Gran Turismo 7: Frequently Asked Questions

  • Thread starter Famine
1) Is there a forum to discuss possible improvements to GT7?
2) I've noticed the Yellow brembo brake callipers are not Yellow in color. Has anyone else noticed this? They seem sort of orange
Try longer races that might open the option for rain ☔
I tried to do races where 8 weather slots appear but nothing. in the manual, as I put the photo a few posts ago, the slots are 5 and it puts the rain. i can't figure out if i am setting something wrong or there is really a bug in the game
I tried to do races where 8 weather slots appear but nothing. in the manual, as I put the photo a few posts ago, the slots are 5 and it puts the rain. i can't figure out if i am setting something wrong or there is really a bug in the game
Some tracks are not set for the full weather effects, all of the tracks in the US cannot do rain, and there are few in Europe that cannot also.
What happens to my GT7 photos once I've shared them? I see some that I've taken a month ago are no longer there. Do they delete after a certain number have been shared?
Some tracks are not set for the full weather effects, all of the tracks in the US cannot do rain, and there are few in Europe that cannot also.
maybe he can't explain to me
these are the tracks that rain is expected in gt7
High speed ring

Red Bull ring
Tokio expressway
Le Mans

if I set up one of these tracks in the lobby and put customized weather it does not give me the possibility to put rain in the slot I want as instead there is in the hole that I put a few posts ago and which is from the online manual of the game. so why if in the manual it says it can be done then it doesn't? I also used the same circuit as in the manual and that is tokyo
Is there a list of road cars with their power/weight AFTER all tuning parts have been applied? Can't seem to find anything.
Kudosprime had this feature for the previous games but not for 7 sadly. Although currently it's impossible to install every upgrade anyway.
What happens to my GT7 photos once I've shared them? I see some that I've taken a month ago are no longer there. Do they delete after a certain number have been shared?
As far as I'm aware there is no expiry date on any content, all of my content since March is still there so unless the content got a ! on it should still be there.

Sometimes it can not show stuff if you look at the Shared Content only, check your My Content tab and see if everything is still there or not, that will tell you if anything was removed.
The question for today is how is the driver rating points calculated in Gran Turismo 7? The reason why I asked this is because it is obviously different in the way they calculator them in sport, I recently have been driving daily Race c and I start in last place I don't qualify and when I finish I'm usually advancing 9 to 10 places in the race. I and now a d rated driver, in sport advancing that much in each race I would be gaining points not losing them so what gives, please tell me.

Second question just came to me, how is it that the rain clouds move so fast, I keep my weather radar out to the maximum at 31 miles and I see a cloud move those 31miles in less than 30 seconds so I'm guessing the winds pushing that cloud are 60 miles an hour how is that possible?
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The question for today is how is the driver rating points calculated in Gran Turismo 7? The reason why I asked this is because it is obviously different in the way they calculator them in sport, I recently have been driving daily Race c and I start in last place I don't qualify and when I finish I'm usually advancing 9 to 10 places in the race. I and now a d rated driver, in sport advancing that much in each race I would be gaining points not losing them so what gives, please tell me.
Uh... no you wouldn't. "Advancing" in GT Sport was irrelevant, only your finishing position and DR score relative to other players mattered.

GT7 appears to operate in exactly the same way.

Second question just came to me, how is it that the rain clouds move so fast, I keep my weather radar out to the maximum at 31 miles and I see a cloud move those 31miles in less than 30 seconds so I'm guessing the winds pushing that cloud are 60 miles an hour how is that possible?
60mph winds are definitely possible. The strongest wind gust recorded on Earth outside of a tornado was 253mph.

Also 31 miles isn't the maximum on the radar.

Also if you're in a race which uses a faster time progression, it will seem like the clouds move much faster.
Also 31 miles isn't the maximum on the radar.
That is the maximum distance setting, when describing this I was using this number for it is the largest distance measurement that is closest to the center of the map, the center of map is where the track is.
I use the weather map at this setting so I can better understand the amount of rain that I can expect and give me time to change tyres before the rain really wets down the track.
I will post pictures to explain... 180ea50296689-3fa315B375F96579043.7F0DCD06C091CCF5_message_423218776913832_1653198347319.jpg
Upper left is max distance.
Old picture, will repost with new...
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Quick question guys: does crossplay work in Sport mode? Lobby?


As far as I am aware it does, played on my PS4 in Sport mode and sure I raced against some PS5 players.
Yes, I can attest to this, I usually start up a grind only room for my friend (PS5) and me (PS4 slim) and we'r racing, although sometimes I see his car jumping a bit on turns whereas he does not see me in same jumpy condition, so there is some disparity....

Can someone please explain all the numbers on the steering wheel of the new Toyota GR010 hypercar, enclosed is an enlargement of the wheel in cockpit view, I was going full speed at lemans

Please I am so curious to know what it all means...
thank you
I have a question about the Livery transfer from GTSport to GT7.

I have a lot of liveries in GT Sport. But shared them only "open to friends"

To import the liveries they have to be "open to all". How can I change it? I can't seem to find any option for that.
Another daft question...I've never noticed before but when I fit an adjustable gearbox and go to change the ratios, the speed is in km/h.....but my units are in miles! Calculators out!
In Round 3 of the manufactor series I won my last and only race in the GT3 league but only got 5 more points than for coming in P4 on round 2 . How do they determine how many points I get? seems like I would get more than that for winning, in both cases all opponents were C drivers.
Why is it that when I hit a barrier I stick to it like Velcro, it should be that you can bounce off a little bit if you had it at a slight angle for example you come up and just Edge into a barrier from taking a wide turn and you're stuck to it you have to actually reverse to get away from it. It just doesn't make physical sense
Why is it that when I hit a barrier I stick to it like Velcro, it should be that you can bounce off a little bit if you had it at a slight angle for example you come up and just Edge into a barrier from taking a wide turn and you're stuck to it you have to actually reverse to get away from it. It just doesn't make physical sense

Welcome to to Gran Tureal Simulator, barriers are now so life-like that your wheels can get swallowed up in the barrier wells. The barriers coming to eat ya up! Ha ha.
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This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Gran Turismo 7: Frequently Asked Questions

As Gran Turismo 7 starts to officially land on doormats and the digital version unlocks for players around the world, there’s a good chance that millions of you will be picking up the game...
why cant they show a person washing your car instead of wiping down some glass. Some with oil change, show a guy popping the hood and getting it done. Not a oil container pouring oil whever its landing.
why cant they show a person washing your car instead of wiping down some glass. Some with oil change, show a guy popping the hood and getting it done. Not a oil container pouring oil whever its landing.
They had to save coding lines...
Just a quick question, how many cars with custom liveries can you add in a custom race?

There's so many cars I want to get to make so many different races and I didn't remember how many you can add to the race.