GT4 Tracktalk and Tracklist *UPDATE* UNCHICANED LA SARTHE!

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Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR
Here is a list of all the tracks that I have in GT4 right now. There are a good few more waiting to be unlocked though.

I will try and scan the images of them from the manual later, but my scanner's playing up right now.

Apricot Hill Raceway
Autumn Ring
Autumn Ring Mini
Cathedral Rocks
Circuit de la Sarthe
Circuit de la Sarthe (Unchicaned)
Citta di Aria
Costa di Amalfi
Cote d Azur
Deep Forest Raceway
Driving Park Test Course
Driving Park Gymkana Course
Driving Park Motor Sports Land II
Driving Park Beginner Course
El Capitan
Fuji Speedway 90s
Fuji Speedway 80s
George V Paris
Grand Canyon
Grand Valley Speedway (Long)
Grand Valley Speedway (Short)
High Speed Ring
Hong Kong
Ice Arena
Infineon Raceway
Laguna Seca Raceway
Las Vegas Drag Strip
Midfield Raceway
Motorsport Land
New York
Nurburgring Nordschleife
Opera Paris
Seattle Circuit
Seoul Central
Special Stage Route 5 (Long)
Special Stage Route 5 (Short)
Suzuka Circuit
Suzuka Circuit East Course
Swiss Alps
Tahiti Maze
Test Course
Tokyo R246
Trial Mountain Circuit
Tsukuba Circuit
Twin Ring Motegi Road Course (Long)
Twin Ring Motegi Road Course (Short)
Twin Ring Motegi Super Speedway

EDIT: I have just found Cicuit Le Sarthe! Just about to give it a go now. Here's a small pic of the track map. Put up some more photos in a bit!


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Hey chaser_fan, are the original tracks identicle visually to GT3?

Cheers for your work buddy.

Nope, they have been worked over quite considerably. Most of the changes are visual. Some for the better (Laguna) and some for the worse (Deep Forest). A couple of the tracks appear to have slightly shallower inclines compared to previous games, especially my old favourite Trial Mountain, but it may be an illusion.

Still no sign of La Sarthe yet. :(
Has there been any word if Red Rock Valley was making a comeback?

Also, do the tyres leave treadmarks on tracks this time round?

How does Swiss Alps track look in GT4? Big difference from GT3? I think this is one of the tracks that had the most potential for graphical improvement. It looked alot better in GT3 in reverse, but could have still used some work.
Tyres don't leave tread. Haven't seen Red Rock Valley yet and haven't yet driven Swiss Alps enough to be able to tell much of a difference. But I have found Le Sarthe.
Tyres don't leave tread. Haven't seen Red Rock Valley yet and haven't yet driven Swiss Alps enough to be able to tell much of a difference. But I have found Le Sarthe.

Taken going around Tetre Rouge and entering the Mulsannes Straight 👍
Is it possible to just cut through the chicanes on Mulsannes Straight like you can do on Fuji Speedway? I see on a video with the Cadillac LMP that theres only a small barrier there that you might be able to dodge.
Tyres don't leave tread. Haven't seen Red Rock Valley yet and haven't yet driven Swiss Alps enough to be able to tell much of a difference. But I have found Le Sarthe.

Hey Chaser, where did you unlock de la sarthe?
I really can't wait to try out a variety of cars on Sears Point (I hate the name 'Infineon')! That's such a great course. I think it's even the version before they put the chute down the back, cutting off an extra loop.
It's possible? You mean they don't have tire barriers like they're supposed to? What's blocking the chicanes then?
Put some pics of Circuit de la Sarthe in the first post. Sorry about the quality.
Hey Chaser, where did you unlock de la sarthe?

The last License ib in the 'Mission' stadium. But I didn't actually unlock it. I still can't use it in Arcade mode.
It's possible? You mean they don't have tire barriers like they're supposed to? What's blocking the chicanes then?

They do have barriers but you can still plough through the gravel and miss them. I guess gravel has no effect on a CG car!
It shouldnt be to much trouble for them to remove it and have the chicane less Le Mans :D
And I think thats the first pictures of Le Mans in GT4
Deep Forest for the worse??? How???

La Sarthe with chicanes isn't a surprise, it's the 'default' really... as long in free run we're able to...

Any screenshots of Le Mans is :D
I'm always curious when people say that they don't like the chicanes. I guess it's because some people like the thrill of high speed, but for me, more turns equals more fun...

*shrugs* To each his own...
Any reports on how many laps most of the races are. Our any of the long tracks included as part of series races ? In Arcade mode, two player, is it like the other versions, 1 on 1 with no A.I. ? In single events do you only win one car one time or can you race it again and get a prize car ? Oh also do we have random choice of prize cars like in GT3 ?
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