Forza 5 Vs Gran Turismo 6, a detailed analysis

  • Thread starter pathong
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Hello everyone.
As a person who watches heaps of gaming related videos, I always wanted to make one of my own.
So here is a Forza 5 Vs Gran Turismo 6 analysis I put together over the past 8 hours.
I have covered the pros and cons of both games and alot of information.
I received plenty of positive feedback from this, so hopefully you folks will enjoy it.
Great video mate. :cheers:

1. It's Suzuka not Suzuki :D
2. You completely forgot to mention the Drivatar feature in the conclusions (inovative features) about FM5. It's a great feature n my opinion. :)
FM5 recycling old content for money is evil .... lol

PD will be doing this exact thing for the coming months with old revamped tracks

Not a bad job mate.. if a little early ;)
So the guy spent time and effort to make a video preview of the two major racing games on console, and you're bothered because he opened a new thread to post it?

So the guy spent time and effort to make a video preview of the two major racing games on console, and you're bothered because he opened a new thread to post it?

I feel your frustration but the mods have been clear about exact duplicate threads which this one is. If you allow one duplicate, you have to allow more, then pretty soon the boards are filled with multiple, identical topic threads. Don't shoot the messenger:crazy: The video will still be great and useful and informative in it's own proper thread. 👍👍
The whole money hording of Forza games make me sick. Hope GT doesn't dip into this all time low

Pricing of these particular goods is a delicate matter. So much as the variable cost is 0, no matter how many DLC you sell, companies determine the price to maximize their revenue, and that depends completely on the demand (i.e. the number of customers willing to pay a determined price, times such price).
So, would it be the same selling one dlc for $1.000.000 or 1.000.000 dlcs for 1$?
Well, no: because these goods share what we call "net externalities", which means that to a costumer the product adquires more and more value as more customers adquire the same product. You wouldn't pay a million for a dlc you'd have no one to race with.
And then, of course, there's an outside option, which is GT6, but it has a switching cost: the cost of buying a PS3, if you don't have one.
Hence, if MS adopts this price policy, there are two possible options: 1)there is a large amount of people willing to pay that much or 2) MS price policy is completely wrong.
I feel your frustration but the mods have been clear about exact duplicate threads which this one is. If you allow one duplicate, you have to allow more, then pretty soon the boards are filled with multiple, identical topic threads. Don't shoot the messenger:crazy: The video will still be great and useful and informative in it's own proper thread. 👍👍

A good moderator applies the rules.
A great moderator applies common sense.
I actually took the time to watch this video, and was unaware that Forza 5 only has 200 cars. That was a very bad move by Turn 10 especially with the DLC announcement of old content. I'm glad Gran Turismo doesn't sink to that level because it just shows that they don't need money to win over the fans. Thanks for the review! 👍
I'm still going to say T10 shouldn't have wasted their time with Forzavista, why sacrifice 300 decent looking cars for a useless feature? I'm also still not liking them reselling old content, who's idea was that?

Nonetheless it's still a pretty good game, but it would have been better if T10 at least delayed the game (which I knew they should have). But oh well.
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I actually took the time to watch this video, and was unaware that Forza 5 only has 200 cars. That was a very bad move by Turn 10 especially with the DLC announcement of old content. I'm glad Gran Turismo doesn't sink to that level because it just shows that they don't need money to win over the fans. Thanks for the review! 👍
I honestly don't think 200 cars is really that bad. However, 14 tracks, no track generator/editor, and no plans for track DLC, is laughably short-sighted. I have no idea how people are going to be able to play the game for more than 2 months without getting sick of driving on the same tracks over and over again.
I honestly don't think 200 cars is really that bad. However, 14 tracks, no track generator/editor, and no plans for track DLC, is laughably short-sighted. I have no idea how people are going to be able to play the game for more than 2 months without getting sick of driving on the same tracks over and over again.
I get what you mean by the cars, because it's like GT3 (still fun to play) all over again, but I agree that the track amount is going to kill this game. They should actually listen to their fanbase and put all of their previous tracks from the games in, or if not all of them, then at least a couple.
Good thing about the CSR wheel it will work on GT5, so that means we need a new logo for the wheel and support!
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