Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers
Thankfully i live in a city big enough to have both huge multiplexes and smaller 'boutique' theatres. Some of the bigger multis also have some more exclusive screens where you pay a bit more but you get better, more spaced out seating etc. If you don't absolutely have to watch a film the day it comes out, there are plenty of ways to avoid the riff raff.
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toddler cellphone.jpg

I hated doing "resets". They literally occurred overnight after the close of business, and then we'd forget where pasta was located for the next two weeks.

Half your customers who never been to your store thought it was brilliant that "sauce is conveniently located by pasta" and the rest of of us didn't understand why tomato sauces were no longer with all the other jarred and canned vegetables.

Sure beats removing several tons of ice cream, though.