Gran Turismo 7's 1.25 Update is Coming This Week, With Four New Cars

  • Thread starter Famine
I believe that one update is needed, has been needed from the very beginning, and that is there HAS to be a positive and direct way to give feedback to Polyphony Digital.
The fact that they do not have a direct line from their user base has caused much delay and frustration in giving the best to the players.
I feel that the only way that PD knows of problems is by reading the posts here at GTPlanet, they sometimes miss the details...
I believe that one update is needed, has been needed from the very beginning, and that is there HAS to be a positive and direct way to give feedback to Polyphony Digital.
The fact that they do not have a direct line from their user base has caused much delay and frustration in giving the best to the players.
I feel that the only way that PD knows of problems is by reading the posts here at GTPlanet, they sometimes miss the details...
THIS. There was a game from SONY which had a dev studio that actually listened to player's feedback on a regular base. You even could have a chat with them on Twitter.

DRIVECLUB (Evolution Studios). I miss these days...
As per the developer notes it is understood that when you add cars from your garage and set a specific tire for the race as part of the regulations for that race, then all of the rival cars will have those tires set even if the rival cars are from your garage and you have not purchased such tires on such vehicles before.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that. There’s no option to choose your rivals tyres and they still default to RH or the tyres they come with by default.
I believe that one update is needed, has been needed from the very beginning, and that is there HAS to be a positive and direct way to give feedback to Polyphony Digital.
The fact that they do not have a direct line from their user base has caused much delay and frustration in giving the best to the players.
I feel that the only way that PD knows of problems is by reading the posts here at GTPlanet, they sometimes miss the details...
Wouldn't make any difference if they still don't actually listen and follow the feedback.
But without evidence, can we back up the notion that they're choosing not to?
I'm sorry... What!?


You really think most of the badly designed crap in this game is not by choice?

Maybe the lobbies stuff and some other bugs in the game aren't, and those are quite obvious. But the game has a lot more that could easily be fixed by simply changing VALUES such as car prices, event payouts, roulette odds. Just doing basic math. And this requires no time whatsoever compared to 7 months down the game's line. And other than values, it's just creating events with the cars and tracks you already have in the game and just add strings, some interface and other values to it and it's done. We have the ability to create races ourselves in the game, no problem whatsoever for PD to make their own organic events when we can make ours in like half an hour (if its detailed enough) and they have 300 staff people.

It is a choice. And some of the other things are just bad by design, of which the design itself... also was a choice. Who chose to lock engine swaps and special car parts behind a RNG roulette system that you can only win 1 per day?
GT7 isn't broken, it's fundamentally flawed in its design.
Yes. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying the good things about it.

Also, it seems as though a lot of people have a short memory - remember when he had to wait a month for one VGT? Or, worse still, 3 months for 3 Senna cars and a special event? That sucked soo much more than the current situation we have now.
Did they change the radar again!?
Seems that the water is accumulating now. Before, it’ll just rain and stay at a certain level. I’m paused in a race and the light blue rain arrived. Began start of Lap 5. Rainfall was light and then coming down steadily. A bit harder(more like windy than yellow and purple hard rain) in the middle of the rain, but stayed light blue(no other colors displayed). The surface marker was a third and now it’s nearly two-thirds. Start of Lap 6, there’s one more break in the clouds before a final rainfall and then, there will be clear skies.
  • Additional online time trials - daily, weekly, monthly. Each with a prize.
  • Additional online sport races - daily, every three days, and the original three weekly.
  • Payouts for Sport Races has increased by 300%.
  • Payouts for Custom Races has increased by 300%.

That's not some wild fantasy either, it's well within the realms of possibility based on their size and past game updates. They just choose not to do most of it.
This stuff in bold is something severely underlooked by both PD and the community. With the modern online nature of gaming there needs to be reason to be excited for opening up a game on any given day.

I thought it was weird back in GTS when they changed the daily races to “daily” (weekly) races, but at the time figured it was due to a shrinking player count later in the game’s life and was an attempt to consolidate the race lineup for better matching. It makes no sense that it’s still strictly weekly cycles with the release of a fresh, brand-new game.

