Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Just ran the daily, oops I mean nations' race. GT1, had door #2. Qualied so-so, just barely broke into 54, nearly a second of my best practice and got me P8.

Race started well, and everyone was pretty much pacing each other. Gained a position, gave a position. We were bunched up for most of the laps. Of course, last lap someone tries to send it into the busstop. Absolute chaos, I am a pinball on the bumpers. Was hoping to maybe get bumped up a few positions, but actually lost one. Came out with damage on both ends and susp, although I did gain the position back after a corner or two. Staved off a dive on the final corner by letting them through with way too much speed, easy switcheroo (felt good!). Finish P8.

Fun race but, yeah, kinda a joke for gtws. I'm sure the chaos cost me my crb which irks me, none of it my fault.

I'm out of town for the week and bummed I will miss the TM road race. TM is not my best track by far, but those cars are a blast. For me, the porsche might not be META but is MFTA (most fun tactic available!)

Good luck everyone!
GT1 North America Slot 1 A/S Lobby.

Slotted in P5 with a 1:54.4 from my first flying lap. My final lap I was set to gain four-tenths and P2 on the grid but picked up a penalty exiting the right-hander following the uphill straight. In retrospect, that might have cost me the win.

Start was clean. Someone binned it on the first or second lap (I think it was the polesitter) and I inherited P4. It was a tight top 4 battle for a couple more laps with all of us nose to tail. Very clean and respectful racing.

Someone got loose on lap 4 and I was ready to make a move. He was struggling (might have hit the wall). I passed him for P3 in the final right-hander. Maybe a bit of a dive-bomb. I don't think he expected me to dive inside there with a late brake maneuver and we touched and he drifted wide. He got a run on the final lap through the esses and I defended the inside. He was just to my left at the braking point and he must have got it all wrong since he stumbled clumsily through the bus stop and I subsequently drove away from him and he got swallowed by the pack so I didn't feel that bad about my aggressive move the previous lap.

With the leaders now two seconds ahead and wheel-to-wheel I took it easy the second half of the final lap, knowing I had a podium in the bag and the win if they took each other out.

I bagged P3, 2.4s from the winner, and 196 points. Probably would have won it if I had started P2. That was a great race. I wish it were ten laps, though.








Slot 1, NA. I loaded in 2nd split and was happy to see my pal @GTWolverine in the lobby.

I didn’t feel like I had much pace. Unsurprisingly, I qualified somewhere in the back, but the race was so chaotic that in the end, I finished in 6th place with 270 points. These now join the 310 from Rd.1 for some solid banker points.. can't complain 😅



NA region 8 PM EST slot for GT3, Q8 & P7 - Just like the EMEA race I had this morning, had a fun but short race.

This race was uneventful, pushed a little wide on lap 1 at turn 1 but I think we all figured it out quickly that 5-6 cars cannot make that turn at the same time. A few of us exchanged positions, a few rear end wobbles on turns, and a few penalties but overall had a good race (just wish it was much longer).

Race video:

Enjoy your racing season!
Blew a perfectly good opportunity in that one.

First NA GT1 slot. Had pole for a minute with a best ever lap of 1:53.6 for me. Got pipped right at the end of Q'ing by over a 1/2 second. In the race me and 1st pull away a bit off the start. He went wide in the bus stop and I took the lead. Held it for the rest of the 1st lap. Picked up a track limits penalty, then another and had to slow for a full second. Couple mistakes had be falling back to 6th by the finish. Not really sure I want to run that one again....don't think I will.
I lied....came back for slot 2 and did much better (this seems to be the running formula, blow it in race 1, come back much better for 2....maybe I should just start skipping the first slot lol). It was my race to lose from pole and I gave up the lead but 2nd place and 213 pts ain't too bad.

Kudosprime is now reporting ~47,800....getting dangerously close to A+ land


To be fair @Bullwinkle this is the most pick up and play race of the series.

From what we know so far sweaty gr2 and gr1 are far from casual player to be remotely on the pace.

Crap race length I agree but definitely more open to the casual on a controller with assists on. No judgement from me on those but it does make it easier for some people especially that can't dedicate time or do 30 lap races in the rain at le Mann (dramatic effect)

That all said this 3 slot stuff is awful. It shows how few people there actually is in A and above rated lobbies. That they have to limit the entry to force the numbers is crazy quite honestly
Yeah, but if you’re not into a longer race, don’t do the World Series. That’s what the dailies are for.

