F1 Summer Caption Game 2015: ROUND TWELVE - ITALY [RESULTS!]

  • Thread starter Liquid
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Fission Mailed
A temporary home whilst @Touring Mars is away and unable to commit enough time to it. It's the exact same game as before, so the normal rules apply!




  • All captions must be your own work. Captions that are deemed too similar to existing submitted captions may be disqualified.
  • Captions must be in text format only. Weblinks can be included as part of a sentence, but captions must include some text and may not simply be a link to a picture.
  • All captions must comply with the forum rules. Captions deemed to be inappropriate e.g. explicit sexual references etc. may be disqualified.
  • All moderation staff can delete any posts for any reason.


  • Each round, captions will be gathered and posted in the voting thread (see below) and subjected to a public vote. Anyone is allowed to vote, but those who have entered a round are expected to vote in that round, and may not vote for their own caption. Captions voted for by their authors will be disqualified. Repeat offenders will be banned from the thread.
  • You have three votes and you can either split your votes 2-1, or give three captions one vote each. You must use all three votes.
  • Each caption will be assigned a letter code, and votes should be cast as follows:

    A - 1
    B - 1
    C - 1


    A - 2
    B - 1

  • You cannot edit your votes once they have been cast, so please post carefully. Edited voting posts will be discounted.
  • Voting will be carried out in a separate voting thread here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/f1-caption-game-2014-voting-thread.126394/ Please also subscribe/watch that thread if you want to play.


Points are awarded to the captions that receive the most votes in the voting round. There are ten scoring positions:

1st - 25 points
2nd - 18 points
3rd - 15 points
4th - 12 points
5th - 10 points
6th - 8 points
7th - 6 points
8th - 4 points
9th - 2 points
10th - 1 point

In the event of a tie for any position, points are averaged and shared (rounding down where necessary), e.g. two people tied for 4th will both receive 11 pts ((12+10)/2); 3 people tied for 1st will receive 19 pts ((25+18+15)/3) etc.

In the event of tied scores in the final standings, the person with the most "wins" will be awarded the title.

Previous Champions

2005 - Solid Lifters
2006 - Pupik & DQuaN
2007 - Touring Mars
2008 - Touring Mars
2009 - Touring Mars
2010 - Touring Mars
2011 - LewyOs
2012 - prisonermonkeys & Touring Mars
2013 - no winner

Previous Final Standings

2013 Final Standings

Vettel won. Nothing to see here.

2012 Final Standings

1st: prisonermonkeys •••, Touring Mars ••• - 178 pts

3rd: Famine - 119 pts •
4th: ghskilla - 113 pts •
5th: LewyOs - 112 pts •
6th: dhandeh - 109 pts ••
7th: DK - 105 pts •••
8th: Flex0r - 98 pts ••
9th: niky - 86 pts
10th=: GTP_Ingram •, livemusic - 72 pts •

12th: gorsad - 68 pts •
13th: Jimlaad43 - 53 pts •
14th: pezzarinho17 - 52 pts
15th: Furinkazen - 51 pts •

16th: haitch40 - 44 pts •
17th: Pupik - 40 pts
18th: Akmuq - 33 pts
19th: C-ZETA - 32 pts
20th: Stiggy - 29 pts
21st: Omnis - 28 pts
22nd: RACECAR - 27 pts
23rd: zed300 - 25 pts
24th=: chromatic9, Ferrari_458, At 1ness, BlacqueJacques - 23 pts
28th: Liquid - 21 pts
29th: funkyDucks - 20 pts
30th: ECGadget - 18 pts
31st: tribolik, - 17 pts
32nd: axletramp - 14 pts
33rd=: FCB-Rizla-TML, DQuaN - 12 pts
35th: lemansfanatic - 11 pts
36th=: LMSCorvetteGT2, PeterJB - 8 pts
38th: Peter. - 4 pts
39th: Sach - 3 pts
40th: Tyger - 2 pts
41st=: Seismica, Turbo-Kai, homeforsummer - 1 pt

