GT Concept US released?

  • Thread starter nath_99

I am playing the Japanese release of GT Concept but just saw on a particular website they are selling Gran Turismo Concept Tokyo 2001 US DVD and Gran Turismo Concept Tokyo 2002 JPN DVD..... has this game been released in the US? I want to know before I buy.
So, they're selling copies of software. In the wonderful world of 'warez', the term "backups" is loosly used. This is in the dead center of their site:

Legal Issues (By legal statutes, you are required to read and comprehend the following)

1. The services that are provided on this website is strictly to backup your games, which you claim to currently own and want to protect from possible damage.
2. These duplications are allowed under Section 117 of the U.S. Copyright Law, and you are entitled to this service by law.
3. We provide this as a service. This company will not be held accountable for the purchaser's use of our backups.
4. If you sell your original software, you agree to destroy the backup of that title.
5. You take full responsibility for your own actions when using these back-up's and release ElvenTech Computing from all liablities, which may arise - expressed, written or implied.

By complying with these regulations, it allows us (the service provider) to duplicate, and you (as a consumer) to receive the right to use our backups. If you do not understand or do not agree with any of the above statements, please leave.

Blatent abuse of law if you ask me. I can't believe they actually get away with this stuff.

Sorry loudmusic, I agree. BTW, thanks for alerting me to the fact the DVD's are backups - wouldn't have known otherwise.

To your utter joy no doubt the site is closing down due legal technicalities. BTW this is a legitamite shop to which I have been in Malaysia. You may not agree with every law in every land, however in certain parts of the World there are no copyright laws and the real value of goods beneath their glossy, copyrighted over-marketed brand names is revealed.

If we weren't meant to make backups then why were the cassette recorder, VCR, CD burner and now DVD burner allowed to come to market?

First of all I don't really think that I should argue that point. But I'm a glutten for this stuff ...

The company I work for owns more than 10 CD/DVD writers. We use them to make copies of our own work. If we didn't have that, we'd have to use something else. No matter what we use, someone could say that device was also being used to copy whatever copywriten merchandise was in high demand. It's a "duh" sort of thing. VHS recorders were sold for people to record television. Somehow (I'm not sure exactly how ...) the major networks were getting kick backs on VHS sales.

It doesn't matter what you use, someone will find out a way to break the law with it. I mean, come on, people even use Christianity to break the law. Ever heard of 'tele-vangalists'? I don't think claiming 9/10 of them are crooks is an overstatement.

Kewl reply loudmusic, sounds like you work in the music and/or graphics arts industry. Must be pretty good. You are obviously very protective of the material you create so you may be able to see the argument from the other side of the fence. Anyway, nice to have a clean debate from time to time.
I think the point we're missing in this thread is that there IS a US release. How else did this guy make copies of it? Wouldn't it be rather difficult to copy something that doesn't already exist? Unless of course it's a fake and he just takes your money.

I will know soon enough as I have succumb to curiosity and ordered a copy despite the previous conversations.... I will post when I get it and let you all know....