[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Now try not to gang rape me due to my suggestion, but I hope this "Major Advancement" is the addition of Motorcycles.

How can anyone look at a screenshot like this......


....and not hope that just a few of those 1000 cars....were Motorcycles!👍
Me not want motorcycles, sorry.

I just hope its not a gimmick feature like 3-D, head tracking or a livery editor which wouldn't make any sense given the clues.
You'd be surprised how many people would go ape over a fully user definable race mod with a livery editor. Remember Photo Mode, and how many of us, me included, wondered why this was such a big deal? Now I couldn't live without it. Forza really opened my eyes to the potential of livery painting, and when some new race car appears and you find out someone created it, I guarantee you that people will be paying all kinds of credits for car artists to make cars for them. You won't need any artistic talent yourself. Of course this still depends on GT5 having one, but don't sell it short. Having the capability to create unique identities for yourself as well as online racing teams makes a livery editor almost essential. And in this regard, I'll tell you what would be really big: tablet support.

(train-cliff piccie... guys, don't quote images, it's hard on the service)

3 weeks left till TGS and already we have the ball rolling for it.. so what happens if all they anounce a few cars? are we gona see another tyraid of threads like after gamescom? stating PD suck ect ect ect
Most of us didn't expect anything from Games-Com, so when we got the crazy amount of stuff during that, people still complained. People are going to complain when we get the freaking game! :lol:

I 970 G'd forza, correct me if i'm wrong but thats quite alot of hours spent playing it, and it's apparant to me, theirs a huge gulf in the physics and graphical quality between f2 and GT5P, can you honestly dissagree with that ?

I just find it pathetic people come here hyped for F3 but then start putting people down for hyping GT5, then start moaning about fanboyism.
Word up on that. I mean, people being hyped for GT5 on a Gran Turismo board?! How dare they!

But as for your comparison above, I wouldn't go so far as to say there's a "huge gulf," but there definitely is one. In my case, it's not just the driving and racing, it's the whole package that soured me on F2.
  • Oversteering physics.
  • Last gen camera angles that don't suit me, and make taking turns a struggle.
  • Limited number of tracks, very tiring, and DLC tracks which are worthless in single player.
  • A limited garage that fills quickly, even with a hard drive.
  • Bugs and crashes. LOTS of bugs and crashes. The livery editor bugs made me quit painting cars, which is the coolest thing about the game for me, plus the fact my garage is full with only 360 cars. I'm beginning to really hate that number...
Because of all that, I've only booted the game three times in a year: one was to do a crash test for a post here, and the other two times were to see if there was anything cool going on at the Auction House. If there was an awesome car, I'd make room for it somehow. But no.

Instead, I've even gone back to GT4, and have been enjoying the heck out of it! Despite Prologue showing it up in the car physics department, it's still good enough to enjoy, especially around the Nurburgring. Oh lawd, that is still such a thrill, especially on an HDTV. And the wealth of cars and tracks... I'm still collecting cars. And at some point, I have to tackle those enduros. As much as the wait for GT5 has me angsting, GT4 and Prologue make the wait bearable. Like many of you, FW3 will be a fun diversion, but when GT5 comes out, I doubt I'll touch it again unless GT5 doesn't have a livery editor.
Wow, there have been a lot of cool suggestions as to what the major advancement might be.

-Motorcycles? Meh, they don't thrill me. I'd rather them not be in GT5, but because GT5 is shaping up to be different from the past titles, there is a chance. My fear is that the series would steer away from its roots and what made it great; THE CARS! I'd be a little disappointed to see bikes in GT5. This means more attention away from the cars, and I dislike that. Leave the bikes for MidnightClub.

-3-D? Whatever... This doesn't really appeal to me. I'm not 12 anymore. However, I admit it's new and fascinating, but it wouldn't be a selling factor for me. Do you really want to wear glasses all the time? Can they even make it 3D without the use of glasses? I bet I'd like it more if I tried it though. Who knows, really?

-Dynamic weather/day/night cycles? This seems very plausible. First we see a general trailer at E3 '09, then we see damage at GamesCom in August, and now in September we see this important addition. It makes sense chronologically and it makes sense for the progression of the series. It would be great to see this implemented. It would make the simulation factor of GT 100 times more realistic and interesting. Weather in HD will be beautiful, no matter how ugly the weather may become.

-Livery editor?
Good idea. Many people would be in favor of this, as am I. It's one thing to race in your car, and it's another to make that car your own. In Gran Turismo, you buy and earns cars but they don't really feel yours, do they? You must pick the right color or you're screwed. Bringing customization into Gran Turismo would remove that distant feeling we've been used to. Let us get more intimate with cars because, after all, they are our passion too, PD :)
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I think GT5 just missed the release. In december, half of the motoring consolists will have X360 + Forza.

Not quite, since the "wandering type" could've bought the 360 + FM2 already. However I think that it would be a big mistake not to announce the solid release date, whenever it might be.

About the motorcycles - wouldn't kill for them. Make it an optional DLC add-on ;P. I just want the damn show to happen!
Leave the motorcycles for Tourist Trophy 2 people. Why should it be in GT when PD also made a motorcycle game with a possible sequel coming later on?

Sure GTHD had it, but GTHD wasn't really thought out that well to begin with.
Leave the motorcycles for Tourist Trophy 2 people. Why should it be in GT when PD also made a motorcycle game with a possible sequel coming later on?

Sure GTHD had it, but GTHD wasn't really thought out that well to begin with.

WHY? I Wonder How could be take a race car vs motorcycle.. This can be good fun..
-Dynamic weather/day/night cycles? This seems very plausible. First we see a general trailer at E3 '09, then we see damage at GamesCom in August, and now in September we see this important addition. It makes sense chronologically. It would be great to see this implemented. It would make the simulation factor of GT 100 times more realistic and interesting. Weather in HD will be beautiful, no matter how ugly the weather may become.

