Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.39 Fixes Sport Mode Loading Issue

  • Thread starter Famine
Sadly I lost all my points from the GT4 race on Lake Maggiore (10th place, GT3 League), because of this bug, last race glitched, so that was that. 😡 But happy it is now fixed and don't have to worry about the upcoming Nürburgring race. :)
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I don't mean to sound unsympathetic, but why on earth would you continue to enter glitched/bugged sport mode races, until a certified patch has been introduced? Then complain when your DR/SR falls through the ground. They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting different results. I've not been anywhere near sport mode since this issue arose and my A+ rating is intact, ready for the next round of the manufacturers cup. The fact PD haven't even voided the last round of Manu/ Nations and reinstated peoples DR/SR to their prior levels, means they really don't care about the online community at all.
This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.39 Fixes Sport Mode Loading Issue

A short-notice update for Gran Turismo 7 has been deployed, with a very singular focus on an issue that has been affecting some players in Sport Mode since the 1.38 update last month...
My driver rating got down graded b/c I had to re-boot the system twice yesterday. is there anyway to have it reinstated or get it back?
I genuinely don't know if it's possible for PD to go to an individual account and see race by race if DNFs were the fault of the player or not and for any that weren't on the player give the DR and SR back. If that isn't a thing they can do I really wish they make it a priority to do so because as low of a percentage of the players that race in Sport Mode when things are working normal, not reassuring the players glitches that aren't the fault of the players won't hurt them with only shrink the percentage of Sport Mode players. Plus, it is simply the rightful thing to do.
My driver rating got down graded b/c I had to re-boot the system twice yesterday. is there anyway to have it reinstated or get it back?
This seems a simple task when viewed from first-person. Once you open that to anyone/everyone else it gets complicated. Could they pull the data, analyze it and figure it out? Maybe. Are they going to? Likely not due to lack of dollars returned -vs- spent.

This is a no-win situation for them because it would likely be rolling EVERYONE back to a certain epoch before 💩 went sideways. Presumably that'd be right before the release of 1.38. You can only imagine the fall-out from a move like that. In the end, nobody is happy anyway, so why not just leave it be?

IMHO, if you're running races when there's a known bug, it's a choice you made/chance that you were willing to take that had unfortunate consequences. Personally, I don't see how that lands on PD.

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I'm just curious about how a simple fix like this could be 400mb? Unless there's actual media content being added(which we know there isn't), it should literally be a small update that's a maximum of 60mb at most. This is really weird but thats PD I guess
Don't know whar thry did, but I just get kicked back to "offline mode" when my race was goign to start 🫠🫠🤬🤬🤬
I'm just curious about how a simple fix like this could be 400mb? Unless there's actual media content being added(which we know there isn't), it should literally be a small update that's a maximum of 60mb at most. This is really weird but thats PD I guess
PD do sometimes leave in-progress stuff in their emergency bug fixes without realising it.

For instance the 1.24 bugfix update had the weather radar upgrade in it which they 99% didn't mean to have in there, so they reverted it back in 1.25 and then officially released it in 1.26.
phew I had it freeze once tried again and got on with Monday events

That is the first thing I looked on restarting and thankfully I'm still a S sportsman and C drive
PD do sometimes leave in-progress stuff in their emergency bug fixes without realising it.

For instance the 1.24 bugfix update had the weather radar upgrade in it which they 99% didn't mean to have in there, so they reverted it back in 1.25 and then officially released it in 1.26.
That seems like terrible internal communication and lack of flow processes which doesn't surprise me I guess.
This is a no-win situation for them because it would likely be rolling EVERYONE back to a certain epoch before 💩 went sideways. Presumably that'd be right before the release of 1.38. You can only imagine the fall-out from a move like that. In the end, nobody is happy anyway, so why not just leave it be?
When they revamped the physics PD erased all the leaderboards and records from every race, time-trial, circuit experience and mission. You think the people who spent hours, if not days, on trying to move their position on the ranking boards to be higher weren't pissed about having all their hard work erased? At least reverting people's driver/safety ranking back to pre 1.38 would be fair to all players who not only lost ranking, but to those who gained ranking due to favorable conditions. The rank gains made by people who benefited from the shenanigans should be removed as they were ill-got gains.
At least reverting people's driver/safety ranking back to pre 1.38 would be fair to all players who not only lost ranking, but to those who gained ranking due to favorable conditions. The rank gains made by people who benefited from the shenanigans should be removed as they were ill-got gains.
It wouldn't be fair to players who didn't face any sport mode issues and gained DR through completely fair circumstances though.
It wouldn't be fair to players who didn't face any sport mode issues and gained DR through completely fair circumstances though.
The circumstances weren’t fair for them as the majority of their competitors were actually blocked from racing. If you remove 80% of the competition you aren’t actually a better driver, you just moved up the ranks from what was left.