F1 2018 - Taking on Hamilton's Final Qualifier and Summing up the SeriesF1 2018 

Hold on. They're letting you advertise your YouTube content on here now? I mean, alright I guess! Hope this helps your channel grow even more lad! :D
GTPNewsWire "That leads me into some comments about the driving physics in F1 2018. Between this series and my 100% Career Mode, I’ve really got to know the driving physics. There is no doubt that Codemasters has made some big leaps forward, for which they deserve credit. However, with that forward motion, it leaves the spotlight firmly shining on the shortfalls."

I have finished (and finished with) this game and have the Platinum Trophy so I think I have a handle on the guts of this game too.

The physics in this game (yes game, not sim) have been dumbed down so far as to appeal to youngsters with hand controllers running all assists on.

Have a look at GT Sport and drive Lewis's F1 W08 in that and just see how much further dumbing down can go. Two games, with the same car and tracks (Suzuka, Monza) and just see how different they both are. IMHO it is that bad it is laughable :-))

The only reason I bought this game was I longed for the 20 real world circuits which I will give Codies full credit for and that is about it.
The F1 series will always be a "sim-lite" title as it has to appeal to many more people than just the sim racing hardcore. This will never change.

You could argue that the Codies could put 2 levels of physics in there - one for casual, and one for hardcore sim, but that's kind of already in there with the assists.

One of the problems that I have with the sim racing community as a whole is that there are a lot of people talking about the realism, or lack thereof, of a title. without actually haven driven the real cars in question on the real tracks.

OK for some lower end cars there are likely to be people who do have this experience and are therefore qualified to comment, and by qualified I mean people that have actually driven their cars on track and in anger, not those that own that same car as in game but have only use it to pootle around in.

As for F1 cars, I'm guessing that absolutely zero people here have actually driven one for real, let alone at race pace, so the truth is we don't actually know how far away F1 2018 is from the real thing. We take some pretty good educated guesses, and I think most people would agree that F1 is "sim-cade", but guesses are really all that we have.
One of the problems that I have with the sim racing community as a whole is that there are a lot of people talking about the realism, or lack thereof, of a title. without actually haven driven the real cars in question on the real tracks.

OK for some lower end cars there are likely to be people who do have this experience and are therefore qualified to comment, and by qualified I mean people that have actually driven their cars on track and in anger, not those that own that same car as in game but have only use it to pootle around in.

As for F1 cars, I'm guessing that absolutely zero people here have actually driven one for real, let alone at race pace, so the truth is we don't actually know how far away F1 2018 is from the real thing. We take some pretty good educated guesses, and I think most people would agree that F1 is "sim-cade", but guesses are really all that we have.
Yes and quite often, people think that "more difficult" equals "more realistic". Reminds me of a German forum in which a professional GT driver used to post and told people that the rFactor endurance mod actually makes cars too difficult to drive and that the "easier" Race07 add-on GTR Evolution is actually more realistic.
As for F1 cars, I'm guessing that absolutely zero people here have actually driven one for real, let alone at race pace, so the truth is we don't actually know how far away F1 2018 is from the real thing.

Considering there is less than 100 people on the planet that actually have then that is a pretty fair assumption. Add to that there is probably less than 5 that have driven the W08 Merc and there is only 1 that has driven Lewis's car ;-)

We take some pretty good educated guesses, and I think most people would agree that F1 is "sim-cade", but guesses are really all that we have.

**IF** GTPNewsWire (or anyone else for that matter) can beat Lewis's qualifying time then I would guess the game is pretty dumbed down ;-)
I would consider it a simulator,maybe not a great one but still a simulator,it does alot of things like the fuel/tire wear,tire strategy,fuel strategy,tire temperature those are all things you find in simulators gotta give them credit for that.

**IF** GTPNewsWire (or anyone else for that matter) can beat Lewis's qualifying time then I would guess the game is pretty dumbed down ;-)

I wouldn't be surprised if most times can be beat in a videogame,from Iracing to Gran Turismo,there are some crazy good gamers out there and the fact you are just playing a game takes away the sense of danger which might help in a faster lap.
**IF** GTPNewsWire (or anyone else for that matter) can beat Lewis's qualifying time then I would guess the game is pretty dumbed down ;-)

I dunno - there are some insanely skilled and talented people behind their FFB wheels that possibly in another life, given the opportunities, and being the the right places at the right times, could have become dominant racing drivers.

For those not quite so up there, then I'd say beating Lewis' time is not out of the question per se, however the question would be how many times did they bin the car before they finally did it. Remember in a sim you don't suffer any consequences financially or injury related, meaning you can take risks that you would never dare to in real life.
People are always obsessed with comparing in game times to real race times. The best you can do is assume the game has the same track conditions, which vary dramatically irl...

Thing is... in theory the lap Times should be relatively meaniness as to how realistic the game is. I mean watch the test laps after the grand prix and sometimes a fast pole time goes down in the hands of several young gp2 drivers or whomever is running on track testing.

How the car drives and responds to conditions I theory should be the key to realism I say. Of course all the other factors just to get the car going. Remember Richard on top gear or whatever it was... trying just to get Alonsos anti stall to not shut off the engine...
Nice to see you on here Jimmer, enjoy your videos and thought you did a splendid job as a pundit in Monaco, someone has to do it right?
I dunno - there are some insanely skilled and talented people behind their FFB wheels that possibly in another life, given the opportunities, and being the the right places at the right times, could have become dominant racing drivers.

For those not quite so up there, then I'd say beating Lewis' time is not out of the question per se, however the question would be how many times did they bin the car before they finally did it. Remember in a sim you don't suffer any consequences financially or injury related, meaning you can take risks that you would never dare to in real life.

I remember an interview with Dan Riciardo a while back where he said "lap times in the Rd Bull simulator are usually 1-1.5 seconds quicker than real life", no doubt for that very same reason.

Have a look at yeah what we have is so close to this, isn't it ;-)

My point has been, Codies aren't even close to being a Sim BUT IMHO it could be a lot less arcade with it's dumbed down physics tailored for had controller users.