Gran Turismo Sport - Scapes Compendium thread and Scapes from Publicity Events

  • Thread starter sirjim73
@Farushi Good find:cheers: 👍 These few are my faves without the head on the bottom ;) (did you notice the last few pics) my bottom pic :lol:

The pic below with 16 cars is amazing to put them all in the road..I really can't wait for these scapes and will update my album..:bowdown:




The scale is off on a lot of the pics I've seen. So they must be hand tuned in that regard.

It's a fundamental issue in any mensuration exercise, but interesting nonetheless. I guess in future the photographers can take a tape measure or some kind of standard with them; perhaps they already do.
Hopefully you can move the highlighted car back and forth like the Mclaren in the pic below then zoom in out on the camera to get them to the right perspective, I hope that is the case anyhow. Looking at this screen shot I found it looks like you can still zoom in/out (left side- settings) and rotate as you can in normal photo mode. So with these settings i think there should be some flexibility.👍
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I'm trying to figure out if the two cars in the rear-center and rear-left are new material - rear left looks very Lambo-ish, but rear-center is too blurry for me to tell. The grill shape doesn't look similar to anything else in the picture, but it could be another car we've seen before, like the Hyundai or Mustang.

I'm trying to figure out if the two cars in the rear-center and rear-left are new material - rear left looks very Lambo-ish, but rear-center is too blurry for me to tell. The grill shape doesn't look similar to anything else in the picture, but it could be another car we've seen before, like the Hyundai or Mustang.

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The very last car I see it like the VW Gr.3... But the other 2. One looks like a Huracán and other looks more TVR-ish for me...

Edit: The TVR-ish looks like the Aston GT3 because I see a yellow lip in the grill. The other could be the Peugeot Gr.3, buuut there's a orange reflection surrounding it, like a livery at least, the Peugeot is metalic silver without no livery, and the wing looks different than the Peugeot, so yeah, it could be another car...
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The very last car I see it like the VW Gr.3... But the other 2. One looks like a Huracán and other looks more TVR-ish for me...

Edit: The TVR-ish looks like the Aston GT3 because I see a yellow lip in the grill. The other could be the Peugeot Gr.3, buuut there's a orange reflection surrounding it, like a livery at least, the Peugeot is metalic silver without no livery, and the wing looks different than the Peugeot, so yeah, it could be another car...

I was looking at that bolded for a bit too, but it's a streetlamp right above the last car. The grill/diffuser and color is making me think Peugeot as well, and the roofline is making me think VW, but the shape almost looks too curvy for either of those. It almost looks RUF/911-ish, but if it was any sort of previously-unannounced vehicle I feel like PD would've made it front and center, and if it was a Porsche it'd no doubt have it's own announcement, so I'm leaning towards the Peugeot/VW.
I have been updating my album with scapes I keep finding. This is the latest few I don't think are in this thread. I really love these scapes and the idea of mixing photo realism with the cars. Notice the Audi one with shutter speed, this will give you so many variations of shots in each scene, as you can add more cars and the speed of them. :cheers:


Originals >>
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This one needs to be perfected. The scale is off by miles. The Ferrari needs to be smaller. Look at the Mini, looks like a 1/5 scale car :lol:

Is it because it's a wide-angle shot? eg The Ferrari's front wheel appears much smaller than its rear. Plus the Mini is about 2ft narrower than the Ferrari and looking at the road markings relative to the cars it possibly does fit.
So an amusing thought popped into my head: Using Scapes for replays.

It could theoretically be possible. Still photos for stationary camera shots, and "video scapes" for more dynamic shots. Replays could be truly photorealistic using the Scape method... albeit much more static.
So an amusing thought popped into my head: Using Scapes for replays.

It could theoretically be possible. Still photos for stationary camera shots, and "video scapes" for more dynamic shots. Replays could be truly photorealistic using the Scape method... albeit much more static.
I think you underestimate the power required for this^^
What, rendering a photograph or video on screen with polygonal game objects overlaid on top? If FF7 could do it in real-time on the PS1, I think Polyphony could manage it on the PS4. :lol:

That being said, having a bunch of photos and videos to cover all the cameras at every track would probably devour the disc space, and would also be a lot more tedious to implement than simply using the in-game 3D track graphics.
So an amusing thought popped into my head: Using Scapes for replays.

It could theoretically be possible. Still photos for stationary camera shots, and "video scapes" for more dynamic shots. Replays could be truly photorealistic using the Scape method... albeit much more static.

That would only work if all cars in the shot stayed on track, otherwise they will 'exit' the photograph.
This one needs to be perfected. The scale is off by miles. The Ferrari needs to be smaller. Look at the Mini, looks like a 1/5 scale car :lol:
Have you seen an old Mini 850 recently? :) There are three around where I live and they are incredibly dinky cars. When I first saw one up close (first time in decades) I could scarcely credit it as being the same car that four of us used to regularly travel about in. I think that one looks about right.
Maybe it's slammed? ;) I'm with the explanation of distorted view as @synon suggested though. Looking forward to it all though, too many car games without a proper or flexible photo mode.
Already been over this guys, some geek with far too much time on his hands did this.

Some serious CSI stuff going down in this thread :lol: Thought I'd try myself, not a 1:1 match but the closest I could be bothered to do in the 30 mins I was willing to waste. Cars are to scale so the Italia I used would be slightly narrower than the GT3 I think. Sorry for the GIF size, maybe closer to the answer of the original scapeshot?? Probably not.

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GT-Sport-E3-Presentation-12.jpg GT-Sport-E3-Presentation-13.jpg GT-Sport-E3-Presentation-14.jpg GT-Sport-E3-Presentation-15.jpg GT-Sport-E3-Presentation-16.jpg GT-Sport-E3-Presentation-17.jpg GT-Sport-E3-Presentation-18.jpg GT-Sport-E3-Presentation-19.jpg GT-Sport-E3-Presentation-20.jpg GT-Sport-E3-Presentation-21.jpg And adding the Scapes from the news article.
If I've missed any other Scapes, please link here or send me details and I'll add when I can.:cheers::gtpflag: