Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Started 5th, .5 off pole but .2 off 2nd after two pretty bad qualifying laps that were nearly a second off my FP pace. Stayed in 5th until lap 3 when a Lambo pitted me coming out of turn 1, went down to 8th. Worked my way back up and caught the 2nd-5th pack (1st must have been laughing) with a few laps to go. A Ferrari got spun out of that and all four cars looked like they'd been in a war. Another GT-R got shovelled out of this pack on lap 9 and by the last lap I had caught up with them. I don't know if it was brake checking or nerves but the Lambo from earlier and a Mercedes both crawled through the final sector. I got a cutback on them onto the final straight and would have had second, but the Ferrari came back and pipped me on the line.

97 points would be my second highest score this season, but I'm undecided if I'll go again. A bit of a frustrating end to the season if it is but there's not much else you can do with this race.
Fuji International Speedway_.jpeg

The Ferrari got some tow. I got 2.7 million for my finishes so that was nice.

Since this is my first GTWS stuff in over a year... when do we get new races? And is a six race season actually normal? Is that it?
GT2 slot 1 this morning. Door 12, 136 point lobby.

Q7 to P7 after being rear ended off track on lap 3 at the downhill hairpin. Rejoined in 12th and worked back up to a nice fight for 6th in the closing laps, but couldn't quite get it done.

Podium was probably on the cards but we'll take the slight points increase in the standings and call it a season.

Driving standards are at an all-time low in Sport mode. It's too bad as I used to really enjoy doing these as far back as the FIA days on GT Sport. These GTWS 'seasons' don't have the same vibe for me at all.
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First NA GT1 slot, I think 231 for first.

Mehhh, Q'd in 10th with a mediocre lap.

Managed to avoid some carnage at the beginning and got all the way up to 5th at one point. Unfortunately some self-inflicted damage made me a sitting duck on the straights. Fell back to 9th.

Done with this series.
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GT2 Gr4 Peugeot RCZ FF car...
All A/S.
Q9 with 1:48.656, 1.3 sec behind pole. know I can do 1:47s...
P9 for 110pts. Clean race, but could not keep up with top 8th. But was increasing gap with P10 every lap.
Unless I improve my lap time, there is no point to try again.

I felt more competitive at the bottom of the GT1 league in nation Cup than top of the GT2 manu league. (I was demoted to B before registration).

I will keep trying, But I am done with Peugeot.
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My Review over the Qualifier Series.

Slow & Painful in the GR.3 BRZ.

The car doesn’t have enough grip in low speed corners and lacks straight line speed to boot. I’m really not used to driving it so I took it as a gamble and it didn’t pay off this season.
My best showing was at the Nurburgring attaining a podium and 159 Points. I really didn’t enjoy driving it and felt on a knife edge constantly! Back to Porsche or AMG for next season I think for something more to my driving style but it’s nice to switch it up now and again but I do feel I gel better with a car I can really push without feeling I’m constantly going to get bitten!

Qualified 5th. A 160-some point race. Didn't get out of the last turn well and into turn 1 of lap 2 and this happens (I'm the car in front)

Someone didn't brake in time, then hit the driver who hit me. Some weird lag collision didn't help either. 2 right side tire damage. Ended up P10 (from P14) and pace was actually okay even with the damage, but couldn't pass for 9th. If there was pit stops involved, I could've at least fixed the damage, but I guess the wheel Polyphony spins stated no stops.
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Well, despite reading some of y'alls bad luck races I decided to give one a go. Already have four races in so all I have to lose is some DR. Notice that @Spider-Racer is in the lobby in the Senna livery McLaren, which was cool. Lobby worth 345 points. #16 board.

This is one of those tracks that I feel like half the turns I mess up... they're just so awkward. After some more laps I got my TT time to a 1:39.613 which was 379th last I looked. That was enough to convince me to give it a shot.

Quali gets started and I put in a 40.1 which had me starting Q8. We all get away well and there is no drama through T1 or through the first lap (that I could tell). Name of the game of this race was just a gaggle of cars all close together for virtually the whole race.


Lap two the Genesis in front gets a .500" pen and I was able to get passed on the straight. P7. Holding P7 with a Jag behind, the top six all bunched up together.


Lap seven or eightish the green and yellow Merc gets a run on the RXV going towards the chicane. The Merc on the inside brakes earlier and the RXV comes right across the front of the Merc, and spins. I was able to take advantage of that and squeeze up the inside. P6. THat RXV would put on some pressure in the coming laps but started fighting with the Jag which helped me build a gap (and by gap I mean like .700").



A few laps later a white Porsche - who was leading - got pushed wide out of T1 by a known dirty driver (same one that hit me in the Interlagos race) and I was able to get passed just before going into the left. P5.