Having a new lineup or challenge every day to try is incredibly valuable for pick-up-and-play casual players, and helps build, grow, and maintain a healthy and continuous player count for matches and community content. When races/trials update every week (or longer), there’s less incentive and actual content to try on any given day, which becomes more and more of a hindrance to the community the further time moves from launch/normal completion time of primary offline/single player content. Additionally, with longer-form races like C, unless they’re playing within the first day or two of the weekly reset, more casual/less frequent payers are on unequal footing, and won’t be keyed into the ideal pit strategy, especially if they’re only hopping in on the weekend when more regular players have had 4-5 days to sort it out. Plus, even with race A, said weekend players will be pitting themselves against people who’ve been able to hone their qualy and practice times for 5+ days.

I don’t even necessarily think they should expand to more Sport races (like D and E), though that’s more to do with my concerns offer player count and ensuring matches are well populated. Maybe just make A a daily reset and B a 3/4 day reset on Fridays and Mondays, and keep C weekly.

If they were to expand at all I think they should do a literal shuffle that’s determined by an RNG algorithm, maybe call it Race X. Weighted heavily for open selection road cars, but can be class specific or one make, and with an RNG PP threshold, and tuning enabled. The track/lap count calculations can be within 10 and 40 mins on the high/low ends. The combo would switch every hour, and have 3 20 minute interval entry periods (regardless of if the race is like 30 mins). Everyone is on the same playing field - casuals, esports aliens, and tuners alike all have the same time to prepare. An additional feature that could be useful is a rating system for the combos so PD can better curate things for the longer-term matches in A-B-C. I think this could lend itself well to time trials too, with one-make RNG PP and tuning enabled hourly trials. Ultimately even with the current time trial payouts the highest tier rewards would be similar to the payouts of the current META races hourly rate, but it’s completely engaging and diverse content.

And then simply with those bottom points, it’s been a problem since GT Sport. All online payouts need to be substantially buffed. It made even less sense in Sport with little incentive to play Sport mode on repeat. PD need to give player incentives to try out the content they’re putting out. Players gravitate to where the rewards are, that’s why people are grinding the same 3-4 races for credits. There’s so many things that can be made to work together to make what’s already in the game fun, but it seems like everything is designed to funnel people away from anything remotely fun, it’s the most confusing and frustrating thing.

I’ve felt this way since Sport, but PD somehow made all these problems like 3 times worse in GT7, making it easier for me to define. It’s incredibly confusing, cuz many of the problems don’t even seem attributable to pushing microtransactions, and are more just outright incompetent game design and balancing.
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Not liking adjustments they did to the controller. Seems they bumped up the sensitivity, as I'm all over the place now. I've had it at the lowest setting since day one, so no option to tone it down. :grumpy:
It depends what parameters you want changing. Prize money yeah, they could, they aren't so perhaps that's a thing that's by design.
There's no perhaps about it. They set the prize money to what it is. That's by design. Not changing it from that is also by design. They've changed it in the past so there's no basis for an argument that there's technical difficulties preventing it.
Any ideas for good cars to use in the new Gr.1 prototype race? The Red Bull 2019 nerfed to 950 is too slow (with me driving it).
If you want to stick with Gr.1 then the Mazda LM55 should easily handle this race. It was dominant in the previous batch of Gr.1 events and is still very good now.

Otherwise you could cheese it with the Super Formula cars.
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If you want to stick with Gr.1 then the Mazda LM55 should easily handle this race. It was dominant in the previous batch of Gr.1 events and is still very good now.

Otherwise you could cheese it with the Super Formula cars.
Or the Tomahawk.
Just an idea, but do you think they are holding back a lot of content to push GT7 again with rumoured PS5 Pro/Slim releases?

PS5 sales have been hampered by shortages, and the impetus of new versions of the consoles (possibly produced more cheaply), backed by new games and major updates to current games could be a big boost to sales. If they could get those new consoles in the shops too of course. ;) :lol:

It is a very risky strategy if that were the reason for the, imho, c*** support of GT7.
I don't think it has anything to do with that, firstly as I don't see any connection between a new PS5 model and GT7 and also because Sony has very little reason to put much effort into a dedicated Slim or Pro PS5 version right now.

They can't even produce enough of the standard PS5 because demand is still sky-high while bringing new revisions to reduce production cost and the console is not even close to reaching its performance limit, they can do very well with at least another 2 years before they release a Pro version that is then going to boost sales again.

