Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Just finished the first Cappu race. Started P6 and finished P3. Pretty happy.

The last 3 laps the guy behind me was faster and closed the gap to .2 s in the last lap. Switched my lane once on the straight to defend the inside of turn 10 and closed the door to the right under the bridge before the finish line to stay ahead and finish p3.

After the race the guy said it was a "nasty push". Got clean race and there was no contact. Kinda think I may have been a bit too aggressive but should I have just let him pass?
difficult to say without seeing the replay, did you safe it and can you share it?
No way to tell otherwise if you defended clean and well or not....

For myself if someone is significantly faster then me i do not really fight them, as it will likely influence both of our races negatively. Unless it is in the very final stage of a race, then all gloves are off and I will do anything (legal) to try and finish ahead.

Also, in the heat of the battle, all of us I think have gone a bit too far at one time or another? Live and learn....
difficult to say without seeing the replay, did you safe it and can you share it?
No way to tell otherwise if you defended clean and well or not....

For myself if someone is significantly faster then me i do not really fight them, as it will likely influence both of our races negatively. Unless it is in the very final stage of a race, then all gloves are off and I will do anything (legal) to try and finish ahead.

Also, in the heat of the battle, all of us I think have gone a bit too far at one time or another? Live and learn....
No I didn't. Should have though. Wanted to message him but can't dm him.

He was not that much faster. Was around 1.5s between us from lap 4 to 8 and the last 2 laps my times dropped because I got a bit nervous seeing a podium finish possible.

If someone is way faster then I move to the side. Risk of a stupid accident would be too big.
That was really fun - the car feels a lot faster once you're in the race and there's other cars around. Qualified P6, finished P3. I got one penalty for cutting the final chicane a bit much, but I don't think it mattered.

Multiple people binned it pushing turn one too hard - definitely keep your eye out up there because it's an easy place to get collected by an impulsive rejoin.
GT2 EMEA - low B/S lobby - 68 points race

Qualified 6th with horrible lap (56.9)
Quickly after the start I realized what was my deficit in the free practice times. Driving AT, I was being simply destroyed on the back straight. Would be quite funny if I wasn't so quick in the twisty section.
I was catching up to people and passing them before the backstraight only to loose horribly few seconds later - it was like I had mandatory 0.5s penalty every damn lap.

Having said that I had some fun during first part of the laps and even overtook few drivers for good, running 3rd for most of the race (had a sniff of 2nd briefly), but too optimistic run on lap 8 resulted in 1 second penalty. I had 3 seconds gap over the driver behind, but combined with the AT penalty I got overtaken and even if I overtook him back on lap 9 I had not enough advantage to defend the position.
So 4th, 58 points, not repeating this one.


If you're running AT, think twice before entering, seeing people pass you effortlessly on the straight is demoralizing.
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I’ve got my Nations Cup race out the way early. Slot 1 EMEA C/S Gr3 lobby. Started 3rd after putting in a qualifier not far off my best FP, which was pleasing, but suspected much of the field had a shocker in qualifying, squabbling for space. After a good start, 1st had a ‘mare at the tight right before the back straight, putting me in second. They’d qualified 2secs ahead on the field so was only a matter of time before they overtook me. I should come home safely from there but silly mistakes meant I lost another couple of places in the remaining laps, with the two who over took me squabbling down the back straight on the last lap, I was able to nip past one and pick up a place into the final chicane, finishing 5th. As I’ve struggled to improve my times for this race, I think I’ll take that, rather than risk a poorer result later in the day, when the lobbies may be busier and more competitive.
Good luck out there everyone, in today’s racing!
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attempted the race in my B account to get warmed up for later (My second account is high B, main account low A so it’s still tough)

Qualifying went as good as you could expect lmao. Firstly, everyone shooting out of the pitlane all at once all over the track, I’m guessing the majority didn’t touch practice once and probably there first time driving the Capuccino. Literally fighting for places on the out lap, going 3 or 4 wide through the tight left hander and absolute chaos in the corner into before the back straight, and literally up the back straight, fighting, blocking, ramming and about 10 cars serving penalties ranging from .5 to 4 seconds…

I backed myself up with so much room to just leave myself time (2:00) for two laps granted I avoided penalties on my hotlap, but by the time I got onto the back straight on my first lap I was running into traffic on the straight because of penalties being served again and ended up entering the chicane with someone else but his line was awful so it didn’t affect me much. Second lap, had to be abandoned for traffic but I qualified p2 with a 1:56?. Was my mistake, I should have just left the pits ASAP and gapped the cars behind me

