G923 Help since GT7 patch 1:19

  • Thread starter robisme
West Yorkshire,
Hi, Need some help here, PD screwed up this wheel before with a patch, now since they "corrected" things with 1:19, I've gone back to it. But I never got the settings right before, no I've not got a clue lol, so easy to loose control on right then lefts, or other left right close together, bumps and rattles and spins me out of control lol, two sec's a lap slower than with controller. Anyway just been messing with settings, no idea whats best, steering sensitivity on 7, FF max torque 7, FF sensitivity 2, but that is not good. Any ideas please, other than chuck in bin or stick to controller. many thanks for any advice.
your max torque on the game is likely way to high. I would pick an easy car to drive and go just play with around those setting. My guess is 2-5 max torque and 5-8 sensitivity would be the range you are likely to fall in. There also might be logitech hardware setting you can access to really adjust what the wheel is doing.

the assymetrical thing is likely you but who knows. its unlike your wheel is easier to turn one way and not the other, its probably a coordination/strength thing from you.
PD borked the G923 in 1.17. They fixed most of it in 1.18. The wheel would still go limp and slightly off center sometimes for some reason in 1.18. The only fix I found for that was to restart the game and/or the PS4.

The wheel has not gone limp so far in 1.19, so I'm hoping whatever they borked since 1.17 has finally been fixed completely now.

In terms of settings, I use max torque/sensitivity of 6/4, respectively. Also, plug the wheel into a PC and use the Logitech G HUB to check that the wheel firmware is up to date (latest should be v138.0.34) and that all wheel settings are at default. You can check the wheel's calibrations in the Options menu in the game now as well.
I’ve said it here before, but Logitech’s recommended settings for the G923 are 4/1. I’ve been using them since the beginning and they feel pretty good.
I’ve said it here before, but Logitech’s recommended settings for the G923 are 4/1. I’ve been using them since the beginning and they feel pretty good.
Hi, which of the 3 settings 4/1 ? there is, steering sensitivity, FF max torque, FF sensitivity.
Anyway guys thanks for your help, changed settings similar to advised, went somewhere easier to try, than Kyoto, so tried High Speed Ring circuit experience, which I had gold except for the 1 full lap, took a few goes, but got the gold eventually, 1st with a wheel on GT since 1998 when I first tried GT, used to gold everything with controller back then, but at 66yr old I thought a wheel would be easier for the hands, never guess it would take so much practice. Anyway I shared it online High Speed Ring 1 Lap gold.
Torque at 4 and FF sensitivity at 1. Steering sensitivity is supposedly only for controllers though some people claim it makes a difference (I’ve never noticed).