Duk's Photo Gallery

  • Thread starter DuckRacer
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I hope you guys like it. It's my update to kick off the (upcoming) 2006, so I finally figured out how to use gradients (like in the first shot). I used some fading effects on the second pic, and with the fancier signature and the big black borders it's my best work on old B&W pics. Enjoy.
The 2nd big one is GREAT!!! And the last one too. Also the 9th thumbnail, the one with the text, is very nice too. Very creative, just like the "night vision" one. Very nice pics. I'll come back again when you put new updates on!
Very nice pics. 👍 I like all of the big ones. Come check out my latest update if you get the chance.
@ kennythebomb - Geez, you're a tough crowd to please! ;) But I glad you like them. With the angles, I tried to get both cars side by side, so you get the cars and the reflections cleanly for the comp. So it was really tough to get any interestinbg angles. :indiff:

I give credit where credit is due - nothing more, nothing less.

Anyway your latest update looks better, I really like the first and last big photos, and the first thumbnail is good too.

I know the side by side battle shots are extremely hard to get something interesting due to the nature of the shot. Gosh, they are even harder to be unique than drifting shots. So when I *do* see good ones, I am very surprised.
I would actually rate them about a 5/10, but I just wanted to see what happens if I ever thought a set of pictures was crap and I gave them a 1, seems you can't be honest on this forum.
You can be honest, but people don't really apprecitate having they're pics called crap. If you give constructive critisizm, along with the bad rating, that's all fine. But saying "Your photos suck" to someone who doesn't know what they're doing wrong is kinda dumb. :indiff:

And just about everyone thinks there experts in judging pictures or taking them, I know a few people here have been a photographer or graphic desinger so they know what there doing, but others are only new.
I think everyone's doing this for fun, and trying to make their pics look good. I mean heck, if a pro photographer said my pics were excellent, then I'd be partying. It's pretty much friendly fun around here.

Anyway, pictures are ok, there simple, but probably a bit boring, but thats probably because after looking at GT4 pictures for nearly 12 months they all seem boring, unless your a expert at photoshop and can do wonderful things to them.
I wasn't really going for any extravagant look, just something that's simple, yet great.

My favourite picture is the bonus picture, the one with all the LMP cars@Sarthe, I like that and it'll be something I would probably use on my desktop as wallpaper, I would rate that one a 8/10.
I'm glad you like it. If you want it full size, without any cropping or resizing, just ask, and I'll give it to you. 👍

Anyway, thanks for your honest feedback. :D

Very nice pics. 👍 I like all of the big ones. Come check out my latest update if you get the chance.
Thanks. I'll check out your pics too.

I give credit where credit is due - nothing more, nothing less.

Anyway your latest update looks better, I really like the first and last big photos, and the first thumbnail is good too.

I know the side by side battle shots are extremely hard to get something interesting due to the nature of the shot. Gosh, they are even harder to be unique than drifting shots. So when I *do* see good ones, I am very surprised.
Thanks kenny. :D

...I really like the first...
Hey, that's the first time you said "really like"! I'm honored. :)
You can be honest, but people don't really apprecitate having they're pics called crap. If you give constructive critisizm, along with the bad rating, that's all fine. But saying "Your photos suck" to someone who doesn't know what they're doing wrong is kinda dumb. :indiff:

I think everyone's doing this for fun, and trying to make their pics look good. I mean heck, if a pro photographer said my pics were excellent, then I'd be partying. It's pretty much friendly fun around here.

I wasn't really going for any extravagant look, just something that's simple, yet great.

I'm glad you like it. If you want it full size, without any cropping or resizing, just ask, and I'll give it to you. 👍

Well if simple clean good pictures you were after then there doing the job :)

And yes, everyone is doing this for fun, but some people go over the top when giving feedback, it's only a few people.

I took a few pictures one with the help of my House Mate who use to be a photographer, I done what she told me and she said they were really good. Now I thought I would get some good comments on them, but I got none, so it just makes me think what people are actually commenting on in a picture.
Absolutely incredible work, .Duck.!! The nightscope shot was extremely creative!! :D

A perfect pic of the GT40!! just amazing, a perfect 10! :drool:
Overall update gets a 6.5 (I'm not a big fan of the major PS changed pics...)

Very hard to pic a favorite from the Vanquish set, they are all equally good, an 8


Great action pic!! Overall update: 7


Nice pic! very sharp and clear. This one was a very nice update, an 8.5 👍


Cool colors overall, gets a 7.5 from me

ps. Love your avatar :)
I like the mission pic, very nice found. 👍

I'd give you currently 7,5 because you still got room left to improve.;)
Lovely pics DUCK. Especially the Pug Rally Car. Mite have to get photoshop meself and see what there is to offer. 👍
Also love your Minolta 88 update. Especially the Comp pic. Very nice composition.!
Keep up the good work 👍 :)
Thanks for the feedback everyone. :D

I'm going to post up the R390 Road Car @ Hong Kong, so get ready for it. 👍
@ Fletch - Thanks, glad you like it. IMO I'm surprised it turned out so well, too. :D

@ ekMatt - Thanks. Believe it or not, Hong Kong actually has a lot of opportunities. I only took pics there because PB had a lot of success there.
I'm loving your new update Duck! 👍 The car is CLEAN! Not like the whole picture, although it is, but the car. How many car washes? :lol: That 3rd big pic is the best. Very Hong-Kongish.
@ gt_masta - Thanks. I tried something new with that shot, and I too loved it more than anything lese in this update. Now, I just need a comp that allows this to come up. 💡

@ appie17 - Thanks. I left some feedback in your gallery too. ;)

Anyone else see this update?
I see this update... :)

The one that Fletch said is my fav too, cool pic. 👍

I don't really know what gradients is, but I now figured out how to change the color of a car. Curious? Look at my newest update!!! :lol:
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