2011 Final Standings

1st: LewyOs - 206 pts

2nd: ADEuk - 183 pts
3rd: Touring Mars - 163 pts
4th: Famine - 117 pts
5th: niky - 110 pts
6th: PeterJB - 102 pts
7th: pezzarinho17 - 72 pts
8th: Pupik - 71 pts
9th: prisonermonkeys - 62 pts
10th: Alex. - 56 pts
11th: GTP_Ingram - 50 pts (1 win)
12th: livemusic - 50 pts (0 wins)
13th=: Jimlaad43; dhandes - 41 pts
15th: RACECAR - 37 pts
16th: Omnis - 35 pts
17th: TopGearFTW - 34 pts (1 win)
18th: haitch40 - 34 pts (0 wins)
19th: akmuq - 32 pts
20th: mafia_boy - 28 pts
21st: C-ZETA - 26 pts
22nd=: DQuaN , MrMulsanne - 25 pts (1 win)
24rd: AudioSpark - 24 pts
25th: BlacqueJacques - 22 pts
26th: ghskilla - 21 pts (1 win)
27th: daan - 21 pts
28th: mPWRD - 20 pts
29th: Peter. - 19 pts
30th: TheStig13 - 18 pts
31st=: race'emhard, driftking18594 - 17 pts
33rd: EDK - 16 pts
34th=: Bee, TheCracker - 11 pts
36th=: homeforsummer, PureAwesomeness - 10 pts
38th: peterjford - 8 pts
39th: Mynock005 - 5 pts
40th: lukecfc - 4 pts
41st=: F1Addict, granturismite - 3 pts
43rd=: adamp93, Tesla, Borna12345 - 2 pts

2010 Final Standings

1st: Touring Mars = 197 pts

2nd: Smallhorses = 161 pts
3rd: pippin4652 = 133 pts
4th: interludes = 126 pts
5th: PeterJB = 90 pts
6th: niky = 86 pts
7th: Soundtrack = 79 pts
8th: daan = 73 pts
9th: Famine = 69 pts
10th: ADEuk = 66 pts
11th: Omnis = 58 pts
12th: LewyOs = 51 pts
13th: Pupik = 38 pts
14th= SUPER NUMBBER, astrosdude91 = 35 pts
15th: TS = 33 pts
16th: mafia_boy = 32 pts
17th: TheStig13 = 31 pts
18th=: yeti, Alex., Jimlaad43 = 28 pts
21st=: zed300, chromatic9 = 24 pts
23rd: Pescara for GT5 = 23 pts
24th=: Terronium-12, ROAD_DOGG33J = 21 pts
26th: peterjford = 20 pts
27th: glassjaw = 19 pts
28th: PureAwesomeness = 18 pts
29th= ExigeEvan, Ian Poole = 16 pts
31st: TopGearFTW = 14 pts
32nd=: mipuumal, KobayashiFan, driftking18594 = 13 pts
35th=: , BlacqueJacques, livemusic = 12 pts
37th=: orimarc, Fastas, Beliall = 10 pts
40th=: NihilismOnToast, RACECAR = 9 pts
42nd=: Only_in_f1, analog = 8 pts
44th=: haitch40, atteiros = 7 pts
46th=: Carbonite, Justin, Raagentreg = 6 pts
49th: Peter = 5 pts
50th=: SaberFire, Seismica, Captain Roh = 4 pts
53rd=: Sureboss, Boundary Layer = 2 pts
55th: C-ZETA = 1 pt

2009 Final Standings

1st Touring Mars - 69 points

2nd Smallhorses - 60 points
3rd Soundtrack - 58 points
4th interludes - 48 points
=5th PeterJB, Omnis - 40 points
7th Pupik - 33 points
8th pippin4652 - 28 points
=9th mipuumal, zed300, Sureboss - 22 points
12th Bram Turismo - 20 points
=13th Chronos, peterjford, daan - 18 points
16th livemusic - 15 points
17th simracerworld - 14 points
18th orimarc - 13 points
19th Solid Lifters - 11 points
=20th MildAshers, mPWRD- 10 points
=22nd TheCracker, 80Y 2C2 - 8 points
=24th Only_in_f1, Famine, yeti, mafia_boy- 7 points
=28th Roo, Alex, PJ-FFL, LancerEvo7GSR, LewyOs - 6 points
=33rd ty00123, RACECAR - 5 points
35th TS- 4 points
36th 88c-v racer- 3 points
37th ROAD_DOGG33J - 2 points
=38th homeforsummer, in.s@ne, Ian Poole - 1 point