From there it was just the gaggle of cars that were all together. At one point we'd kinda gotten away from the pack behind (like 1.25-1.50" if I recall) but everyone started fighting which allowed those behind to catch up. This combo still sucks for a GTWS race, but pack was so close together it kept things interesting anyway. Going into T1 on lap 11.


...and coming up to the last turn on the last lap. Top eight all within one screenshot. From P1 to P7 was under three seconds at the finish and from P2-P7 was ~1.75 seconds.


Crossed the line in P5 for 287 points which is a new record for me. Still yet to crack that 300 point mark; one more place and I'd have had it but I am not complaining.

This race ended up being really fun. I am not giving PD a pass on this Daily C sprint race, but it was fun because the people around me all raced very well and very clean. There were no push-to-passes, no real contact, space was left when going for a pass, all that good stuff. Just goes to show that the amount of fun one has, is directly proportional to the people you're racing with/against.
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Not a great time today. First 2 GT1 slots, both around 170 pts. Mid pack quali times, and a 13th and 8th finish.

Never really been good at this track and didn’t really have time to prepare as I normally would, so I just kept making little errors and mostly going backwards and finding myself in messy battles I shouldn’t have been in.

I will say that I knew going into the season that I am much better at “endurance” than “sprint.” Even if it’s only 45 minutes with one pit, I just settle in so much better. My lackluster drives at both Interlagos and Fuji have reinforced that point 😂.
GT1 slot 1 in the Americas - 161 points up for grabs. I was in door #4, driving for Dodge. I needed a top-5 finish to improve my point total (as if...).

I qualified with a pretty good -- for me anyways -- 1:41.532. That put me in Q7.


The race got off to a rough start. I braked too late for T1 and ended up going way too wide, giving up two spots right off the bat. Down to P9. The rest of lap 1 was fairly orderly.

Then on lap 2, the Porsche and Ford GT ahead of me had a collision at Hairpin, slowing them both down.

I sensed the opportunity and took advantage of the run I had, overtaking the Porsche on the inside. There was contact between us at T8. At the time, I thought they didn't know I was there and drifted into me, but on reviewing the replay, it looks like I turned into them. My bad (apologies to you, if you are out there, Z-GT). Anyways, I ended up getting shot wide to the left, and the Porsche went to right, and the Ford fell out reach. Still, I had moved up to P8.

I spend the next couple laps defending. There were two Porsches behind me, eager to get by. There was a fair bit of contact, especially in the back complex. At the time I thought I was driving clean lines, but after watching the replay... well, again, apologies.

At the start of lap 5, the Porsche behind decided to send it at T1. Unsurprisingly, there was contact.


It left me with rear aero damage. The Porsche got front damage AND and a 2-second penalty. Thankfully, I was able to keep the car on the track without any lost positions. Still in P8.

With the damage, though, I was even slower than usual. The other Porsche was immediately on my bumper. They got by at Dunlop, without much resistance. Back to P9.


From here on out my goal became one of minimizing my losses. A Peugeot was now on my tail. Try as I might to hold them off, they eventually got by me at T1 on lap 7. Down to P10 now.


From there, not much happened. I had a 4-second gap to the cars behind. It was just a matter of driving out the remaining laps without making any catastrophic mistakes, which I mostly managed. There was track limit penalty in there just to add salt to my wounds, but otherwise no major incidents.

The gap to the cars behind was steadily shrinking, of course, but it never reached the point where they could challenge my position.

Finished in P10 for 100 points, and a decrease in my DR. I'm disappointed that this is how the season is ending for me, but I really shouldn't have expected any better given how slow I am at this track with this car.
What a finish to a quite the crazy cup league this time round I have to say.
  • I setup the Corvette best I could and started to practice before my 11am slot.
  • Did some free practice runs and was getting a good 1:48 time around FUJI Speedway.
  • Then moved onto qualifying but it was very bumpy, the car doesnt respond on RH tires as well as like in free practice.
  • Managed to knock down qualifiying but only got into 13th place, great lol.
  • Started the race, kept as smooth as possible in turn 1, most drivers kept it together and were sensible.
  • I had a great battle with a Ferrari Italian driver through laps 5-8 and we really battle for joint 9th-10th place.
  • A 2019 supra crashed out and we gained some places.
  • Then I passed the Ferrari and was gaining on a british guy in the Cayman clubsport, but during the tight turn 10 (dunlop) he ran over the grass and wierdly got reset, so he lost the place up and put me in 8th.
  • Finished off the race best I could and scored 8th place with points.

