Gran Turismo 7 Unplayable

  • Thread starter gtplaya
South Africa
South Africa
I purchased GT7 in March 2022 when it launched for my PS5. I am a longtime Gran Turismo fan and have been since GT2 on PS1.

Since downloading GT7 I have never been able to complete more than 5 seconds of gameplay before the game freezes and needs be rebooted. This means I have never played the game for more than 5 seconds (without exaggeration). When I begin a race, I cross the start line and 3 seconds later the screen freezes but the sound and controls seem to still work. I cannot explain how frustrating this experience is especially because I purchased my PS5 for the sole intention of playing GT7.

I have tried on numerous occasions to reboot the game, reinstall the game, update software and seek a patch.

Once again I cannot stress how frustrating this is to me as I purchased the PS5 only to play GT7. As a result, I have not used my PS5 for more than 1 hour in the 2 years of ownership as a result of this issue.

Whenever the game has crashed I opt to send the error report (which I have done dozens of times) however no patch has been released.
Sounds like a Playstation issue rather than a Gran Turismo issue. Only time I've ever had a Gran Turismo issue, uninstalling and reinstalling the game sorted it out.
I have tried on numerous occasions to reboot the game, reinstall the game, update software and seek a patch.
Whenever the game has crashed I opt to send the error report (which I have done dozens of times) however no patch has been released.
There's been more than 40 updates for GT7 in the past two years. That said, not being on the latest game version - 1.47 - wouldn't explain the issue...

... which sounds like your console is faulty. As a first step I'd try rebuilding the console database using safe mode:

But if there's a bad chip in the SSD, there's nothing you can do. If you've had the console for two years, it'll be well out of warranty too.

I am curious what races you're trying to do, as really there's only one race possible if you have zero game progress...
Relatively tech-stupid contributor here...

When I got a new TV after I bought my PS5, I noticed loads of weird interactions depending on the screen settings and which HDMI cables/ports I was using. I was worried either the console or the television were faulty.

Your comment about the image freezing and sound and controls still working got me thinking... Have you tried switching out your TV and cabling (that's to say, everything except the PS5 console), in case there's an error there?
'cmon guys, this is clearly a troll....

"purchased my PS5 for the sole intention of playing GT7", achieves "5 seconds of gameplay" but waits 2 years before joining this forum to post this...

I think that's incredibly presumptuous of you to say. OP could have pre–ordered GT7 with the intention of playing it on release, only to have something happen IRL that required their time and attention. Also, with all the negativity surrounding the game at and soon after release, I don't blame anyone for waiting a bit before diving into GT7.

What would lying about an issue like this achieve for OP?

I purchased GT7 in March 2022 when it launched for my PS5. I am a longtime Gran Turismo fan and have been since GT2 on PS1.

Since downloading GT7 I have never been able to complete more than 5 seconds of gameplay before the game freezes and needs be rebooted. This means I have never played the game for more than 5 seconds (without exaggeration). When I begin a race, I cross the start line and 3 seconds later the screen freezes but the sound and controls seem to still work. I cannot explain how frustrating this experience is especially because I purchased my PS5 for the sole intention of playing GT7.

I have tried on numerous occasions to reboot the game, reinstall the game, update software and seek a patch.

Once again I cannot stress how frustrating this is to me as I purchased the PS5 only to play GT7. As a result, I have not used my PS5 for more than 1 hour in the 2 years of ownership as a result of this issue.

Whenever the game has crashed I opt to send the error report (which I have done dozens of times) however no patch has been released.
Does your PS5 give you an error code when the game crashes? Having an error code could help in identifying the issue.

Also, does your PS5 crash only when playing GT7? Have you tried playing other games to see if this issue persists with other games? If your PS5 also crashes playing other games, I think it's safe to assume your PS5 hardware is defective. I know you said you bought a PS5 specifically for GT7, but maybe try downloading some game demos on the PS Store to play those? I know Stellar Blade has a demo for certain.
Do other games play fine? Sounds like your PS5 is the problem here. Try re-installing the game, delete your saved data a try again. You can also try initializing your PS5 if that doesn´t help.
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I have tried on numerous occasions to reboot the game, reinstall the game, update software and seek a patch.
If you have exhausted all options of software repair, then the last resort seems to be sending in your hardware for repair/replacement.
It is not like you would be losing any playtime when it doesnt work at all.
This mya not be helpful but my PS4 does this occaisionally. Screen locks right after the start/finsish line. Keeps making the same sounds as if it were working. If I let it sit like that for about 30 seconds it starts working. I only do custom races and it is random with car or track.
If by screen freeze you mean it goes black for a bit, try turning off VRR on your TV settings.

For some reason, my TV and the VRR mode don't get on very nicely with GT7. With it turned off, it works perfectly
No idea if related, but last few days I've had trouble connecting to servers, takes some time for startup. Ps goes through a DMZ, but there's 50 chance of an error message and fail. One other game, but no others, go silly on server connection. Console, game or PSN issue the problem?
I purchased GT7 in March 2022 when it launched for my PS5. I am a longtime Gran Turismo fan and have been since GT2 on PS1.

Since downloading GT7 I have never been able to complete more than 5 seconds of gameplay before the game freezes and needs be rebooted. This means I have never played the game for more than 5 seconds (without exaggeration). When I begin a race, I cross the start line and 3 seconds later the screen freezes but the sound and controls seem to still work. I cannot explain how frustrating this experience is especially because I purchased my PS5 for the sole intention of playing GT7.

I have tried on numerous occasions to reboot the game, reinstall the game, update software and seek a patch.

Once again I cannot stress how frustrating this is to me as I purchased the PS5 only to play GT7. As a result, I have not used my PS5 for more than 1 hour in the 2 years of ownership as a result of this issue.

Whenever the game has crashed I opt to send the error report (which I have done dozens of times) however no patch has been released.
So you waited for over two years to complain about a game that you can't play for more than 5 seconds? How odd.
Didn't even stay long enough to see any responses.

Sounded like a troll right from the first few sentences. Hell, just the title of the thread sounds trollish: GT7 Unplayable.
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