2008 Final Standings

1st. Touring Mars - 73 points

2nd. mipuumal - 53 points
3rd. Omnis - 52 points
=4th. Do you race?, Sureshot - 42 points
6th. Bee - 39 points
7th daan- 37 points
8th. Venari - 34 points
=9th. DQuaN, TheCracker, Pupik - 25 points
12th. FatAssBr - 23 points
13th. peterjford - 19 points
14th. Famine- 18 points
15th. SUPER NUMBER - 17 points
16th. Metar, Orimarc - 16 points
=18th. Roo, Serge.D, Bram Turismo - 13 points
21st. Solid Lifters- 12 points
22nd. RACECAR - 11 points
=23rd. nitro_2005, darkfinal, GT4 Genius, Alex - 10 points
27th. Smallhorses - 9 points
28th Specialized - 8 points
29th. Jani - 7 points
30th. Only_in_f1 - 6 points
=31st. VTRacing, Soundtrack - 5 points
=33rd. [FPV] Rusty, Motominded. PeterJB - 3 points
=36th. milkymidget, wrcsti, P3nT4gR4m, mafia_boy - 2 points
=40th. Webby Moto, Hun200KMH, zoxxy - 1 point

2007 Final Standings

1st: Touring Mars - 102 pts

2nd: Pupik - 62 pts
3rd: daan - 59
4. Alfaholic] - 52
5. TheCracker - 50
6. Kylehnat - 47
7. Specialized - 43
8. Bee - 39
9. Roo - 32
10. Do you race? - 31
11. FatAssBr - 27
12= -Diego-, Venari - 26
14= Solid Lifters, Danoff - 25
16. Blake - 22
17. peterjford - 21
18= Sureshot, Metar - 18
20= Small_Fryz, Only_in_f1 - 17
22. Famine - 16
23. DQuaN - 15
24. Sting - 12
25. Alex. - 11
26= Allianz, Jackington - 8
28. Appie17 - 6
29= Gashlycrumb, mipuumal - 5
31. Omnis - 4
32= XGT Taipan, Aquendwato, Smallhorses - 3

2006 Final Standings

1= RN3KKWWMT, Pupik - 27

3. TheCracker - 22
4. TVRKing - 21
5= Specialized, Soild Lifters - 20
7= Danoff, Famine - 18
9. slider-s15- 15
10. Bee - 13
11. daan - 11
12. Bubble Bunny - 10
13. Dimitrov, Roo - 7
14= MatttheTuner, Ricky Fitness, SuperT - 5
17= kylehnat, Slick Rick, Ev0 4 drifter, CardcaptorYoshi, CCX - 3
22. diablomonkey, FerrariF12007, Sting - 2
24= Jim Prower - 1

2005 Final Standings

1. Solid Lifters: 63

2. DQuaN: 56
3. Touring Mars: 48
kylehnat: 28
Diego440: 24
TheCracker: 24
GilesGuthrie: 23
Bubble Bunny: 22
TVRKing: 19
Specialized: 17
[FPV]Rusty: 16
Appie17: 15
impreza04: 13
Omnis: 12
Fonce Diablo: 10
Sting: 8
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1st: Liquid - 25 pts (J: 11 votes)
2nd: Touring Mars - 18 pts (R: 8 votes)
3rd: Jimlaad43 - 15 pts (T: 5 votes)
4th=: SVT Cobra GT, Flex0r, Axletramp - 10 pts (I, N, C: 3 votes)
7th=: GTP_Ingram, Niku Driver HC, Legro - 4 pts (B, F, L: 2 votes)

Entries with less than 2 votes: No score

Winning Entry


"There was a call for you from Maranello but we couldn't quite make out what they wanted over all the laughing."