Regardless, a ten minute race and then a two hour wait is insanely horrible design. Like, so bad that that arrangement drove me away from the practice series a few weeks ago.

I didn’t expect to do well on the Nurburgring, but I didn’t even get to finish my race because the cutoff time was something like one minute after the leader. They couldn’t give me thirty more seconds to finish, and then expected me to wait another hour to try again. No thanks. These decisions are quite insulting to folks like me who want to get better and improve, but are met at every turn with bad race design and horrible sportsmanship.

Ok, I’m done ****ing on everyone’s fun. I’m just disappointed is all.
Hey man, I totally forgot that was you in p3. We are having some epic races!

Congratulations, you drove really smart in that one. I kept hoping you’d make another mistake and drift off the line or open a door, but you never did.

I’ll see you in the next round. :cheers:
Thanks mate! Yeah I had to change my GT7 name to my actual name for the Motorsport Australia series and haven’t been bothered changing it back 😂

Good luck in the next round, I’ll miss that one - I’m off to London for a few days for work, but will be back in time for the Saturday race.
Napped through slot 1... Slot 2 got put into a full A+ lobby, winning points somewhere around 260? Qualified 5th, a bit off my best, couldn't quite hook up the car with tire heat on. My main issue in this combo was trying to release the brakes slowly with the controller, it's not a huge deal in this game with the Gr.3 cars but if you release them quickly with this car it just steps out. Anyway, was a very intense race, one of the top 3 crashed at the esses and I put pressure on the guy in front of me but couldn't get past, then after a few small mistakes in the last 2 laps I had literally 3 cars lining up behind me to pass. In the end 1 got past and I settled for 5th for 220ish points and an undetectably small DR up. Not sure about the last slot, I think I'm getting a headache. This was fun though! Just wish it was longer... and I had my wheel...
Thanks mate! Yeah I had to change my GT7 name to my actual name for the Motorsport Australia series and haven’t been bothered changing it back 😂

Good luck in the next round, I’ll miss that one - I’m off to London for a few days for work, but will be back in time for the Saturday race.
London is a bloody long way to go for a few days! I hope work stumps for Business Class at least.
Slot 1: Didn't have time for a warm-up and put in a lap that was over half a second slower than I should've been capable of, qualifying P12, just behind @Spider-Racer. I got a better exit out of T1 and he let me have the spot, and from there I was steadily moving up the field, taking advantage of others' mistakes, until the start of Lap 3 when I made my own boneheaded error and braked too late for T1. I had to abruptly pull out from behind the car directly in front of me to avoid rear-ending them, which upset my car and I squirmed my way to the inside at T1, somehow darting between 2 other cars and not hitting them, and even managing to stay on the outside curb on the exit. Crisis averted, but 2 spots lost...I eventually made them back up and going into the bus stop on the final lap I was in P8 until someone behind me missed their braking point horribly and I had to take evasive action. This once again upset my car and I ended up going through the grass at the exit of the chicane, then taking a horrible bounce as I slid back onto the track, causing me to spin and dropping me to P14, which became P13 when another car spun at the final corner.

Slot 2: Missed because I had to give my uncle a ride after he got a flat tire on his way to work...

Slot 3: Doing my best to not "drive angry" after pissing away yet another first attempt, I somehow managed a 53.2 on my first flying lap - better than I'd done in qualifying all week, but still only good enough for P6, and over a tenth behind P5. P6 was also the lowest position that still gave out over 250 points, so I had to avoid finish worse than I started at all costs. I kept P6 until the start of Lap 3, when P5 had a horrible run out of the final corner and went defensive. I thought about trying to go up the inside, but figured I'd be too compromised for T1, so I decided to stay to the outside and drove around them in T1, but couldn't finish the move until the esses when they made the smart life choice and backed out before we entered 2-wide. Later that lap, P4 messed up the final corner by clipping the grass on entry and also got a poor exit as a result. This time they didn't defend and I had a relatively straightforward pass into T1. From there I didn't have a hope of catching the others in front of me unless they completely binned it, so I crossed the line in P4 for 284 points, equaling the points I got for Rd.1. Was hoping for over 300 points as always when I get the exceedingly rare chance to actually drive one of my favorite cars in the game, but I guess I'll have to wait until Rd. 5 for another try at 300.

