it out earlier, but it's mostly for drifting while grip racing. I'm asking in general, both exhibition and racing.....what defines the line for which drivetrain?

I don't believe there are lines for different drivetrains because when you drift you try to keep the rear end of the car slipping so that you can drift the car. I guess what you mean though is what XzifT said earlier. If you watched some drift videos from like Option or any others, I believe they take the racing line, the line taken with the fastest speed, except they use the line to drift. Feint drifting requires a different line, but it's not much different.
Originally posted by Ethix101
For almost any drivetrain, your line is probably going to be the same or close. The only real difference is your technique for starting and maintaining the drift. Check out some of the videos that have been posted on the forum. Watch the line FR and AWD cars use when drifting the same corner. They're usually very similar. (Unless the drifter doesn't know what he/she's doing in which case they may look very different. :D)


Dang, you got there first :)
Originally posted by battle_stage
My lines are determined how I need to setup to link the next turn. Nothing else. I could care less about lines when drifting.

Well, lines are important in driving in general. Are you trying to say that you do not care if your car drifts on the outside of a corner? Taking the line makes the drift look cleaner in my opinion.
Well, lines are important in driving in general. Are you trying to say that you do not care if your car drifts on the outside of a corner? Taking the line makes the drift look cleaner in my opinion.

I'm not saying that. I jsut don't go out trying to keep to a certain line. I just try to link as many turns as possible. As long as the cars tail is out I'm happy.
Originally posted by Thio
Well, lines are important in driving in general. Are you trying to say that you do not care if your car drifts on the outside of a corner? Taking the line makes the drift look cleaner in my opinion.

I do agree that driving as close to the line as possible does make it cleaner. But there are some corners/curves that just look tastier on the replays being drifted on the outside. But yeah, just my .02 :)

oh by the way, nice skyline drifts thio, just d/l em. GJ

Originally posted by battle_stage
I'm not saying that. I jsut don't go out trying to keep to a certain line. I just try to link as many turns as possible. As long as the cars tail is out I'm happy.

Oh okay. It sounded differently when I read it. My bad :)
Originally posted by Pfffssshhh!
I do agree that driving as close to the line as possible does make it cleaner. But there are some corners/curves that just look tastier on the replays being drifted on the outside. But yeah, just my .02 :)

oh by the way, nice skyline drifts thio, just d/l em. GJ


Yeah, that's true. I guess it depends on how you feel at the moment :)

Thank you :) I hope you enjoyed it.
Originally posted by xsyorra
I've heard about people talk about a "Drift Line" for the different drivetrains, but never in detail. Usually, I just get the car sideways and try to follow the very familliar with racing lines for grip racing, but what defines the line for a drift?
Is it based on the grip lines or a different line altogether?
too much initial d
no because alot of people tell me that when i talk to them about drifting which they don't know alot but they think thery do
I believe, like you guys, that the drift line is much the same as the racing line when using drift in racing, but can you really say there is a drift line for exhibition? I mean the line changes along with your creativity. For instance, you can be doing that choku dori thing down a straightaway or do a 360 into a drift.
Originally posted by nightkids4ever
no because alot of people tell me that when i talk to them about drifting which they don't know alot but they think thery do

I really have no idea what you're trying to say. It would help a lot if you would re-read your posts to make sure they make sense before you press 'Submit Reply'. Thanks. :)

The only difference in AWD and FR drift lines that I have found, is the entrance and exit of the corner. With an AWD you need to throw the car more aggressively at the start of the corner and then control the slide by flooring it and using braking to alter the speed you are traveling. Exiting with AWD is usually about the same line as FR. With FR you have more options in the way you enter the corner, but ultimately the line you take is the same as grip. So, it just makes sense that the they would be very similiar. The racing line is the way it is because physics dictate that to be the best way to enter and exit a corner while retaining the most speed. In drift the speed is not as important, but the line remains the same, as it is the best way to use the G's from the force of the turn to lose traction.;)
Well i personally doent like doing the showy drifts; like u said "choku dory". I personally like the long showy drifts. Thats me plain with no creativity. But wat u said give a little insparation in trying different drifts.

Sort of

FYA: There needs to be a tournament where we can finally conclude what is better. Drift Racing vs Grip Racing tournament or chanpionship. Just a sugestion :D
FYA: There needs to be a tournament where we can finally conclude what is better. Drift Racing vs Grip Racing tournament or chanpionship. Just a sugestion :D [/B]
Maybe he's right, it would be hard to set up though, so all the grip and drift people see it, to enter IMO.;)
Originally posted by DarkenedDrift
Well is there anyone that is really known for their skills in drift racing or grip?
Cudaman and Pergatory are the people that spring to my mind. ;)
bengee has started this challenge before the summer started. Check out his signature to find out more about this. He might bring it back because of this discussion :)