I guess they just want to have enough content done to keep drip feeding when they already shifted most of their work to GT8 a few years down the line.
The only other thing I can MAYBE see as a reason to hold back so much content is a planned Spec 2 version or something of that sort as an attempt to whipe the launch disaster plate clean and sell it as a "new" game. But that isn't that likely.
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Also, it seems as though a lot of people have a short memory - remember when he had to wait a month for one VGT? Or, worse still, 3 months for 3 Senna cars and a special event? That sucked soo much more than the current situation we have now.
"It used to be REALLY bad, now it's only a bit bad" isn't quite the great defence you think it is.

Besides, not sure what you're even talking about. Senna DLC for GT6 came two weeks after the previous update, and there was an update the previous month to that with new features. There was no 3 month period of nothing.

It was announced on May 1st and came later that month, just as they said it would. So I don't see how knowing what was coming and when sucks worse than knowing when an update is coming, but having no idea what is in it until hours before and when it does arrive, it's full of next to nothing.

GT6 was also a very different situation in that it launched with plenty of cars and tracks, it had a full (albeit poor) career mode from day 1, you could buy cars whenever you wanted, they weren't priced to match reality, and there was no random roulettes or any of the other nonsense we're waiting for PD to change with GT7.
It has come to my attention that this weekend (i.e., the week the update was released) was supposed to be the airing of the GTWS Manufacturers Cup Round 3 race. Not only there were no promotion for that (i.e. Predict the Winners entries were not open), the broadcasts have been postponed.

With the update releasing in earlier week than usual, I wonder if something adds up... but on the other hand, the Mazda Spirit Racing GT Cup begins October 30 so there might be a relation to that (or not, because GR GT Cup shows up on Sport Mode for five days or so before the inaugural race day, meaning the MSR GT Cup could have been on Sport Mode anyway if the update releases on the last Thursday as usual).
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There has to be some kind of sabotage going on at PD, it's the only way I can make sense of the laughable support this game has been receiving since launch.

Or maybe everyone at PD already gave the **** up about saving this mess of a game and are fully focusing on a PS5 exclusive installment, which could be GT8, and there's truly only 15 people working on GT7 which is just enough to keep it running(but not smoothly, as we see with all the issues that Sport mode and the lobbies have) and explains why the DLC additions are so lackluster...

How hard is it for they to give us a road map or just comment on what future plans they have for this game...Whats the ****ing point of all this secrecy?

Or if they don't want to work on this game anymore and fully focus on GT8 then they should just come clean about that and tell us, it will be hilariously pathetic to see GT7 ending up like this but at least there will be no more expectations surrounding this game.

Man this is pathetic.
Not sure pathetic is the right word.

When products sell in the millions and profits soar, complacency creeps in. And that is definitely happening.

Also PD has always been secretive but holding back content is a new trait.

Overall PDS attitude has always been “don’t like how we work? There’s the door”. That hasn’t changed.

We shouldn’t complain but vote with our wallets next time. GT is a game to buy used for me now, it used to be day 1 but I plan to not be fooled next time.
"It used to be REALLY bad, now it's only a bit bad" isn't quite the great defence you think it is.

Besides, not sure what you're even talking about. Senna DLC for GT6 came two weeks after the previous update, and there was an update the previous month to that with new features. There was no 3 month period of nothing.

It was announced on May 1st and came later that month, just as they said it would. So I don't see how knowing what was coming and when sucks worse than knowing when an update is coming, but having no idea what is in it until hours before and when it does arrive, it's full of next to nothing.

