Gran Casino

  • Thread starter badboy__93
Race Results-Dec.3/14-wkend gambler
Nightkids_Corn vs PrijectD-TofuMan
Miata Na vs Miata NC
Sierra sectional touge 37/20/37
Amount 6000
Winner: ProjectD-TofuMan

You must rerun the race to count it.
I told him an naturally he is upset we will figure it out. Told both it was invalid. All good we will run at later date
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I did say to moon and i take full responsiblity for this. That he could sign up upon race completion and he did. However you are the admin im just the guy who ensures the posts are up accurately. So its your decision
I did say to moon and i take full responsiblity for this. That he could sign up upon race completion and he did. However you are the admin im just the guy who ensures the posts are up accurately. So its your decision
Well I will accept the race if your the one who told him he could sign up after. But no more stuff like that.
Craft challenged Chiva to Nur. His 86 held it down against my S2. Gr, gw. 2.5k to Craft

TEAMRAD_in1st challenges
Nurb 24H reverse from the Audi banner, on December 4th at 3pm EST
8,000 credits
Weekend Gambler
Do you accept?

Chiv challenges Tater Tot 525
Rx8? Vs S2
5k, 1 lap Sierra
All side bets are welcome.
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Craft challenged Chiva to Nur. His 86 held it down against my S2. Gr, gw. 2.5k to Craft

Race Results
Chiva_xRx vs minecraftian513
Delorean vs Ae86
Nurb 24hr
Amount 2,500
Winner: minecraftian513

FUTURE REFERENCE! If you do not post in this format it wont count!

Race Results-HighRolla-Dec.3/14
Hazardous-Fury- vs badboy__93
Fury, CTR2 vs badboy, 458 Italia
Sierra 2 laps
Amount 30,000
Winner: badboy_93
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Race Results-Weekend Gambler-Dec.3/14
tater_tot525- vs chiva_xRx
tater_tot525, RX-8 vs chiva_xRx, DeLorean
Sierra 1 lap reverse
Amount 5,000
Winner: tater_tot525
Badboy__93 vs chiva_xRx
chamonix main 2 laps Rev
1500 cr
weekend Gambler

Exodus-Fury89 vs chiva_xRx
Sierra 1 laps Rev
10000 cr
weekend Gambler

Side bet on exo vs chiva_xRx
Side bet of 750 badboy__93 vs Nightkids_Corn
winner -badboy__93
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Race Results
Weekend Gambler
Nightkids_Corn vs Fendi_3000-007
86GT vs. Eunos Roadster
Nurb 24h Touge
Amount: What each party had left (NKC: 2750. Fendi: 3k)
Winner: Nightkids_Corn
Badboy__93 vs chiva_xRx
chamonix main 2 laps Rev
1500 cr
weekend Gambler

Exodus-Fury89 vs chiva_xRx
chamonix main 2 laps Rev
10000 cr
weekend Gambler

Side bet on exo vs chiva_xRx
Side bet of 750 badboy__93 vs Nightkids_Corn
winner -badboy__93

Well cant say i remember running chiva. But eh if he beat me i will say good show. Apparently corn was there an i dont remember. God darn hang overs suck. But eh chiva ill be the first to say good show. We will have to get her done on a sober note next wk. Time to get back to #1 wow no more drunk driving for Sierra's White Comet
Race result-Dec 5/14-Wkend G
Me v Moon
Dc5 v s2k
Nur 1 lap
Amount 5,000
Winner: toe-gei

May need to be run, I went off track and paused game (damage) and apparently this isn't allowed? Never heard off this rule. So a re run may be needed?

I didn't know this is a rule? Everyone said it is, I've never been told so I believe a re run should be given not a win to moon. I didn't know!
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I didn't know this is a rule? Everyone said it is, I've never been told so I believe a re run should be given not a win to moon. I didn't know!

I have spoken with both. And explain the reality of the situation. That we have to treat every run as if it were real life. And if this were a LotS event i believe you would go under the context that ghosting in a LotS race would result in a DQ. And we did establish in the tuner or concept race ghosting would result in a DQ. So we shall converse an figure it out.
I didn't know this is a rule? Everyone said it is, I've never been told so I believe a re run should be given not a win to moon. I didn't know!
I have spoken with both. And explain the reality of the situation. That we have to treat every run as if it were real life. And if this were a LotS event i believe you would go under the context that ghosting in a LotS race would result in a DQ. And we did establish in the tuner or concept race ghosting would result in a DQ. So we shall converse an figure it out.

I say a rerun should be done. But I feel like the decision should be made between the too racing in this instance. If moon feels he might have won if toe had not ghosted then rerun. If not then let it stand.
Race Results-Dec.5/14-Wkend Gambler
Exodus-Fury89 vs PerfectSniper320
Rx-7 FC vs Rx-7 FC
Sierra Reverse Touge
Amount 2,000
Winner: Exodus-Fury89

I say a rerun should be done. But I feel like the decision should be made between the too racing in this instance. If moon feels he might have won if toe had not ghosted then rerun. If not then let it stand.

