EA Games NHL 2005: Anything Related

Well I just got this game and because I live in the UK and all, I'm not to great on all the rules and hockey-talk. Well the main question I want to ask is "What are draft picks?". When your trading players, you can trade a player for a draft pick and vice-versa. I don't know what these are and can someone please help me understand.


P.S. Jerome Iginla r0x0rz my team.
Draft picks means you can pick new players. eg out of collage or other minor leagues.
Okay thanks. Also when you get a draft pick you can get a 'Round 1-5' Draft Pick. Does this mean that at round (lets say) 3 of the playoffs, I will then be able to pick a player out of 'college or other minor leagues'?
Every team gets draft pics, the lower the round eg 1st the better players you can pic before other teams get them. So if you get round 1 you can pic the best player available. nothing to do with playoffs, it more like a player lottery.

Awwww, how nice.