Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.29 Confirmed for February 21

  • Thread starter Famine
I think all players should be able to walk around their cars and get in them with the new functionality, not just PSVR2 owners. Sure, with VR it might be superior but there is no reason you could not make that work for a tv and controller setup too.

The Showroom is essentially the old GT5/GT6 photo travel in 3D locations but exclusive for VR users. This is not fair, all the users have the right to use it
Hi everyone, I am very interested in the psvr2 but I hesitate to take it, I have a T300rs steering wheel and I hesitate between taking the psvr2 and a new fanatec steering wheel. What would you advise me

My two cent is for PSVR2. T300 is a decent wheel. Fanatec DD is interesting but not a game changer. VR is a completely different experience. It is a much bigger step towards immersion. Go for it!
Great news man thanks
hope there will be new lemans car added like PEUGEOT 9X8 + toyota GT one and nissan R390,
hummmmm, i think 100% NO.....
I'm still waiting for Seasonal Events in Single Player, I have grinded (Cr. 170,626,430) myself bored of the game, but Seasonal Events would bring back the fun I think.

Not interested in VR at all, even if I was the price tag is too high, would rather spend that money on a decent wheel, but a PS5 is next on the list, starting to get available here in Norway now, just waiting for PS5's without God of War or Fifa.
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The Showroom is essentially the old GT5/GT6 photo travel in 3D locations but exclusive for VR users. This is not fair, all the users have the right to use it
We don't know that it is VR exclusive yet....hold your horses.
We don't know that it is VR exclusive yet....hold your horses.
We know, in the official Site tells that VR showroom Is exclusive for VR.

"PS VR2 players will also be able to access an exclusive 'VR Showroom' area from their ‘Garage’ or the in-game car dealerships where they can admire all the stunning details of the ultra high-definition car models in a variety of locations and lighting settings."
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We know, in the official Site tells that VR showroom Is exclusive for VR.

"PS VR2 players will also be able to access an exclusive 'VR Showroom' area from their ‘Garage’ or the in-game car dealerships where they can admire all the stunning details of the ultra high-definition car models in a variety of locations and lighting settings."
To be pedantic, all that says is the "VR" showroom is exclusive to VR players (duh, PD).
Doesn't rule out a non-VR showroom (but probably won't happen).
Nice this update does not come to the PS4, the game is already so heavy, any unnecessary download is to avoid, namely more scapes.
We know, in the official Site tells that VR showroom Is exclusive for VR.

"PS VR2 players will also be able to access an exclusive 'VR Showroom' area from their ‘Garage’ or the in-game car dealerships where they can admire all the stunning details of the ultra high-definition car models in a variety of locations and lighting settings."
I guess I stand corrected!
And I guess that would be no different than the mode that was in GT Sport with the PSVR. It was the only way to do that there also.
I wouldn't expect a "huge" update in the meaning of mb or gb of files to download. all the models for the cars should already be there and the update should only add code required to recognize and configure the psvr headset and the ps5 to use it as the main "display"...
but we will see in a few days :D
It would be another baffling design choice if PD did not make the showroom available for non-VR users. It’s been a long requested feature since GT5. I’m hopeful though.

As usual I’m also hoping for more meat in the single player and QoL improvements and what I would think are basic features for lobbies (better search/filtering, shuffle races, host migration?). I’d be happy with those improvements rather than new cars or tracks at this point. GT7 could be so much more than it is because all the tools are already there! As much as they are doing stellar work in the visual and tech side, this is still a game PD!
It's irrelevant to me, I'm still using a PS4 Pro. I thought about buying a PS5 but having to shell out more money for the PSVR2 isn't in my budget. Also I think I would have to get a new wheel also, I'm still using Thrustmaster T300, I'm not sure if its compatible.

The Showroom is essentially the old GT5/GT6 photo travel in 3D locations but exclusive for VR users. This is not fair, all the users have the right to use it
I think the giveaway was them calling the mode Vr showroom. Who knows, maybe there is a reason we don't know about that makes it vr only!? I assume it's headset only and doesnt allow you to touch buttons etc using the Vr controllers??
It's irrelevant to me, I'm still using a PS4 Pro. I thought about buying a PS5 but having to shell out more money for the PSVR2 isn't in my budget. Also I think I would have to get a new wheel also, I'm still using Thrustmaster T300, I'm not sure if its compatible.
The wheel is compatible.
Yeah, the VR stuff looks impressive and all, but it's not something that makes me look forward to an update when the feature requires spending a few hundred dollars on a new accessory to use it.

As others said, it's definitely a missed opportunity to not have the showroom feature available to everyone and not just VR users.
Local split screen isn't already in the game?
It is, but only in theory.
In practice, it has broken and unuseable since launch, and probably will not be fixed in the foreseeable future.

So what I feared is becoming reality........all of us who won't or can't buy the VR2 are basically an afterthought now in GT7.....
Besides VR2 support, I wouldn't expect any significant fixes with this update, let alone new content.
Of course, as always I'd be happy to be surprised, but I just don't feel it...
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