GT6 was also a very different situation in that it launched with plenty of cars and tracks, it had a full (albeit poor) career mode from day 1, you could buy cars whenever you wanted, they weren't priced to match reality, and there was no random roulettes or any of the other nonsense we're waiting for PD to change with GT7.
GT6 was not a fulfilling game for me, even with the massive car list. Using that as an excuse to forgive it for the severe lack of content updates is dumb. I knew that the Senna update was coming, but it was 3 months after the last car was added, which I believe was a VGT. No tracks were added during that time either so I was quite annoyed. I'm not suggesting that the game didn't have any updates of any description during that period, but what I am saying is that we received a small amount of content, especially in comparison to Project Cars, Forza and even DriveClub. You can have as much content as you like to start with but if the game doesn't have regular updates, it won't hold my attention for very long. GT7 has had monthly updates with at least 3 cars every time, giving me a reason to come back every once in a while. YOU may not like what you're getting but after what I've been through, it's good enough.
GT6 was not a fulfilling game for me, even with the massive car list. Using that as an excuse to forgive it for the severe lack of content updates is dumb. I knew that the Senna update was coming, but it was 3 months after the last car was added, which I believe was a VGT. No tracks were added during that time either so I was quite annoyed. I'm not suggesting that the game didn't have any updates of any description during that period, but what I am saying is that we received a small amount of content, especially in comparison to Project Cars, Forza and even DriveClub. You can have as much content as you like to start with but if the game doesn't have regular updates, it won't hold my attention for very long. GT7 has had monthly updates with at least 3 cars every time, giving me a reason to come back every once in a while. YOU may not like what you're getting but after what I've been through, it's good enough.
I think there's a consensus amongst long time GT fans that GT6 was not great either. It had a lot of content, but it isn't well remembered:

It is the second lowest voted for in the above poll of all of the main GT titles.

Regarding updates, if a game is engaging enough, has good content and is making good use of that content but has no updates, it'll hold my attention longer than a game that isn't making use of it's content that's receveing updates. GT7 isn't holding my attention. I booted it up yesterday morning for 30 minutes just to see the update, it won't go on again now until the next update at the earliest. That's not a sign of engaging updates or gameplay in the slightest.

This time in, I was still playing GT2, I was still playing GT3, I was still playing GT4. Part of the reason I don't play as much is me, I'm older, I'm married, I have less free time, but when I do have a spare hour here and there I don't feel like booting GT7 up. Which is a shame as the foundation is there for it to be very engaging and the best GT to date.

For all it's flaws, IMO GT6 had a better career structure than GT7 does, GT7's is arguably the worst in the series. The game isn't the worst, but it's career structure is down there with GT5's. GT5's may take the title of the worst though for all the driver level locked stuff and cars you needed appearing once every blue moon in the UCD. But at least you controlled progression of the UCD and didn't have to wait literal months for a car you wanted to appear. So maybe it's very close.

My main point however, is that updates shouldn't be required to make a game good or engaging, if a game isn't good at lauch, if it lacks the career mode, features or engaging gameplay, then most players will ditch the game regardless of updates. A few will keep on playing. It does happen, but it's rare that a game launches in a poor state and recover its reputation through updates, but those updates are often significant and change the gameplay/key flaws in the game, which allow the game is able to recover its reputation.

GT7 right now is in no-mans land. The gameplay is unengaging, the career mode is non-existent, it takes far too long in both grinding and just waiitng for cars you want and the updates aren't fixing the game they're just adding more of the same unengaging, poorly used content
I think there's a consensus amongst long time GT fans that GT6 was not great either. It had a lot of content, but it isn't well remembered:

It is the second lowest voted for in the above poll of all of the main GT titles.

Regarding updates, if a game is engaging enough, has good content and is making good use of that content but has no updates, it'll hold my attention longer than a game that isn't making use of it's content that's receveing updates. GT7 isn't holding my attention. I booted it up yesterday morning for 30 minutes just to see the update, it won't go on again now until the next update at the earliest. That's not a sign of engaging updates or gameplay in the slightest.

This time in, I was still playing GT2, I was still playing GT3, I was still playing GT4. Part of the reason I don't play as much is me, I'm older, I'm married, I have less free time, but when I do have a spare hour here and there I don't feel like booting GT7 up. Which is a shame as the foundation is there for it to be very engaging and the best GT to date.

For all it's flaws, IMO GT6 had a better career structure than GT7 does, GT7's is arguably the worst in the series. The game isn't the worst, but it's career structure is down there with GT5's. GT5's may take the title of the worst though for all the driver level locked stuff and cars you needed appearing once every blue moon in the UCD. But at least you controlled progression of the UCD and didn't have to wait literal months for a car you wanted to appear. So maybe it's very close.