Won the race by 4 seconds in the end. P2 and P3 clearly did their homework as they were consistent with me for the entire race while the rest of the field was probably 10+ seconds after third place

So my thoughts for the later races -

1. Chances are a lot of people are jumping into this race completely raw - So get out ahead of the pack in qualifying

2. Automatic transmission will cost you .500 on the back straight minimum every time as it’s an extremely early shift from 3rd to 4th

3. I thought it would be difficult to make up time in this race, but a single bad corner can cost you between .5 - 1.5 depending on how poorly you take it. So even if you have a bad lap or make a mistake, lock in and find your rhythm again and you can easily make that time back up

Just be consistent, avoid the penalties and even just do a few practice laps before hand and you should be able to finish well in this race as like I said, I feel like a lot of people are just going to jump in raw into this race!

Fun race though has to be said, I enjoyed this car / track combo.
1. Chances are a lot of people are jumping into this race completely raw - So get out ahead of the pack in qualifying
Thank you for the confirmation about this. I had suspected this would be a good choice, especially if you have any pace. Anyone who hasn't practiced probably isn't going to figure out how to drive the Cappuccino fast right away. There's probably a good 4-6 seconds between my first few laps and my best in FP.

Normally I let the pack out ahead in qualifying, but on an almost 2 minute lap and 5 minutes to qualify, being as close to first out for the out lap will be beneficial, I think.
I've spent a fair bit of time last night and this morning practicing with the Cappuccino -- free practice, lobbies, and custom races. I feel like I'm just not getting it. Without the aid of a ghost, the best I've been able to muster in a Free Practice is 1:54.1. I suppose that should be fine against anybody who hasn't practiced, but I was really hoping to improve on my current 1:53.9 in Free Practice.

The first slot in the Americas is still two hours away, so I suppose there's still time for things to click for me, but I'm not hopeful.

In other news, I've completed my post-update Manu Cup testing of Canada's least popular manufacturers -- Alfa Romeo, Renault and Volkswagen -- and found a winner.


The choice was obvious. It wasn't even close. In both the Gr.4 and Gr.3 races, the VWs just blew away the other cars. The BoP changes only increased the difference.
I've spent a fair bit of time last night and this morning practicing with the Cappuccino -- free practice, lobbies, and custom races. I feel like I'm just not getting it. Without the aid of a ghost, the best I've been able to muster in a Free Practice is 1:54.1. I suppose that should be fine against anybody who hasn't practiced, but I was really hoping to improve on my current 1:53.9 in Free Practice.

The first slot in the Americas is still two hours away, so I suppose there's still time for things to click for me, but I'm not hopeful.

In other news, I've completed my post-update Manu Cup testing of Canada's least popular manufacturers -- Alfa Romeo, Renault and Volkswagen -- and found a winner.

View attachment 1333253

The choice was obvious. It wasn't even close. In both the Gr.4 and Gr.3 races, the VWs just blew away the other cars. The BoP changes only increased the difference.
Not sure where you’re losing time

I will say, the biggest time saver I found is to quickly counter steer in sharp corners, even though it feels counter intuitive, you can scrub a lot of speed even just going a small bit side ways, so getting the car pointing in the right direction is the best way to maintain momentum

Anyways, I just ran the A race, finished 2nd by .300 with a 3 seconds to 3rd and 4th and then a good distance behind them was the remainder, coming in 10 to 30 seconds behind the leader.

My fastest lap in FP was 1:52.7 but the fastest lap in the entire race was slower than your fastest lap in FP. So I would say if you can consistently do that pace during the race you’re likely looking at a top 5 finish at the least. My average lap time must have been 1.55.5 to… so if you’re doing a 1.54 in FP it means you should fast enough to run that pace in the race without really risking track limits

You’ll do great mate, just stay consistent, don’t steer if you don’t have to because that will scrub speed, counter steer if you’re going sideways too much in the corner and a quick dab of the brakes will rescue you from track limits without taking off too much speed either!

For context, I’m low A DR in EU, so if you’re higher than that then maybe you’ll have issues with pace 😂 good luck!
I feel like I'm just not getting it
Me, neither. I put in half an hour and only got down to a 16.7. Had a few minutes before F1 starts so I jumped into that hot rod Grand Valley time trial and in only ten minutes I am only two-tenths from gold.

So it must be the car. I just can't get my head around how to drive the Cappuccino fast. I will probably skip this round.
You only wanna use 3rd and 4th gear in the cappuccino, like hi and low gears basically. Stay in 4th for T1, and T3, stay in 4th for the left after the esses. Only use 3rd for the right hander leading to the back straight, and the last chicane, it’s 4th gear everywhere else. And shift to 4th at about 1/4 rev bar, don’t rev the car out.
Weird race.

