Euthanasia, what's your opinion?

  • Thread starter Joel

Do you support Euthanasia?

  • I support euthanasia

    Votes: 27 34.2%
  • I support euthanasia, under strict circumstances

    Votes: 44 55.7%
  • I do not support euthansia

    Votes: 8 10.1%

  • Total voters
An assisted suicide bill urgently needs to be passed in this country to prevent the loved ones of those who perhaps travel with an ill relative to Switzerland where they can be legally euthanised being prosecuted when they return.

It's a 🤬 state of affairs when a) you can't make the choice that you've got such a rubbish quality of life you'd rather be dead and b) your husband/wife will be put in prison for helping you to move to a much more pleasant place...
We need more people like you guys in this country. The problem for me is that the
Catholics are trying to stop it, and i take offense to that, especially in a country like Canada. We have so many religions and cultures here, and that's why i want the church separated from the state. In other words, i'm a disestablismentarianist.

Most are, but i go to a catholic high school myself and there are plenty of people who are for euthanasia, heck, a lot are even pro-abortion (a big "no-no" if you're catholic)
It's YOUR life, It's YOUR choice. You shouldn't care what the pope says, or what the polytics say, or what anyone who isn't yourself says. Who are they to extend your suffering? Whats their argument to keep you stranded on a miserable life?

That, in my opinion.

EDIT: Guys, i'm gonna bookmark this. So many great opinions like this one:

We need more people like you guys in this country. The problem for me is that the
Catholics are trying to stop it, and i take offense to that, especially in a country like Canada. We have so many religions and cultures here, and that's why i want the church separated from the state. In other words, i'm a disestablismentarianist.

Disestablismentarianism!!! YEAH!!!! :cool:. I'm quite in your side, my country is very catholical as well (How the hell did the that happened after they came and conquered as so brutally?) and here, im a fish out of water, being an Agnostic. Feelin' your pain :sly:.
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It's YOUR life, It's YOUR choice. You shouldn't care what the pope says, or what the polytics say, or what anyone who isn't yourself says. Who are they to extend your suffering? Whats their argument to keep you stranded on a miserable life?

That, in my opinion.

EDIT: Guys, i'm gonna bookmark this. So many great opinions like this one:

Disestablismentarianism!!! YEAH!!!! :cool:. I'm quite in your side, my country is very catholical as well (How the hell did the that happened after they came and conquered as so brutally?) and here, im a fish out of water, being an Agnostic. Feelin' your pain :sly:.

Honestly, most of the people who attend my school are there because they went to a catholic elementary school, so all their friends are at the school (my reasoning), and because the facilities at the school are top notch. It is without a doubt the best school in the area. There hasn't been much "push catholic values down your throat" until the Euthanasia thing came up. Funny enough, the opinion of the student body seems to be in disagreement with administration, and the church.
An assisted suicide bill urgently needs to be passed in this country to prevent the loved ones of those who perhaps travel with an ill relative to Switzerland where they can be legally euthanised being prosecuted when they return.

It's a 🤬 state of affairs when a) you can't make the choice that you've got such a rubbish quality of life you'd rather be dead and b) your husband/wife will be put in prison for helping you to move to a much more pleasant place...

Right now I want the rep system back and we don't even have a clap hands smilie to make up for it, so this will have to do....


...could not agree more with you.

In addition I would add the bizarre fact that if you don't opt for euthanasia when it comes to you pet they can press charges, if a human being wants it for themselves you can't. Now that just does my head in.

Right now I want the rep system back and we don't even have a clap hands smilie to make up for it, so this will have to do....


Would you like one? :P
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In other words... the Japanese law is thoroughly ethical... because abusing the public train system to commit suicide is just so selfish. Do it at home like normal people do, and stop wasting government money... :lol:

A train is much more likely to give you a swift and near-instantaneous death compared to any of the home-brew concoctions available to the typical Japanese person.

