Forza Motorsport 4 Server Status

It keeps going up and down and it's quite annoying if you want to play online.

I hear you there. I just lost a ton of money in the AH due to the server being down. 20 +/- cars sold at a lose of about 220k total. My estimated profit would have been about 1.5 Million. That's if most the cars sold at about the same range as others in the auction house.:banghead:
I hear you there. I just lost a ton of money in the AH due to the server being down. 20 +/- cars sold at a lose of about 220k total. My estimated profit would have been about 1.5 Million. That's if most the cars sold at about the same range as others in the auction house.:banghead:

So it is down again :crazy:
I feel for you Hotel Soap. To think I felt bad when I spent 20k on a livery only for it to vanish into thin air but if folks are losing megacredits Turn 10 are going to catch a lot of fan flak (for what is probably a Microsoft problem, LOL).
I won an F1 for 1,000 and the server crashed when I went to collect. 1,000 isn't a lot but the money I would've made from selling it would've come in handy.
It is a rather annoying issue, no doubt. Hopefully they're working at it to get that issue resolved entirely.
Pants. Slippy just beat my British production car rival mode.
Oh aye says I, I'll have a bash at that.
Oh no says server.

Enjoy your moment slippy. Mmmwwwahhhaa.

Rather annoyingly, I was just about to bid on a Daytona Coupe that was going for around 150k. Drats.
I won a Daytona for 48k last weds when the servers crashed - got 1.25mill for it after auction !

However payback was last night when servers crashed again 4 of my auctions sold for pennies :(

I also sold my own designed Datsun 510 for over 5million the other day too !! Absolutely crazy - they have been selling like hot cakes !
I keep getting error or super duper long charging time when I try to race online against someone. Didnt happen the other day dunno what's wrong.
It ran very well for me over the weekend.

One thing that I dont like that is still present in F4 is if you are about to click a picture in your storefront or tuning setup, or anything else, it sends your square back to the first one in the upper left. Drives me nuts! I go over 2 or 3 squares then down and bloop back to the top left. :ouch:
It's fine on my end.

And that's saying something considering I've felt like I've had more server-related problems than anyone else. :grumpy:
Some of the Forza 4 problems are releated. I had one slowdown last night but other than that it ran fine.

At least you are not trying to play BF3. I heard that game is an absolute disaster online right now. Which should not surprise anyone since its an EA FPS game. EA has yet in my history of gaming to release a FPS that actually worked when it was launched. Thats why I dont buy EA FPS anymore. But I do rent them for the campaign.
Servers are back up, we had to take them down for maintenance.

The problem with the car club thumbnails showing up as black is fixed now. If you are still seeing black thumbnails in the garage go to the main FM4 splash menu (the big 4) and then back into your garage to fix it. If any of you guys are still experiencing the black thumbnail after that send me a PM please :)
I wasn't on the forum at the time but can confirm that they were up shortly after Jube's announcement. That's fast service.