Guy I never saw after lap two and who I never touched (because I only had contact with one car - which you'll see subsequently) called me a "clown" twice after the race, guy who was in a Red Bull-liveried car tried to force me off track on the pit "straight" after he'd just served a penalty, then brake-checked me, then tried to divebomb at turn three and missed.

Not confident I'll run that one again.
You only wanna use 3rd and 4th gear in the cappuccino, like hi and low gears basically. Stay in 4th for T1, and T3, stay in 4th for the left after the esses. Only use 3rd for the right hander leading to the back straight, and the last chicane, it’s 4th gear everywhere else. And shift to 4th at about 1/4 rev bar, don’t rev the car out.
I was shifting at 1/2 rev bar and it allowed for several passes (probably AT racers).

For my races today:

Ran race 1 in EMEA, POOR qualifying led to Q10 and (of course) last lap issues landed me at P12. How can you run a flawless race in 8th +/- 1 place and dork it on the last lap (while under NO pressure) . . . only the Gods know this one.

Race 2 on NA server landed me in a much faster lobby with another BAD (not quite POOR) at Q11. Some sort of start glitch had the field bunched up on the back straightaway (before the final S turns) but this glitch got me to P8 crossing the line at the start and pretty much the entire race. Of course last lap took me wide on T1 helping P6 get away and P8 to take my previous P7. It took me almost 3 seconds to get back on the track and up to race speed. Oh well still a good race finish at P8.

So here is my rant for today . . . if the racer in front of you comes across your nose (totally his fault) it might be "fair" if you lift a little so you don't spin him around. Right? Sitting in P6 a Greek in P7 was nose swiped (unintentional but still my fault) which I believe I could have recovered from (and would have given him the position due to my slow pace) but he didn't lift. Why? It angered me so much that it fueled my racing to catch him from 10 seconds down going for a wreckfest finished. Luckily by the time I caught him he was not doing well keeping it on the track and it made sense to pass cleanly and let the matter pass. But I have to ask, is the need to win that important? We are talking P6 & P7, both us would get good finishes with points so why not lift?

Rant over, enjoyed today's races (not sure how DR worked out but I do know SR is still maxed out!). Enjoy your races!
Weird race.

Guy I never saw after lap two and who I never touched (because I only had contact with one car - which you'll see subsequently) called me a "clown" twice after the race, guy who was in a Red Bull-liveried car tried to force me off track on the pit "straight" after he'd just served a penalty, then brake-checked me, then tried to divebomb at turn three and missed.

Not confident I'll run that one again.
Did, benefitted from a massive mess at T3 (I did lose position, but a lot of cars behind lost a lot of time) and then T10, ran nine laps in 4th.
I ran the 11AM EST GT2 slot in the Americas. Mixed lobby -- mostly B/S with a sprinkling of A/Ss. I was in door 8, with 135 points up for grabs.

It seems my concerns about pace were overblown. I qualified Q2 with a time of 1:54.9.

In the race, P3 got a run on me right off the start and easily got by me going into T1. I had no problem keeping up with them, though, at least for the first couple laps. That's when I cut the corner to the chicane for a 1-second penalty. I lost a position on lap 3 serving it, falling to P4.

Nothing much happened for a while after that. The P1 and P2 cars ran off. The P3 driver and me stayed close, and we built a gap of about 8 seconds to the cars behind.

Then, on lap 7, the P3 driver took their turn cutting the chicane for a 1-second penalty. I took P3 back when they served it.

There was a good 10-second gap to the cars ahead, and thanks to the car behind going off the track on lap 9, a 6-second gap there. I figured the race was pretty much over.

As I crested the hill at the end of the straight on lap 10, a yellow flag alert popped up. As I came over the top, I found one of the lead cars in the back corner of the sand, frantically trying to get back on the track. It turns out the two lead cars had been embroiled in some fight that ended with one torpedoing the other at the chicane.

The sprint to the finish was on. They got the car back on the track way ahead of me, but with the dirty tires and no momentum, I was catching up quick.


I ran my best line, but it wasn't quite enough. Finished P3 for 124 points.

This was a much better result than I was expecting for today, and leaves me a pretty good position points-wise going into the last two rounds. That's a relief, because I am not feeling all that confident about Sardenga or Interlagos.

I won't be doing this one again.
Did GT1 slot #1 at EMEA. All DR A lobby. Got track limit penalty in my first Quali flying lap (basically written off my entire Quali session, guys don’t be like me) so started dead last at 14th.

