Fighterjets above Circuit de la Sarthe

  • Thread starter Fruitcake
When I get Gt4 style cars, with RSC2 poly counts, and RSC2 environments, then I'll be impressed.

Jets are quite cool though, if a little odd looking.
No, only as the green flag drops at the verry begining of the 24 hours of lemans on both the chicaned and unchicaned tracks.

I wonder, does this or any other aerobatics team do a flyover at the beginning of the real 24 hours of lemans?

Yes, Mr. Hell!

I heard about some Germany or French acrobatic team doing some presentations before this kinda race! ^^
No, only as the green flag drops at the verry begining of the 24 hours of lemans on both the chicaned and unchicaned tracks.

I wonder, does this or any other aerobatics team do a flyover at the beginning of the real 24 hours of lemans?

Yes, Mr. Hell!

I heard about some Germany or French acrobatic team doing some presentations before this kinda race [or event, if you want]!! ^^
How hard could it have been for them to put in time changes? This is the biggest and most glaring error in GT4 IMHO

At a guess I'd say the tracks in GT are all pre-rendered with a certain lighting compile, which is something that can't be changed on the fly - you'd need to stop the race and load up a second version of the track with a different lighting compile.

yes I know other lesser games can do it, but the engine of the game determines what can be done in these respects and variable lighting effects would seem not to be something the GT engine can do. I'm sure they would have considered it but felt there were other aspects of the game more requiring of the resources.

oh and the jets are aerobatic planes, not fighters ;)
Oh, stall us out on the "crummy AI" deal. I think we all realize that the AI is a b**** to contend with, but this is a broken record.

By the way, nice point, my fellow Texan h0ss. I think PD was working with a certain game engine and couldn't really manufacture such a shift in time. But don't fret. Chances are, we may see GT5 with the same driving physics, but a new graphics engine which features (but is not limited to) cycles in time, cycles in weather, maybe some damage (I heard it's possible with GT5), and maybe address all the issues GT gamers have b****ed about for GT4.

I think this can be done. My one real concern is about how you go about adding different lighting styles to buildings and such. I think if PD wants to examine day-to-night-to-day cycles, I recommend the Grand Theft Auto series. Play either Vice City or San Andreas and note the cycles of time. San Andreas does it a bit better than VC, but either game is good to use. There may not be realtime shading and reflective mapping, but it's nice to see day turn to evening, then night, and all the way back to the morning and afternoon.

PD's going to have to study this from other games, or if they can't be stopped, they can try making such time cycles themselves. And also, maybe look at Vice City and San Andreas and MotoGP 2 about weather. I wouldn't mind one or two more ice racing tracks for the next build, so snow would be cool. Okay, this is probably going to end up a wishlist, so I'll chill for now. Meanwhile, enjoy the fighter jet effect.
By the way, nice point, my fellow Texan h0ss. I think PD was working with a certain game engine and couldn't really manufacture such a shift in time. But don't fret. Chances are, we may see GT5 with the same driving physics, but a new graphics engine which features (but is not limited to) cycles in time, cycles in weather, maybe some damage (I heard it's possible with GT5), and maybe address all the issues GT gamers have b****ed about for GT4.

Bingo. In my company's engine, time of day lighting is burned into each set. That makes it possible for us to do some great shadowing and lighting effects, but we can't do really big lighting changes. We can do simple dynamic lights (like lights swinging on a string), but changing our burned-in lighting to a real-time lighting model is something that has to wait for the next generation of consoles.

Damage is something I'm personally NOT looking forward to. I have real doubts as to how fun it will be. Maybe people who can drive perfect gentlemanly laps with no touching have different opinions; for me, seeing a bunch of beautiful cars beat to all heck isn't going to make the game better.
No, they're Alpha Jets. The trailing edge of the wing is swept back too much to be a Hawk.
</aircraft recognition dork>
:lol: Not the only one.

I thought they were meant to be the British Red Arrows. As fighterjets cant carry the gas that you see. Also The Red Arrows are the only stunt team that uses red white and blue that I know of. And you may think why would the British Red Arrows be over a French track but hey the train in Cyprus so they get around. And also the Red, White and Blue is part of the English flag. And as I dont think you can zoom in to see what colour they are my guess is that they are The Red Arrow stunt team.
Hawk's are fighter jets. But they are used as advance trainers in the RAF.
(Lots of Air Forces have their own display teams, even the US navy has one (Blue Angels.))