Firehuntah's Custom Liveries

  • Thread starter Firehuntah
A quick livery this time thanks to the many decal uploaders, the classic WRC livery on the Gr.3 Version of the Subaru WRX. :)




Video of the livery + quick replay.

Merry Christmas everyone! I decided to share all of my dutch police liveries today, many people kept asking me to share these so here they finally are. Enjoy! :D


BMW M4 Politie - Original colors #1 - License FH-200-R

BMW M4 Politie - Original colors #2 - License FH-229-R

BMW M4 Politie - Uniform colors #1 - License FH-232-R

BMW M4 Politie - Uniform colors #2 - License FH-242-R

Nissan GT-R Politie - Original colors #1 - License FH-239-R

Nissan GT-R Politie - Uniform colors #1 - License FH-255-R
I know, another Red Bull livery. But I made this one on the Porsche 911 GT3 RS for the Suzuka endurance race in GT League since I'm going to use the 919 Hybrid with the Red Bull livery in the other endurance race. Thought it'd be cool to use cars from the same 'team'. :) So this is the same livery as on the 919 but with a few different lines and ideas. Also dutch license plates since it's actually a road car.


I can't promise this is my last Red Bull livery though, I really like these. :D I just wish we could move the default racing number so the Bull on the side is more to the front of the car.
Changing it up a bit by creating 2 liveries that are a bit more personal.

First one's for my favorite car, the Subaru WRX. Obviously there are some flames on the car and I was also able to import the fire wolf into the game, which has been in my avatars on forums, social channels and in games for around 15 years already. While it's probably not my best looking livery it is my most personal one and I'll definately enjoy racing with it. :)


And my second one is pretty much just a bit of shameless advertising for my blog/project and for the companies that helped making it possible. :) Could only make it on this BMW i3 since it's currently the only all electric car in GT Sport (besides maybe some of the Vision GT cars), wouldn't feel right to put this on any other car.



Since my 911 GT3 RS wasn't getting much use after the one endurance race in GT League I figured it would be better to have the livery on the 911 RSR as well since I use that car a lot more. So my Red Bull Porsche team just got bigger again, racing in 3 classes now. :) I think the livery actually looks best on this car too.




Since the BMW M4 seems to be pretty good now I wanted to make a livery for it that no one has done yet. So far I don't think I've seen this one yet. Made a replica of the 2012 Bimmerworld Epic Motorsports BMW M3 livery but on the M4 instead. I really like the shapes and color combination of it. :)

Real one.



My own.



Made a livery for my favorite brand, Samsung. Based on the 2012 M3 DTM livery but with some different things like the Galaxy Note 8 and the newer Samsung logo. Was a bit of a pain to get that Note8 into the game in decent quality and as for the picture on the phone there's pretty much no quality at all but yeah.. :lol: That's all you can do with 15kb limit I guess.

Based on this real car.


My own version of it. Bit less Exide Batteries, more Samsung. ;)




Made a livery for my favorite brand, Samsung. Based on the 2012 M3 DTM livery but with some different things like the Galaxy Note 8 and the newer Samsung logo. Was a bit of a pain to get that Note8 into the game in decent quality and as for the picture on the phone there's pretty much no quality at all but yeah.. :lol: That's all you can do with 15kb limit I guess.

Based on this real car.


My own version of it. Bit less Exide Batteries, more Samsung. ;)




available ?
looked with tags #bmw #samsung
nothing :(
available ?
looked with tags #bmw #samsung
nothing :(

Like most of my liveries, it's not available online, sorry. The livery editor is all about personalization for me so that I have unique cars to race with. Sharing the liveries defeats that purpose. ;) I've only shared some of my Gr. X cars so far since I don't really use them and one was a request. I might share some in the future but for now I'm keeping them private.
I finally decided to update the Red Bull livery of my Hyundai Genesis Gr3 that I made in the open beta. I think it looks a bit more authentic now. ;) I also went with semi gloss this time instead of matte, seems to look closer to what they use on the Red Bull F1 car.



Tomorrow I'll probably start working on an Aston Martin with a certain livery that's still unknown untill tomorrow morning. :P
So, as a big fan of Red Bull and their liveries I just had to do my own version of this one, even though there's many others in game who did it already. The RB14 livery on the Aston Martin V12 Vantage Gr3. Spent many hours on this one since it's so awesome, I wanted all of the little details to be there. Made all of the Red Bull logos and camo textures myself in Photoshop/Illustrator to get the most accurate result. :)




I've also shared all of the logos and textures that I made so that you can use them on whatever car you like. :) Tags for the decals are redbull, astonmartin, rb14.