My main point however, is that updates shouldn't be required to make a game good or engaging, if a game isn't good at lauch, if it lacks the career mode, features or engaging gameplay, then most players will ditch the game regardless of updates. A few will keep on playing. It does happen, but it's rare that a game launches in a poor state and recover its reputation through updates, but those updates are often significant and change the gameplay/key flaws in the game, which allow the game is able to recover its reputation.

GT7 right now is in no-mans land. The gameplay is unengaging, the career mode is non-existent, it takes far too long in both grinding and just waiitng for cars you want and the updates aren't fixing the game they're just adding more of the same unengaging, poorly used content
I can't understand how GT Sport had more votes there than GT4 or GT6. I'm playing GT 6 now and I see no reason to go back to GT7 yet. What got me is great selection of famous tracks and many cars that I didn't even know existed.
I can't understand how GT Sport had more votes there than GT4 or GT6. I'm playing GT 6 now and I see no reason to go back to GT7 yet. What got me is great selection of famous tracks and many cars that I didn't even know existed.
GT6 is chock full of content but I'd pick GT7 over it any day of the week.

The poor AI and the severity of the rubber banding in that game completely destroys any semblance of fun I can have in it, every race feels like I'm racing against toddlers who have been told to let me win, and that fundamentally ruined the game for me. GT7 suffers in a similar way, albeit not as an extreme, but even then there are exceptions to the rule and that alone offers more than what GT6 had.

It's fun for time trials per all the content it has, and fun when modded to try and alleviate some of the problems, but as a vanilla experience it's the worst GT I have played and it's not even close.
GT6 is chock full of content but I'd pick GT7 over it any day of the week.

The poor AI and the severity of the rubber banding in that game completely destroys any semblance of fun I can have in it, every race feels like I'm racing against toddlers who have been told to let me win, and that fundamentally ruined the game for me. GT7 suffers in a similar way, albeit not as an extreme, but even then there are exceptions to the rule and that alone offers more than what GT6 had.

It's fun for time trials per all the content it has, and fun when modded to try and alleviate some of the problems, but as a vanilla experience it's the worst GT I have played and it's not even close.
Are you describing the AI in GT6 or GT7? ;)

You are correct, GT6 in it's vanilla state has a lot of problems. Thankfully, modding allows you to alleviate a lot of the issues with GT6. GT7 is better than vanilla GT6, though GT6's career is better structured, GT7 is still probably the better game overall. However it's not a landslide victory IMO.

Some of the modded released of GT6 however are fantastic, it's a shame PD aren't as in touch with their community as they should be.
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the basic game design in GT7 is ****ed. It is horrible. How it is structured, how it is created…everything. It seems it is their first gt game. They should easily fired who took those choices and taking someone else…easy
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Overall PDS attitude has always been “don’t like how we work? There’s the door”. That hasn’t changed.

We shouldn’t complain but vote with our wallets next time. GT is a game to buy used for me now, it used to be day 1 but I plan to not be fooled next time.
The problem is that for most fans of the series they don't want the series to die or just to stop playing altogether, they just want improvements. "Voting with your wallet" these days is pretty close to code for "go play something else". We see what happens to big franchises like NFS, CoD etc. when people do that and the answer is that the name and marketing is enough to keep selling millions of copies of games.

I haven't bought a Gran Turismo game day 1 since GT5, and things haven't changed much.
You can have as much content as you like to start with but if the game doesn't have regular updates, it won't hold my attention for very long. GT7 has had monthly updates with at least 3 cars every time, giving me a reason to come back every once in a while. YOU may not like what you're getting but after what I've been through, it's good enough.
I think you're seeing the discrepancy between someone who wants a constant stream of new things and someone who wants a solid foundation. Ideally we'd get both, a game that is complete and expansive on launch day AND with new content coming in as the months go by.

Which one you'd prefer if you only get one is going to be personal choice, but whichever you choose you probably would have preferred a game that had the other as well.
GT7 right now is in no-mans land. The gameplay is unengaging, the career mode is non-existent, it takes far too long in both grinding and just waiitng for cars you want and the updates aren't fixing the game they're just adding more of the same unengaging, poorly used content
This. GT7 is fundamentally pretty average unless you get in there and spend significant time creating your own fun.

The updates aren't doing anything to address the things that make the game droll, and they're adding more of the stuff that the game already has in abundance. More cars are always nice, but "not enough cars" is not a problem the game has.