Drive Hub Racing Wheel Converter

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From button 14(Paddle Mode Rotary Encoder) it is regulated in which mode the Analogue Paddles will work and is not mappable in any game.
Sorry for my bad english. Not sure if I completely understood.
What about the other buttons. Can we use them to change BB or TCS?
Buttons 11, 13, 19 and 20 do not work in GT Sport, 14 changes how the analog paddles work.

As per the fanatec doc these buttons are game specific buttons, so the game developer has to enable there use in game. So they potentially could work in some other games.
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Can anyone tell me if I'm stupid or not. I've had a drive hub for awhile, I using a fanatec gt3rsV2 and clubsport pedals with my ps4. I've had Assetto Corsa working with my setup before. Played fine, now all of a sudden it seems the system wont recognize the wheel. Iirc I had control at playstation home screen also. The drive hub is recognizing the wheel. But I get nothing. Am I doing something wrong?
Using the drive hub is interesting as for my setup, I have to hook the wheel to my PC and configure it first (t300 in ps3 mode).

Once I turned off spring, disabled allowing games to control auto center and put auto center to minimum on the TM driver it now works great!

Have played some Forza 7 and F1 2019 on my Xbox series x with my T300. Forza has settings for center and spring but the code master games do not so configuration of the driver is important to get good FFB setup.

I also used my Th8a in analog handbrake mode on my ps4 on dirt rally 2.0 which is nice.. always had digital only handbrake before.

Should have bought one sooner!

Edit - Dirt 5 doesn't work with Xbox series x / drive hub / T300. it just has strong center spring no matter what I do. It's ok, not that interested in it.

Does it matter if I use an Xbox one controller or Xbox series controller? I'm currently using Xbox one s controller because that's the cable I have.
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Can anyone tell me if I'm stupid or not. I've had a drive hub for awhile, I using a fanatec gt3rsV2 and clubsport pedals with my ps4. I've had Assetto Corsa working with my setup before. Played fine, now all of a sudden it seems the system wont recognize the wheel. Iirc I had control at playstation home screen also. The drive hub is recognizing the wheel. But I get nothing. Am I doing something wrong?

Is it in race mode? when the drive hub powers on it should do a figure 8 on its display.
Buttons 11, 13, 19 and 20 do not work in GT Sport, 14 changes how the analog paddles work.

As per the fanatec doc these buttons are game specific buttons, so the game developer has to enable there use in game. So they potentially could work in some other games.
Well. Yesterday I put all parts together and I kinda managed to make it work.
First impressions.
- on the McLaren wheel, I'm not able or I'm just a noob, I can't make it work having the speed indications on the LED;
- funky switch wasn't allowing to scroll between the different maps, like BB, fuel consumption, etc. Had to config the Logitech G29 so it start working;
-After setting on the peddals the deadzones, the break was to sensitive and I barely pressed the break and it would just breaking to max. So I had to set the pedals to AUTOMATIC.
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Well. Yesterday I put all parts together and I kinda managed to make it work.
First impressions.
- on the McLaren wheel, I'm not able or I'm just a noob, I can't make it work having the speed indications on the LED;
- funky switch wasn't allowing to scroll between the different maps, like BB, fuel consumption, etc. Had to config the Logitech G29 so it start working;
-After setting on the peddals the deadzones, the break was to sensitive and I barely pressed the break and it would just breaking to max. So I had to set the pedals to AUTOMATIC.

I am on ps4 with a the fanatec universal hub in Logitech mode. The speed indication does not work, probably by design. When I switch gears with the H shifter, the gear is displayed for 1 second.

The I can use the FunkySwitch when in Logitech mode. In Fanatec mode I cannot use it for in-game actions.

I have the pedals to automatic. Just press them full at the start of a game. That calibrates them.

You han connect your gear to a laptop an dial in deadzone's. The values are saved in the Fanatec hardware. In tested this and even after I disconnected the Fanatec gear from the laptop, the games on the ps4 were having the deadzones. Good stuff.
I am on ps4 with a the fanatec universal hub in Logitech mode. The speed indication does not work, probably by design. When I switch gears with the H shifter, the gear is displayed for 1 second.

The I can use the FunkySwitch when in Logitech mode. In Fanatec mode I cannot use it for in-game actions.

I have the pedals to automatic. Just press them full at the start of a game. That calibrates them.

You han connect your gear to a laptop an dial in deadzone's. The values are saved in the Fanatec hardware. In tested this and even after I disconnected the Fanatec gear from the laptop, the games on the ps4 were having the deadzones. Good stuff.
Thx for reply m8.

I have a doubt. What is the Race Mode vs Play Mode? do I set one of this modes so it works better?
You mix up things.

You have Race vs Play mode on the Drive hub hardware. Set it to Race mode. Play mode does not work.

Then you have Fanatec vs Fanalogic mode. Default is Fanalogic. This is set on the Fanatec hardware.
Yes, my wheel base 2.5 is set to PC mode I guess. The Power Button is Red and not Green as if on Xbox Mode, is that correct? Or do I need to change anything else on the DriveHub?
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Yes, my wheel base 2.5 is set to PC mode I guess. The Power Button is Red and not Green as if on Xbox Mode, is that correct? Or do I need to change anything else on the DriveHub?