The fun thing with the textures I made is that the 3 different colors for the 'pixels' are on a seperate layer, so I can easily recolor them. So let's say you want to bring it a bit closer to the actual Red Bull colors by using red/orange (can't use yellow since the white won't be as visible anymore) or maybe even pink/purple for the ladies? :D That can all be done. I do still prefer the blue though. ;)

used your Mobile logo :) do not know if the damaged Red Bull name is yours but I will search right now on your tags for downloading.

Thanks for the logo´s ,Red Bull fan myself :D

View attachment 717139 View attachment 717141

Both are looking very good! :) The disrupted Red Bull logo looks to be mine yeah, I see you used the different bull though, that one's not mine. :P I didn't even think to try a few different shades of gray with black, much better than the pink/purple that I did come up with. :lol: Also really like the colors on the Red Bull Mobile one. Glad you found a good use for the logos. I've checked the discover section and a lot of people are using my RB14 logos already, great to see. :) And well, I think almost all dutch people are Red Bull fans for some reason, not sure why really. :lol:
After getting this car with the new update it was a no brainer which livery to create first. The RB14 Special Edition livery now on a proper formula car. :) So many F1 liveries being made right now by everyone, it's great to see. Expect to see a few more from me as well. ;)




So, my second formula car already. This livery was requested here on GTPlanet, the STR F1 2018 concept by Tim Holmes Design. Bit difficult to get right with all the different lines of this car but I think it still came out alright. :)

Original concept:


My version:



The livery has been shared. Tags are redbull / honda / concept. Link:
Been a while since I created some liveries but with these newly released safety cars I just had to make one again. ;)

The Toyota Crown joins my Dutch police fleet, using the new 2019 striping for bettery visibility. The stripes are much wider than the old version and the bright red/orange-ish is now just red. The blue is still pretty much the same as before. Was really going for 100% accuracy on this one. Even the cutout of the stripes in the door handles and the trunk are there, just like on the real cars. My other police cars were made before the decal uploader went live so this one is ofcourse much more accurate. All of the decals I've created and uploaded myself, they will be shared soon. So will this car.



I thought my Toyota Crown turned out good yesterday with the Dutch police (Politie) livery but I think it looks even better on the Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat. :D It's not a car that they'd use here in the Netherlands though but still cool nonetheless. This one's also using the new 2019 striping for better visibility. The stripes are much more accurate on this one, I had to edit them a little bit on the Crown as I had them a bit too wide on there. As for the Charger, since there's no spot for a front license plate (legally required here) I had to place a small license sticker on the bullbar which is sort of legal-ish. It's the police anyways, they can do whatever they want. :P



Would really like to share these 2 police liveries but as there are issues with the server I can't right now. I'll share them as soon as I can. :) The decals I used are already shared though, you can find all of them with the tag #politie.
Alright, was able to upload both of them in between the downtimes of the server. :lol:

Hope you all had a great Christmas! Here's a little gift from me. :) Both the Toyota Crown and Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat with the new 2019 Dutch police liveries are now shared! You can find them with the tags #politie / #police / #dutch. Enjoy!


I will edit in the links to the liveries on the GT website as soon as it comes back up again. For now, just search in game with the supplied tags.

Edit: Here are the links.

Toyota Crown Politie - 2019 striping

Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat Politie - 2019 striping
Last edited:
Ever since I got the Ford GT in GT Sport I only wanted one thing, to recreate Shmee150's Ford GT. I really like his YouTube channel and how it's grown over the years, especially with his impressive personal collection of cars.

Many people did this one already in-game but the one's I checked weren't very accurate. Either the colors being off, the stripes being too wide/small or the spacing between the stripes not being right. And many were also trying to use the long license plate (EU style) which doesn't look good as the car in-game has the US style license plate. And most importantly, none of them actually have the famous Henry Ford quote on it. All of Shmee150's cars have a famous quote on the license plate that's connected to the manufacturer of the car somehow. So yeah.. missing that important detail is not acceptable for me. :P

So.. that's why I had a go at this myself. Using the factory color Liquid Red and adding the 2 stripes in the Alan Mann gold/yellow color with the exact same width + space inbetween. His license plate SH66 MEE on the back with the famous Henry Ford quote below it, but modifying it a bit to the dimensions of the US style license plate. And also the BBS rims that look very similar (the actual BBS rims aren't in the game). I think it looks great this way. :)




And now for my last Dutch Police livery, the Renault Megane RS. :) This one was a bit more difficult as it's a much smaller car. Had to play around a lot with the stripes to get them just right. Ended up having to make the Politie logo a bit smaller though as it didn't look good if it came onto the rear wheel fender. Also had to move the police (non-)emergency numbers up a bit more than where you'd usually find them on their cars. But still I think it turned out quite nice. :)



Also Happy New Year to everyone! :D


This Renault Megane Politie livery has also just been shared.