I didnt get time to try again so left it as and was happy with 8th for this FINAL round. Lets see how Chevy did in the standings, looking forward to seeing how the duke racers battle it out in Montreal!
You did what you could , that C7 Gr.4 isn't just good enough which is a shame , i tried it just to confirm and yes its weak :(
Man what a season man! First A+ season and I think I did pretty good! The Fuji race went well I could of took P2 but I dropped it… pressure is real lol 😂 overall though it was a fun season… and I went through the whole season without someone giving me damage. I definitely have to get my emotions in check and do better with qualifying… race pace I’m always good on so that’s a plus. Now I will be into league racing until next season. This thread was great this season a lot of great stories and information thanks see you next season!

Another Podium for the newer Ford GT-LM!(And even added things to the car, titled 'Fuji Finale')! Started P6, Boor #8, and only .001 from getting a Top 5 starting spot. First corner was kind of a cluster, ending with me avoiding damage and going down to almost P8!. A three-wide move at Dunlop and more moves in the Nets uphill left-hander brought me to P3.... in which I stayed behind an rapid Alfa Romoe 4C. Fuji's sector three really was this car's mortal enemy (either that or my driving), but a hard-fought podium is all well earned the end. Can't wait till another season!!!

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My first attempt at a GT1 series and for it to be in the main GTWS I'm fairly happy with my results.
I had to miss two events due to holiday, and the Fuji event I just didn't really have the time to compete.

Porsche.... Well after always wanting to pick the Manufacturer I final had the chance as I didn't have the drive the Cayman GT4. Overall Porsche was a good solid car. Maybe not the quickest from my experience, but driveability was good.

Nurburgring 24h - Apart from a silly mistake by myself on the final lap, I was on for a P6. Instead a P9. Happyish with the results due to the nature of the track, but could have been so much more.

Suzuka - race to forget really. 50 minutes of really clean racing and I was in a really good position too. P5 with a nice healthy lead after my final pit stop. Then again silly error by me, just got on a damp part and just lightly touched the barrier but was enough for me to get front bumper damage. The next two laps were awful for me as the dry tyres had lost that grip and cooled down too much. Slipped back to P7 then I get taken out on the final lap in the chicane and lose two spots. I wanted to go again in the next slot but I was still way to angry to race.

Daytona - redemption! First race I qualify P5 but then get taken out on the first lap. Race over. Luckily this race had more time for me to chill and take a break. Raced slot 2, qualified P2. Lost out to 2 old GT500 cars that were so quick on the top end, the Porsche just couldn't compete against them (well for my skill level). After being jumped in the pit stop to come out in P4, some tactical play had to be used for me to beat the AMG. Again Porsche just couldn't compete on that top speed. Tried 3 times to overtake the AMG into T1 but couldn't get the overlap completed. I knew on the last lap a decent bus stop, slipstream and a car nose over the line was my chance. Clean race and P3 to finish the very short season for me.


So some interesting facts and stats.
P4 in my region, not too bad. Think @zoro was P1 so GGs.
P63 in the UK. Happy with that
But P1298 in whole of EMEA region. I'll take that. Can't work out if that is good or bad though? I know that we have GT2 & 3 leagues but is the pool of DR A drivers quite low or do not many take part?

Hopefully PD give us what we want (well what I want) in a 10 week GTWS Exhibition Manufacturers series. Give us, the non world tour drivers some content and a reason to play the game. FYI I couldn't careless about Nations Cup exhibition season, but again just give us some content to race
Final standings (before any DQs - also note that Genesis gets in over Lamborghini due to their partner immunity):

Final cutline:
 9 Ferrari  +37
10 Honda    +17.5
11 Lexus    +6.5
17 Genesis  Partner
12 Lambo    -6.5
13 Peugeot  -26
14 Alfa R.  -27
15 Aston M. -33

Additionally, provisional roster list:
Porsche: TakuAn, B. Hencsei, A. Mosso Nunes
Subaru: Miyazono, Drumont, Inostroza [what a dream team!]
Mazda: Okasana, Urra, S. Cardinal/PRIMA_Quartz
AMG: Barbara, N. Lanuza, Bonelli
Chevy: SZ_Goto25, Antonio Santos, SV-Cooper
BMW: CRV, BSCOMP+ Aphe, Roach
Audi: anchovy_sand_, D. Penco, N. Arriagada
Toyota: Yamanaka, Serrano, Carrazza
Ferrari: Dstinct_RAIN*, M. Buhdeima, A. McCabe
Honda: Nabetani, Gallo, Hyperz
Lexus: Kawakana, C. Lopez, Fraga
Genesis: TRUST-T78-33D, Romero, Heldt

*Points Leader hover on Global Manufacturers Ranking says Umami_Eats01 is the leader, but Dstinct_RAIN leads on Individual Point Ranking > Manufacturer Rankings?
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Hahaha Ferrari in a show piece event with a very old GT3 458. Oh dear... I know Ferrari pride themselves with there cars in video games but I can't imagine they will be best pleased with this?

Honda just snuck in there at the end I see. I saw Gallo got max points at Fuji. See Aston and Peugeot lost out at the end, and Lambo getting kicked for Genesis.