Standings after Round Seven
* denotes Round Win (ties are settled in favour of most *s)

1st: Famine** - 77 pts
2nd: Touring Mars
* - 70 pts
3rd: GTP_Ingram
* - 54 pts

4th: Jimlaad43 - 52 pts
5th: prisonermonkeys - 48 pts
6th: Legro* - 45 pts
7th: Liquid* - 41pts
8th: Luke* - 37 pts
9th=: Pezzarinho17, Flex0r - 29 pts

11th=: Mike458*, Furinkazen, - 25 pts
13th: TheBook - 23 pts
14th: SVT Cobra GT - 26 pts
15th=: haitch40, axletramp - 19 pts
17th: RACECAR - 18 pts
18th: Soundtrack - 15pts
19th: Niku Driver HC - 13pts
20th: aarror - 10 pts
21st: mikeerfol, - 9 pts
22nd: Omnis - 8 pts
23rd=: niky, BlacqueJacques - 3 pts

Round Eight - Austria will follow shortly
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Round Eight - AUSTRIA



Entries by Monday, 29th June - 0900 BST

Please mark your final entry appropriately, and remember that you cannot change it once it has been marked.
Please read the full rules available in Post #1 before entering.​
You take over. You win. Seems legit. :P

It indeed seems that way. :odd:

@Liquid : Did the point count change without the topic start being edited?
According to the topic start SVT Cobra GT, Axletramp and I should receive 10 points((12+10+8)/3) instead of 6.
Or am I completely lacking caffeine and did I misinterpret the topic start. :confused:


Nico: You guys were right, even the champagne at Le Mans tastes better than F1's!
Introducing the new super soft tyre chair. It is really soft and comfortable.
@Liquid : Did the point count change without the topic start being edited?
According to the topic start SVT Cobra GT, Axletramp and I should receive 10 points((12+10+8)/3) instead of 6.
Or am I completely lacking caffeine and did I misinterpret the topic start. :confused:

No, you're correct. The averages threw me with my poor mathematic skills.

Points are all correct now. Nothing like some controversy to get us started in my first round running this. :embarrassed:

Hulkenberg: "If you turn the cameras off, I'll demonstrate Vijay's new all-natural tire inflation method."
No, you're correct. The averages threw me with my poor mathematic skills.

Points are all correct now. Nothing like some controversy to get us started in my first round running this. :embarrassed:

Well I'm glad you volunteered to host in absence of TM, so this slight bumpy start is forgiven. :sly:

"We're just waiting on Eddie, and then you'll have a complete set of tyre warmers."

Dang got dun tree'd on the tyre warmer joke. :irked:


Hulkenberg: "And no farting or you'll create flatspots on these super softs!"

Final entry
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Brundle and Hulkenberg look at each other with concern as Johnny looks lovingly at Nico.

This is the last known image of 3 lost Le Mans drivers, last seen in Austria this past weekend.

"See? They don't explode when you sit on them, so I hardly see your concern about tire explosions when you F1 pilots drive..."

Nico: Oh yes Johnny, leading a lap of an F1 race is millions of times better than winning Le Mans.

"As Nico, Martin and Johnny demonstrate you can sit comfortably on "rear" tyres, "front" tires on the other hand are uncomfortable and very impractical."

SkySports F1's Natalie Pinkham is about to endure a triple stint as her dinner dates for the evening wait patiently.

Martin Brundle's envy is clear to see as Nico Hülkenberg describes his date with Sky Deutschland's Tanja Bauer.

Hulkenberg: You guys are like an F1 car at a pitstop - because you are re-tired... ... ...that's the joke.

The three men pictured here have overall of 3 GP wins. The picture was originally supposed to be a lead to a question of how those victories distribute between the men, but Johnny still can't handle his smugness when sitting with people who haven't won a GP.

"We're here with Nico Hülkenberg to talk about one of the most exciting - and maybe one of the most important - things to happen in Formula 1 in recent years.

"Tell us, Nico: what do you think of the reports that Lewis is seeing one of the Kardashian sisters?"

Nico: So guys, now I know what it feels like to win Le Mans. Is it the same as winning a GP?

Martin's mind: Is he taking the p***?
Johnny's mind: Martin's gonna love that question!

"I was speaking with Gerhard Berger and Jean Alesi and they told me you two were Schumacher's boot shiner and water boy back at Benetton. Is that true?"
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