Well since i was there and from the individuals spectaiting. Toe-Gei wouldve had full frontal damage and moon apparently was on his rear. It happened at the high speed straight of nurb before the finish. Had Toe-Gei not ghosted he wouldve had full frontal damage and not been able to regain the lead for a win. So i believe and it is in my opinion 5k should be awarded to moon based on the facts. And position an spectaitors viewing.
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Well since i was there and from the individuals spectaiting. Toe-Gei wouldve had full frontal damage and moon apparently was on his rear. It happened after the back straight of nurb before the finish. Had Toe-Gei not ghosted he wouldve had full frontal damage and not been able to regain the lead for a win. So i believe and it is in my opinion 5k should be awarded to moon based on the facts. And position an spectaitors viewing.
I'm sorry but this is not graded by spectators or your opinion. The only two opinions that count are moons and toe gei. If moon wants a rerun then rerun. Fact is you don't know what would have happen because. He could have hit the wall bounced back on track and hit moon. No speculation. Rerun.
Well since i was there and from the individuals spectaiting. Toe-Gei wouldve had full frontal damage.It happened at the high speed straight of nurb before the finish. By the sandbox. It was understeer in the wall and paused out. Had Toe-Gei not ghosted he wouldve had full frontal damage and not been able to regain the lead for a win. So i believe and it is in my opinion 5k should be awarded to moon based on the facts. And position an spectaitors viewing.

My apologies badboy. I was in the lobby but i got all the facts from moon. And based off the angle and speed and the metal guard rail. And spectators he sould be awarded a loss an moon the win. I had to converse with Q and toe gei an perfectsniper and moon and i personally feel that it should be DQ. But u have the power not i.

I'm sorry but this is not graded by spectators or your opinion. The only two opinions that count are moons and toe gei. If moon wants a rerun then rerun. Fact is you don't know what would have happen because. He could have hit the wall bounced back on track and hit moon. No speculation. Rerun.
I understand. Moon will converse with u at later date.
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Do to recent events I want to let everyone know somthing. We all have been pretty lenient with giving each other reruns and such. Well I am going to take a more strict approach. The rules have been clearly posted about ghosting and reruns now. There will be no reruns unless it is double or nothing. No matter how soon they wreck off the start.

I'm not mad about anything that has happened. Everyone has my thanks for making this tournament do so well.

If anyone has any questions on the rules please contact me on here via private message or psn (psn slower way of contacting me)
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GTR-TOUGE challenges
Chamonix Main reverse 1 lap 3,500 cr sometime saturday
Weekend Gambler

Do you accept?

GTR-TOUGE challenges
Sierra 2 laps
2,000 credits
Weekend Gambler
Do you accept

GTR-TOUGE challenges
chamonix main 3 laps
45,000 cr
High roller
Do you accept
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GTR-TOUGE challenges
Chamonix Main reverse 1 lap 3,500 cr sometime saturday
Weekend Gambler

Do you accept?

Badboy__93 challenges GTR-TOUGE
Monday December 8th
chamonix main 2 laps reverse
5000 credits
Weekend Gambler
Accept my challenge?
Race results for the Tuner/Concept run

1st) Hazardous-Fury-
2nd) slidinsidewayz_2
3rd) Exodus_Fury89
4th) ShadowWolf354
5th) Toe-Gei
6th) jonjon1444
7th) Ryan_Cooper22
8th) Moon_KaidoRacers

Badboy i sent the photos in the convo i was involved in. If u need more proof then that. Well i got an entire video i could record on my cell. Anyways i dont care an i will not be spoken to like that an i will not tolerate ignorance or rudeness after all the hard work ive done for LotS and the Gran Casino and my crew an my self. That is all im saying about this and as far as im concerned its just a person who is a sore loser. Even shadow an moon said it after vemon was sweed on to me after the race.
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Exo how was I rude to you in anyway? I asked you your standing on it and I never accused anyone of anything. And I disn't not ignore you my phone simply died last night and I fell asleep. I mean I only get up at 4 my time for work and you sent those around midnight my time.
Nothing is happening because of what was said by many other people. I just wanted to see the evidence. If anything I have been more then understanding and very flexiable about everything.
Fact is I guess I should have stayed in room so I could save replay.
You may have felt ignored, but you have no idea how many people were sending me messayed after the race. It was so bad I couldn't record. You can ask the people I was playing with I wasn't moving or doing anything almost got kicked for inactivity.
and please from now on private messay me with stuff like this instead of making it public.

Anyway I will post the prizes for the ra e after I get home tonight. I will have the stats updated and ready to go for the second week of competition tonight. Good luck to everyone. Hope to battle everyone this coming week.
I challenge everyone 10000 credit chamonix main 3 laps weekend gambler ( if your broke I take checks or credit card) lol
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