Yes red is good for the 2.5 power button.

Toggling FanaLogic Racing Modes **Your Fanatec Wheel must be in PC mode to be detected by the Drive HUB**

The Drive Hub has two different compatibility modes. By default the Drive Hub emulates Logitech racing wheel protocols. However if you have a Fanatec Racing Wheel the Drive Hub also supports native Fanatec protocols. To Toggle between Fanatec or FanaLogic mode, simply press and hold the appropriate corresponding buttons on your Steering Wheel (see Below). The LED display and on the Drive hub will display the letter “F” for Fanatec or the letter “L” for Fanalogic to verify your selection.
I am on ps4 with a the fanatec universal hub in Logitech mode. The speed indication does not work, probably by design. When I switch gears with the H shifter, the gear is displayed for 1 second.

The I can use the FunkySwitch when in Logitech mode. In Fanatec mode I cannot use it for in-game actions.

I have the pedals to automatic. Just press them full at the start of a game. That calibrates them.

You han connect your gear to a laptop an dial in deadzone's. The values are saved in the Fanatec hardware. In tested this and even after I disconnected the Fanatec gear from the laptop, the games on the ps4 were having the deadzones. Good stuff.
Well. Don't know if it's because I pressed Share+Option bottons to verify if I'm on Fanatec mode, but the LED is actually showing Speed and Gears:D IMG_20210303_150721.jpg

About the pedals. I connected to PC/Laptop and set up deadzones. But when I was playing, I barely touched the brake pedal, it braked at max! So for now, I'll keep it Automatic. It suits me so far Automatic
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Well. Don't know if it's because I pressed Share+Option bottons to verify if I'm on Fanatec mode, but the LED is actually showing Speed and Gears:DView attachment 995198

About the pedals. I connected to PC/Laptop and set up deadzones. But when I was playing, I barely touched the brake pedal, it braked at max! So for now, I'll keep it Automatic. It suits me so far Automatic

Oh yes, if you use them in Fanatec mode, the speed is shown. I use it in G29 mode. I like the FFB in G29 mode better. Plus the FunckySwitch works in rotational mode in PS4 games.

You might check out the fanatec brake force setting at 3 minute mark:

I have mine at 50%
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Yes it is.

Was just curious.. I made that mistake at first. I was pressing buttons and stuff instead of reading the instructions. So its just me :lol:
I also was trying to use my T300 with the switch in ps4 position, the display showed T150 PS4 so I figured it was ok, but the FFB on xbox with F1 2019 was just broken and always forcing to center.

@Podger - should the this combo work? Xbox Series X, T300, Xbox One S controller, and Dirt 5? It just springs to center no mater what I do.
Forza 7 and F1 2019 are working great for me.

Edit - @Podger I just saw your list of beta drivers.. and Figured out how to install them. Looks like 2.07 beta 7+ has Dirt 5 support. Will give the Beta 8 a shot.

Edit 2 - beta drivers work for Dirt 5.. it took a bit for the FFB to kick in.. was weird. It works though just needs to be tuned in game. I don't think the games FFB is very good from what I've read anyways.

Edit 3- @Podger is WRC 9 supported on xbox?
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So i booted up my PS4 Pro for the 1st time in well over a year (been pc gaming) and my drivehub shows an "E" after it boots, it sees my wheel with the TS PC digits then displays an E and the wheel does not work. Any ideas?

Edit: nevermind seems my cable is buggered used another and i'm ok :)
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So I’ve been using everything absolutely fine on PS4 but today swapped to PS5.
The drive hub recognises my set up C-S-2-5 then zero but none of the buttons work on the wheel. I’m on ACC at the moment.
I have tried the DS4 and DS5 plugged into controller USB socket on the hub and turned off as I did with PS4 but no success?!?
Set up is CS2.5, elite pedals LC, BMW M3 GT2 wheel
So I’ve been using everything absolutely fine on PS4 but today swapped to PS5.
The drive hub recognises my set up C-S-2-5 then zero but none of the buttons work on the wheel. I’m on ACC at the moment.
I have tried the DS4 and DS5 plugged into controller USB socket on the hub and turned off as I did with PS4 but no success?!?
Set up is CS2.5, elite pedals LC, BMW M3 GT2 wheel

It’s working! Swapped the DS4 and DS5 with no success and then tried DS4 again with power off and the wheel is fine now... panic over!

EDIT: no it’s not... I get maybe 2 or 3 laps out of it and then lose connection with wheel altogether. Weird. All cables are as supplied with components?!?
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Hey guys I need some help, I got my ps5 and set it all up. Since GT sport beta test I have bin using my g25 with cronsmax plus on my ps4 pro and never had a problem, so last night play GT sport on ps5 I lost control of my wheel 10min in. Did a rest and 10min later the same thing happen. So I read up and saw people with the same thing as me. A lot of them say to get a hori mini wired game pad for ps4 and use that instead of the ds4. So I went out today and pick one up and just tryed and it’s not working at all. I need some help if not I will have to replug my ps4 pro till I buy a new wheel