Gran Turismo Sport - Master Track List

  • Thread starter Samus
Sardegna - Road Track - A
Sardegna - Road Track - A II
Sardegna - Road Track - B
Sardegna - Road Track - B II
Sardegna - Road Track - C
Sardegna - Road Track - C II
Hey @Samus ,
I found a veeeery tiny mistake on the list. You wrote "Autodrome Nazionale Monza" and "Autodrome Lago Maggiore". It isn't a mistake, but seeing you also wrote "Autòdromo de Interlagos" in the original language, I think you should also rename also them "Autodromo Nazionale Monza" and "Autodromo Lago Maggiore". I'm Italian, just letting you know, sorry for taking your time.
Hey @Samus ,
I found a veeeery tiny mistake on the list. You wrote "Autodrome Nazionale Monza" and "Autodrome Lago Maggiore". It isn't a mistake, but seeing you also wrote "Autòdromo de Interlagos" in the original language, I think you should also rename also them "Autodromo Nazionale Monza" and "Autodromo Lago Maggiore". I'm Italian, just letting you know, sorry for taking your time.
I know Maggiore is spelt Autodrome in game, which is probably why they spelt it like that here
Yes just let Samus know. Didn't want to be "the perfect guy"
Samus hasn't been on the site in almost two years. The site's moderation staff manage the list in the first post, and we use the in-game names.

That even includes obviously wrong names like Interlagos. The circuit became "Autodromo Jose Carlos Pace" in 1985, having previously been "Autodromo de Interlagos".

That said, I'm pretty sure that Monza is "Autodromo" in-game (the real track is actually called "Autodromo Nazionale di Monza"), so that might be an old error that no-one's actually spotted until now. Lago Maggiore is very definitely "Autodrome" in-game though. I know this because it annoys me every time I see it - for the same reasons.
I noticed in this week's FIA race at Big Willow, that there are different versions of the tracks based on the event. For the race this week, with Gr3 cars, the gantry/bridge is up over the main straight. But for the Daily Race A a few weeks ago, with street cars (Mitsubishi GTO), it was in 'sporting' configuration, without the bridge, and presumably, as many spectators. Interesting, I hadn't noticed that before. Pretty cool, the details.


It's a similar thing at Monza as well with the bridge at the second chicane.
Most tracks have different sponsor boards in FIA compared to say TT
Has anyone every done and overhead sketches/drawings of the tracks. Sometimes, when looking at certain corners it would be great to have a bird's eye view. If anyone has a link it would be appreciated.. Thx..
You want overhead shots of all the tracks like this?


I can probably find pictures like this for each track. I was just thinking about something I maybe could print off and make notes on, but I can make my own sketches off an overhead view like this for any track I need.. so I think I will just do that. Thx for responding,
Has anyone every done and overhead sketches/drawings of the tracks. Sometimes, when looking at certain corners it would be great to have a bird's eye view. If anyone has a link it would be appreciated.. Thx..

I wish that we were able to watch our replays from a birds eye view, it might help in finding time at certain corners.