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So next round is likely to be a whole field of identical light blue M3s?

They could at least let us pick a colour if we can’t use our own machines. Might give this one a miss.
With the slipstream having an effect half a lap behind the car in front, and heavy damage, and cars I don't like at a track I'm not that fond of, I'm also skipping this.
With the slipstream having an effect half a lap behind the car in front, and heavy damage, and cars I don't like at a track I'm not that fond of, I'm also skipping this.
I must just be missing a trick with the BMW. After a quick 3 laps with a handful of cars I’m faster with the LFA, GT and Corvette.

Didn’t do the daily race last time it showed up so don’t know what the actual race is like, but I usually struggle with road cars anyway.
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So next round is likely to be a whole field of identical light blue M3s?

They could at least let us pick a colour if we can’t use our own machines. Might give this one a miss.
I really don't know why we can't use our own cars for these races. Have our own liveries, wheels, suspension stance, big ol Brembos, and body bits on them. Then, when we enter the race, they're just BoPed to the regulations.

We're able to do this with the TT events, so why not races? I agree, seeing all the same car in the same color makes for a very uninspiring racing/viewing experience.
Yeah, but if you’re not into a longer race, don’t do the World Series. That’s what the dailies are for.

Regardless, a ten minute race and then a two hour wait is insanely horrible design. Like, so bad that that arrangement drove me away from the practice series a few weeks ago.

I didn’t expect to do well on the Nurburgring, but I didn’t even get to finish my race because the cutoff time was something like one minute after the leader. They couldn’t give me thirty more seconds to finish, and then expected me to wait another hour to try again. No thanks. These decisions are quite insulting to folks like me who want to get better and improve, but are met at every turn with bad race design and horrible sportsmanship.

Ok, I’m done ****ing on everyone’s fun. I’m just disappointed is all.
I agree. Been waiting for the WS events for a while, and really want to participate in them as typically they're the best of what this game has to offer... and the payout is great!

But I just can't get into these combos at all. And if I can't get at least a little bit excited about a race, I am not going to put in the time/effort needed to be competitive; I have better things to do with my time. Sure, every combo will have people that like it and people that don't, and I don't pretend that my opinion on a specific car/track combo is better than anyone else's, but so many of these Nations races just come off as pure laziness. And that, I think we can all agree is super lame.

Even if we don't like a combo, it can be made much more fun and exciting via longer races, strat, and/or weather. Thus far we've had a Daily C, Daily B, and will have another Daily C with all the cars looking exactly the same. No strat, no weather, no nothing.

Really hoping for better from the TGR and Manu cups, the TGR not looking great already from what we know.

It's the old adage: "I'm not mad, just disappointed."
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Decided to go out with friends last night instead of doing the second round, though now I wonder if I should've done the round since I've now dropped some positions. Of course, it's too early for another round to be accounted for, so maybe I just did unusually well in that first round, and now I'm seeing something a bit more realistic in terms of my standings. I'm still in the top 100 in North America, though.
Why does it say car setting "allowed" and then doesnt let you set anything.
Brake balance. Is only thing you can "tune"

being that tuning is around how someone drives this is so stupid...
I thought tuning was / is to be used to make cars more drivable ...
and when cannot tune, I make the best of it and adjust to the car.
tuning it make a car fit with your driving style better.

Like on Daily C this week certain setup can allow certain cars to go faster or even make the meta car much faster than the untuned meta car.

I take issue with out many off the BOP diffs are tuned TBH. They are tuned way to aggresive for me.
Decided to go out with friends last night instead of doing the second round, though now I wonder if I should've done the round since I've now dropped some positions. Of course, it's too early for another round to be accounted for, so maybe I just did unusually well in that first round, and now I'm seeing something a bit more realistic in terms of my standings. I'm still in the top 100 in North America, though.
Friends first, you made the right choice.
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Had a bit of a code brown moment during the pre-race practice. Not sure I've ever been flying before in this game.

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This post gave me flashbacks from the good old days of playing Tourist Trophy on the PS2. Back in the day when I was still racing on 2-wheels (in real life :D ) I used to post on a forum and we had a dedicated thread to crazy pics from the game. There were a good several spots on various track you could catch some nice air (intentionally). Had to go back and find that old forum and unearth these couple :D

I miss this game so much, I wish PD would make a current gen incarnation of it. We had so much fun on this back then.


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