Unless, of course, you have an accomplice to promptly perform seppuku with/on you.


noob616—the behaviour of your school administration vexes me, as having had friends in the Catholic school system in Ontario (ND4SPD, for one) and knowing teachers, there's a surprising amount of silly dogma transmitted to the students (especially regarding sex ed.); where do you attend? (Geographically, that is.)
A train is much more likely to give you a swift and near-instantaneous death compared to any of the home-brew concoctions available to the typical Japanese person.

Unless, of course, you have an accomplice to promptly perform seppuku with/on you.


noob616—the behaviour of your school administration vexes me, as having had friends in the Catholic school system in Ontario (ND4SPD, for one) and knowing teachers, there's a surprising amount of silly dogma transmitted to the students (especially regarding sex ed.); where do you attend? (Geographically, that is.)

I haven't really found an issue with the catholic system, until this year, and i'm not liking it. It's really pissing me off. I am in the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board.
I haven't really found an issue with the catholic system, until this year, and i'm not liking it. It's really pissing me off. I am in the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board.

See, that is also part of the beauty of attending a Catholic school: the rift between established curriculum and student opinion is often so divided, that much richer debate comes from it.

At my [public] school, the teachers were so often A) politically correct or B) blasé in their opinions, that it just wasn't very enthralling. (That was, until I took the World Religions course taught by a blindly Christian-hating pseudo-eastern-inspiration New Age woman incapable of separating her beliefs and opinions from the curriculum.)
A train is much more likely to give you a swift and near-instantaneous death compared to any of the home-brew concoctions available to the typical Japanese person.

The Japanese are pretty resourceful when it comes to offing themselves.
The Bible is just such a mess of contradictions that you can read anything you want out of it and it'll mean five different things to three different people.

The beauty of studying at a Catholic school, though? The Catholic School Girl. Love em. Married one, myself... :lol:

I love it.

It's perhaps not quite as in-depth or polished as say GT4, but the handling model is second to none 👍


In addition I would add the bizarre fact that if you don't opt for euthanasia when it comes to you pet they can press charges, if a human being wants it for themselves you can't. Now that just does my head in.


Because the dumb little doggies don't know any better, so we have to make the decision for them... whereas, as humans, we can make a fully informed choice... and we still can't?

A train is much more likely to give you a swift and near-instantaneous death compared to any of the home-brew concoctions available to the typical Japanese person.

Unless, of course, you have an accomplice to promptly perform seppuku with/on you.

If you do it at home, the government doesn't have to foot the bill for stopping the entire train system while they clean your carcass off the tracks.

And no, being smashed to a bloody pulp by a train isn't instantaneous as you might think. First, you get your ribs crushed... then you're dragged down the track a few hundred meters... if you do it right, you could black out right away and die right after. If you do it wrong, you end up crippled, bloody, broken and paralyzed and still alive.

Same goes for any other form of suicide. Just ask the kid who got a .44 magnum round through his skull and lived.

A needle and the right cocktail of drugs is much more preferable.
If you do it at home, the government doesn't have to foot the bill for stopping the entire train system while they clean your carcass off the tracks.

There is, however, a poetic element to the suicide in that they're picking a public resource to off themselves—an element (public policy + social pressures) which contributed to the [numerous] suicide in Japan.

If you do it wrong...

Same goes for any other form of suicide.

I'm talking statistical probability here, and in the last 25 years of my girlfriend's dad cleaning up people's bodies from the TTC subway tracks with the Toronto fire department, he hasn't once come across a survivor.
It's always possible. There's a baby in a baby carriage that survived last month.

Still... I can think of a number of less painful ways to die... and they'll leave you with a beautiful corpse.
It's always possible. There's a baby in a baby carriage that survived last month.

Still... I can think of a number of less painful ways to die... and they'll leave you with a beautiful corpse.

But the baby wasn't trying to commit suicide so it doesn't count for statistical purposes :)
But the baby wasn't trying to commit suicide so it doesn't count for statistical purposes :)

How sure are we?

For all we know, it saw Mommy turn around... heard the train coming, and started kicking for dear life... errh... death.

EDIT: yes, it's in bad taste to make fun of the baby... but we're talking about SuperBaby here.