Race went largely well, I managed quite a number of passes and with people serving penalties, I actually reached 3rd by the start of Lap 10, on track for a “Last to Podium” story.

Then this happened. I just rode the T3 curb as I did for the last 9 laps (18:00 at the video) and - 1 sec track limit penalty.

Watching the replay I don’t think I really cross the line but the game decided I did so that was that.



Finished 6th with 2nd-5th right in front. Quite disappointing after what’s been an okay-ish drive.

Kudos to everyone in the lobby for the very clean race!

Full Race below.

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Fun race today! Almost came away with the win, too. One more lap or one mistake less, I'd have had it.

GT2 - A/B Lobby worth 143 points.
Door #12

My strategy for qualifying was to be one of the first out of the pits. I was more or less successful and made pole with a time of 1:53.936. Q2 was about 7 tenths behind.

The race went well, but I made two mistakes that cost me the win. Only one would've been recoverable. Lap 2, T1 I ran just a little wide and got onto the grass. P2 got around clean while P3 closed the gap. Then same lap, while defending my position into the chicane, I took an inside line and cut the corner a little too deep and took a 1 second penalty.


The rest of the race was very fast and smooth. I was setting Fastest Lap almost every successive lap. Lap 10 was a 1:53.859.


I was gaining hard on P1 but ultimately couldn't close the rest of the gap and finished 0.261 seconds behind. One of my closest races online. However, P3 finished 15 seconds behind us.


P2 earned me 137 points and I called it a day there. I've had bad luck getting into high point lobbies, so an outright win in a later race has no guarantee to improve my result.
P2 in a GT2 lobby lets goooooooooo. Door 10. Q3. Manual Trans was key here.

P1 was in a league of his own and early there was a pack of 3 fighting for 2nd. Guy who was in 4th overshot turn 1 on lap 2 and made it a two car race for 2nd with me in 3rd.

Caught up to P2 on lap 3 when he got a track limits penalty but he caught and passed me on lap 6. I finally pulled up even with him crossing the finish line going into lap 8 and made a run on the inside with no intention of going two wide into turn 1 and fully planned a back-out to let this guy go but ended up baiting him into an overshoot. Stayed ahead until the end for P2.

Had he not made the mistakes, and had I not driven a totally clean race, he'd have had me for sure. Turn 1 claimed both drivers I was battling.

Forgot to save the in game replay because I was pumped about the result and was chatting with the P2 guy after the race. Was fun as hell and wish I could go again. Raise Hell, Praise Dale.

Full Race VR Replay:

Jumped in cold for Nations GT2 and it showed. Did a slot with a lap and a half practice. Qualified p9 of 13. Promptly wrecked myself exiting the chicane lap 1 and was way behind in p12. Managed to start figuring out the car and ran 7 of the remaining 9 laps faster than my Q time to claw back to p8 and 75 points.

So ran the next slot even though I needed to go to bed. The time spent learning the car and the extra gin and tonic helped. Pole, Fastest lap and the win by 7.5 seconds for 125 points. Although helped greatly by the guy who qualified p2 getting wrecked off end of lap 2 after serving a penalty. He came back to finish p3 but was very fast. Seemed messy in the packs before people got spaced out.
Got a non-clean Q10/P11 at Road Atlanta, but it's fine because the top two GT2 drivers in my state - separated by a single point - are also in the top 15 in the entire region. Indeed, it's not like I'm expecting to be the best among the state's GT2 drivers after this race alone. As for whether they'll be consistent enough to keep their rankings, we'll just have to see. It's just an Exhibition Series season, anyway.

I also had noticed that the next race, featuring Gr.2 @ Sardegna A, does indeed have at least one difference from a very similar race that was a year or two ago. I think the previous iteration of this race let you tinker with the downforce, but this one doesn't. I'm also certainly looking forward to the last Nations Cup race at Interlagos, as there's a mandatory pit stop. Given that we're limited to Racing Mediums, I very well may want to pit half-way to change tires regardless.
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Anyone pick a Manu yet in GT1 can tell me the leaderboard car for GV?

ETA - I am not sure if the leaderboards were reset after 1.43. If not, may be a moot question.
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I'm not quite sure how to approach the next Nations Cup race at Sardegna. I'm guessing the meta is going to be the CLK, but I don't own one, and it isn't available to buy at the Legendary Car dealership. I'd like to do some practice outside of the Free Practice to see how it drives with the weight of gas and worn tires, and to work out pit strategies.

Has anybody done any testing yet? Are the other Gr.2 cars at all viable against the CLK in the 14-lap GT2 race? Or will I have to go with a rental CLK and forego any race preparation besides hot laps in Free Practice?