driftinziggy's photo gallery: = September 24th Gallery overload

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Hello all.. My name is Zach and welcome to my gallery. Please feel free to leave comments and feedback


Most of the beginning pages are early, unedited works.. then it starts progressing to more and more edited shots.. I like to see how far I've come
You'll also run across many "missing" pics from old flickr accounts on the first few pages..sorry about those!
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I try to add a set every few days but I stay busy so forgive me

Toscana (Tarmac)_6 by gt5photonut, on Flickr

Toscana (Tarmac)_7 by gt5photonut, on Flickr

Toscana (Tarmac)_5 by gt5photonut, on Flickr

Toscana (Tarmac)_4 by gt5photonut, on Flickr
Toscana (Tarmac)_3 by gt5photonut, on Flickr

Toscana (Tarmac)_2 by gt5photonut, on Flickr

Toscana (Tarmac)_1 by gt5photonut, on Flickr

Now We'll take a look at the Jaguar XFR

Special Stage Route X_15 by

Special Stage Route X_16 by driftinziggy, on Flickr

Special Stage Route X_19 by driftinziggy, on Flickr

Special Stage Route X_14 by driftinziggy, on Flickr

Eifel (Circuit)_2 by driftinziggy, on Flickr

Eifel (Circuit)_1 by driftinziggy, on Flickr

Eifel (Circuit) by driftinziggy, on Flickr

Tokyo R246_7 by driftinziggy, on Flickr

Tokyo R246_6 by driftinziggy, on Flickr

Tokyo R246_5 by driftinziggy, on Flickr
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