EDIT2: Of course, if it is the Last Son of Krypton, then yes, he doesn't count, for statistical purposes.

EDIT3: RE: "Poetic"... I don't think it's poetic for the train drivers, who have to live with the sight of their deaths for the rest of their lives. That does things to a man...
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Its their life so they can choose their fait. But I think this should only be allowed for people in who are suffering quite badly. Could be the elderly, or people with a serious illness. Euthanasia shouldn't be allowed for those emo teens who cut theselves, they need counceling
Its their life so they can choose their fait. But I think this should only be allowed for people in who are suffering quite badly. Could be the elderly, or people with a serious illness. Euthanasia shouldn't be allowed for those emo teens who cut theselves, they need counceling

They dont need counceling, they need a brain and a book, that's it. For crying out loud, they believe they are existentialists but they dont even know who is Sartre. EMO = FAIL. And my main argument to say that is that life is the most beautiful thing in the world, i'm a vitalist, but if life has become a dead-end with no remedy it's your choice to continue or quit 👍.
Emo kids freak me out.

I voted support with strict circumstances.

If it were me, and say I was diagnosed with something fatal. I'd try to fight it or fulfill something in life first before going.
The only way to go 100% of the time is a 75 ft fall.
Plus its bloody spectacular.

Ha I pun3d you. :dunce:

Make sure you fall on something hard, and headfirst. Otherwise, there are lots of people who have survived falls of 100 feet or more. It's plain luck, really, but even a 0.01% chance of survival means that a 100 foot fall is not a 100% guarantee.

And it'll hurt, hijjus.
Everyone should get a free euthanasia coupon from their local hospital when reaching 90 years old. One per person, unredeemable for other goods or services.
I support euthanasia, for terminally ill people who are in a lot of pain, but it should be controlled strictly.

You'd have to look at each case specifically.
Sir Terry Pratchett, who has been diagnosed with a rare form of dementia called Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), which is caused by Alzheimer's Disease, wrote an amazing lecture called "Shaking Hands With Death" in which he discusses the topic of "Assisted Dying" and his personal feelings about being able to choose the manner of his own death. The speech was delivered by the actor and presenter Tony Robinson, while Pratchett sat alongside on the stage. A large excerpt of the lecture can be found here, but for those of you in the UK, you can watch the whole lecture on BBC iPlayer.

To hear a writer of Pratchett's skill and wit articulate his opinion and his feelings on such a fundamentally important subject as dying was a rare pleasure. It was both moving and at times hilarious, but ultimately a sober, calm and brilliantly argued piece about the virtue of being able to decide one's own ultimate fate. I can't recommend it highly enough, and I only hope that those who needed to hear it were watching too.
Unfortunately, Touring Mars, I can't watch the lecture because I don't live in the UK. Are they trying to give me more reasons to move there? "Oh yes, come live in Britain to watch BBC iPlayer!" Personally, I think it's a personal choice. If you have a disease that's going to kill you in 20 years but is going to feel like you've been stabbed in the chest/stomach/arm/leg for that time, it's your choice of you want to go to a clinic in Switzerland and die 20 years before the disease kills you.. But if it's because your spouse has just ran off with your best friend, don't do it. Don't waste your life because your spouse has cheated on you. There's plenty more fish in the sea.
To the OP ... my first thought was that if you don't believe in God, do you call out your own name during good sex 💡

Now for the opinion part ...... Having gone to a Catholic elementary and high school and having been an alter boy and choir member I have had and still do have a very personal relationship with God. My only beef with Catholisism was that it teaches exclusivity for entry into heaven which I do not agree with. As a young adult I studied various Eastern religions and found lots of answers in Bhuddism. I think euthanasia should be your choice, just like committing murder or rape. You're free to make the choice, but there could be consequenses to your actions. This subject is just the tip of a very deep discussion relative to whether or not you think that life is a "gift" or just some random biological happening. In many religions, not just Catholisism, suffering is a natural part of life and is part and parcel to the graces you may earn depending on how you deal with it. Having been a vegetarian for over 40 years, I am against the taking of any life :dopey:
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