Just as with my old Politie / Dutch Police liveries I changed the colors of these new ones to match the uniform colors. This gives the cars a more aggressive look. Sadly they will probably never use these colors here. The Dutch police have used their traditional white with blue and red stripes for a very long time now and don't think that will ever change. Would really like to see them use these colors though, looks so much better. :)

I think the Renault Mégane actually looks best with these colors. I could actually use the yellow the way I wanted to, fit really well with the body lines of the car. On the Toyota Crown and Dodge Charger this was more difficult. That's why the Crown has less yellow all around, it's at least good we can chrome delete it though. ;) And the Charger has a complete yellow front to make it look more aggressive than the others.




These liveries are also shared.

Renault Mégane RS Politie - Uniform colors:
Toyota Crown Politie - Uniform colors:
Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat Politie - Uniform colors:
Decided to update my old Politie / Dutch Police liveries to the 2019 striping and make them as accurate as my other ones. The BMW M4 is up first, both in the original white with blue and red stripes and the uniform colored one.





Both these liveries are shared.

BMW M4 Politie - 2019 Striping original:
BMW M4 Politie - 2019 Striping uniform colors:
Needed some more time to update the Nissan GT-R Politie / Dutch Police to the 2019 striping, quite tricky with some of the body lines on this car. But think it turned out pretty good. Much better than my old livery on this anyway, looking back at it that one wasn't very accurate at all. This one pretty much is, just on the rear I had to tweak the design a little bit. Usually the stripes are only on the trunk part of the car. But since the GT-R's trunk is so tiny it just looks better to have the stripes all over the rear of the car. So yeah, sacrificed a little bit of accuracy for better looks on this one. :P

Ofcourse I made it in both the original white with red and blue stripes and the uniform colors again. :)





These liveries are shared.

Nissan GT-R Politie - 2019 Striping Original:
Nissan GT-R Politie - 2019 Striping Uniform colors:

Now that was really it for my Politie / Dutch Police liveries, no more! ;) I skipped the AMG GT Safety Car back then with my old liveries and will do the same now. It just won't look good on it with the body lines it has. Might have to do something else with that car but still don't know what. Have to think of some ideas. :)

And lastly, here's my whole finished Politie squad, in both versions. :D


After my Dutch police liveries I wanted to do something else. While it technically still uses the Dutch police stripes it does look very different. :) This livery is a replica of NL.C63S's real wrapped Mercedes-Benz AMG C63S placed on the Mercedes-Benz AMG GTS Safety Car in GT Sport. I really liked the look of it and think it turned out great, even with the very different body lines. The satin black with Petronas green details and grayscale Dutch police striping really make this look awesome. Check out his instagram if you want to see more of the real car. His wrap is actually just a recolered design of the 2016 Bathurst 12H Mercedes-Benz AMG C63S Safety Car but with grayscale Dutch police stripes underneath and some Mercedes F1 sponsors.



Some videos of his real car:
Driving on the road
Getting it wrapped

This livery has been shared. Link to livery in GT Sport:
Noticed I hadn't done an SF19 livery yet and was still driving it with the basic full carbon look. Was kind of waiting for the right moment, wanted to make the RB16 camo livery when they would show it before winter testing but well.. that never happened unfortunately. And the actual RB16 livery is just the same old again. Then I thought maybe the Alpha Tauri livery but everyone and their mother already made that one so that wasn't really an option either. I wanted something more unique. Then I stumbled upon this very nice RB15 concept livery on Reddit by LxbileSZN and knew right away that I just had to recreate this one.


It's basically a recolored version of the RB15 specially made for the Suzuka Grand Prix.
I searched for it and doesn't look like anyone else has actually done this one, at least properly. So it was pretty nice to get this one done. I did upgrade it a little bit by using the RB16 sponsors and changed the design slightly for the SF19. But I tried to keep most of it the same. Just added my personal racing number. And using Honda's Championship White as base color (with Red Bull's usual matte finish), thought that'd be more fitting. :)




And also a video of the livery.