I don't understand why they limited the grid to 12?
So it's over. And it was great fun. Despite having been only able to attempt at 3 Rounds I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised by the driving standards this season.
After an 3year absence of any Online competition racing i just decided to check how the game has developed in regards of the driving experience in multi-player mode.
I mainly play Single player custom races and host open lobbies.
Actually not expecting too much I really enjoyed them races.
Of course I stayed true to my driving setup, using Cockpit View with no HUD and ABS weak with some pretty hefty FFB settings.
I somewhat thought Dodge would have a chance for top 12 this year. Maybe in about six years the new Hornet will get a Gr. 4 version and Charger Gr. 3 but I expect that's very wishful thinking.
I wouldn't be surprised if Dodge still only has the Viper through the 2030s (at least it's newer than the 458).
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Hahaha Ferrari in a show piece event with a very old GT3 458. Oh dear... I know Ferrari pride themselves with there cars in video games but I can't imagine they will be best pleased with this?

Honda just snuck in there at the end I see. I saw Gallo got max points at Fuji. See Aston and Peugeot lost out at the end, and Lambo getting kicked for Genesis.
To be fair if Aston qualified they wouldn't be the only one with the oldest equipment on the grid. That being said, age (and regulation type) of each manufacturer's equipment:

'22 Genesis X GR3 [GT Original]
'21 Subaru BRZ GT300 (ZD8) [JAF GT300]
'20 Mercedes-AMG GT3 Evo [FIA GT3]
'20 Mazda RX-Vision GT3 Concept [FIA GT3/Manufacturer Concept]
'19 Audi R8 LMS Evo (Typ 4S)^ [FIA GT3]
'18 Toyota GR Supra Racing Concept (DB29) [LM GTE/Manufacturer Concept]
'17 Porsche 911 RSR (991.1) [LM GTE]
'17 Lexus RC F GT3 [FIA GT3]
'16 Chevrolet Corvette C7 Gr.3* [GT Original]
'16 Honda NSX Gr.3 (NC1)* [GT Original]
'16 BMW M6 GT3 (F13) [FIA GT3]
'13 Ferrari 458 Italia GT3 [FIA GT3]

5 GT3 cars (plus one manufacturer concept built to GT3 regulations), a LM GTE car (plus one manufacturer concept built to GTE regulations), a GT300 car, and three Gran Turismo original race cars on the grid.

*Year determined by GT Sport Copper Box debut.
^Unknown if the R8 LMS Evo II aero kit will be installed.

Also, every manufacturer's appearance in the Manufacturers Cup events dating back to the 2016 Copper Box show (blue indicates active partner at the time of event):

Toyota and Mercedes/AMG are the only one with perfect record, partner or not (arguably Porsche could be one too if you discount the 2016 Copper Box event), while Nissan had a brief spell where they missed 2019 (except Paris WT) and 2020. Ferrari finally making it in ends their longest streak of missing the show since 2019.
I don't understand why they limited the grid to 12?
Logistics, I suppose.
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My best season ever, both by points (thanks to being at my highest DR ever too) and by performance in races (two P1, one P2, one P3).




Really happy with Lamborghini. I expected to have a great time having a 4WD in Gr.4 and a MR in Gr.3. Although I can't decide if I have enjoyed it more than Alfa Romeo with the 155 Gr.4 and the 4C Gr.3.

This was my first season in GT1, so I guess the results were about in line with what I expected, being at the bottom of the league DR-wise. I was driving for Dodge, along with five other drivers in Canada -- all of whom were in my province. That was good for bronze in Local (primary) and Domestic rankings. Thankfully, there were no other Dodge drivers in my secondary region, so I picked up a gold there. The regional ranking of 606 was also good for bronze. A payout of 2,925,000 credits in the end.

The Dodge Gr.3 Viper turned out to be a decent pick for this season. It was strongest at Deep Forest and Daytona -- tracks that have long high-speed sections -- and weakest at Interlagos and Fuji with all their low-speed corners. It felt competitive at Nurburgring and Suzuka, too, and seemed to handle the rain well.

All the things I was dreading about GT1 -- heavy damage, inconvenient schedule, and lack of Gr.4 cars -- proved to be just as unenjoyable as I expected them to be. Heavy damage, in particular, is just awful -- spoiling my races at Suzuka and Fuji.

Looking ahead to next season -- which I hope comes soon -- I've now got my short list of manufactures to choose from. It looks like I'll be having a shootout between Citroen and Jaguar. Those were the only manufactures that no GT1 driver in Canada picked this season. I had been expecting Suzuki to be on the list, too, but somebody picked it just to drive the final round at Fuji.

As always, it's been great fun being part of this GTWS community on GTPlanet. Thanks to everyone! See you next season.