I hope PD is taking notes. I want to believe that they understood the fact that, before damage, THIS is what the fans of the series asked for.

I really, really hope they put some time onto this. Night racing on GT has always been "full of lights", so to me it doesn't really count.

And weather, this one we never had a glimpse of.
Dynamic weather and time/Livery editor and I'll be a happy camper.

Oh yeah...any thread that mentions Motorcycles should be locked.
Leave the motorcycles for Tourist Trophy 2 people. Why should it be in GT when PD also made a motorcycle game with a possible sequel coming later on?

Sure GTHD had it, but GTHD wasn't really thought out that well to begin with.
Indeed, having motorcycles in a Gran Turismo game is so 2006! :lol: I'd rather have them in a separate game; after all, this isn't PGR4! ;)
Speaking of livery, Wasent there something about Kaz having a huge screen of GTHD features. And it said in big white bold letters Color/livery editor. I think the pretty much confirms livery for GT5, Seeing as how all the other things on the list have been confirmed.

But this is just my opinion.
Speaking of livery, Wasent there something about Kaz having a huge screen of GTHD features. And it said in big white bold letters Color/livery editor. I think the pretty much confirms livery for GT5, Seeing as how all the other things on the list have been confirmed.

But this is just my opinion.
here's the presentation, pause at 1:34 for the online features: "coloring/livery editor"...they could provide it for 770 cars in 2006 so why not for 1000 in 2009?

you should also check these

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Good find! I am hoping you can change your car's appearance in GTMode too. I just hope they didn't scrap this!

The license test online sounds like a smart idea too. Now people will have to earn their way into certain races. Also, the livery system will make the youtube replay even cooler because people will be able to compliment your ride. Oh lalal!

Maybe an online showroom?
I am a little cofused about a livery editor...if you alter your own cars appearence and then race online, will your online opponents see your new livery?
I am a little cofused about a livery editor...if you alter your own cars appearence and then race online, will your online opponents see your new livery?

There would'nt be a great reason not to, it would take small amout of bandwidth though to download all the custom paint jobs pre-race. Nothing too serious and nothing that has'nt been done before in other games.
MidnightClub's livery system was a little glitchy online. Your customized and creatively made doors would sometimes turn to primer grey. That got annoying quickly. I think PD would be more careful. Anyways, that's why updates are good.

I'm surprised not many people have reacted to that video on post #165. It's interesting even if it's old.
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ehhhhhh I just like ehhhhhhh the fact that ehhh we most likely ehhhhhhhh will have ehhh livery ehhhhhhhhhhh implemented eh in ehhhh granturismo 5
It makes sense!

First we see that our cars can be damaged at GamesCom, then why not at TGS won't we find out that we can fix up and alter our cars' appearances? I honestly did not give livery much of a chance up until that video I saw. It definitely has a chance and can be considered a major advancement.

Also, don't the two coincide? Damage and livery? Both affect the exterior.
I dont know...all i know is i want to recreate Race cars and d1gp car's like i did in forza 1 and 2.
The only games I've experienced livery is NFS, Midnight Club and Ferrari Challenge. I couldn't imagine how cool it'd be in Gran Turismo 5. I hope it's added.
The only games I've experienced livery is NFS, Midnight Club and Ferrari Challenge. I couldn't imagine how cool it'd be in Gran Turismo 5. I hope it's added.
Well i mean, that's pretty much a confirmation right there.

Notice how the majority of thoughs features were listen in Granturismo 5 features that was in the news section..

My prediction is that TGS will blow us away. 3 1/2 years is a long time to get to work on a game.

It also put's me more at ease to know that there was a team working on gtpsp and a team working on GT5.
Well i mean, that's pretty much a confirmation right there. -I don't know if that necessarily confirms but it's good to hope.

Notice how the majority of thoughs features were listen in Granturismo 5 features that was in the news section..-There's no doubt PD had checked these forums for ideas/suggestions, etc and I hope many of them are fulfilled. We deserve it. We are the fans. Kazunori always pleases his fans.

My prediction is that TGS will blow us away. 3 1/2 years is a long time to get to work on a game. -Bold prediction. Great prediction. It seems like the ideal time for surprises. Some might be expected and some might come from left field. Or from out of the entire stadium.

It also put's me more at ease to know that there was a team working on gtpsp and a team working on GT5.--Not a fact. Kazunori stated at times it was all GTPSP. At times it was only GT5. -He confirmed that some days solely focused on GT PSP. He also admitted that GTPSP delayed GT5 but it didn't take away from it.

I'm in bold.
Great encryption respond in quote lol 👍

And speaking out of left field. The whole Lamborghini Bugatti thing came out of no where.... signed in went to news, and i was like.... (O_O)

Yea, I hope Porsche comes out of left field too. It has been the most asked about manufacturer. I just hope he lied to the IGN reporter to reveal it at TGS. Either way, I can accept that it might not make it. I look forward to seeing the new RUF models, nonetheless.

Also, I want to see a video of a Lamborghini!
Yea, I hope Porsche comes out of left field too. It has been the most asked about manufacturer. I just hope he lied to the IGN reporter to reveal it at TGS. Either way, I can accept that it might not make it. I look forward to seeing the new RUF models, nonetheless.

Also, I want to see a video of a Lamborghini!
I have this strange gut feeling Kaz lied about the porsche liscence....
He may have lied. He may have been telling us the truth. All I know is that when he was interviewed at GamesCom, he was very reserved. When asked about the car count, he didn't answer it. When asked about Porsche, he denied them. I think he was protecting both the car count and the manufacturers. They go hand in hand.

Just a theory, though!