GT6 Aliasing, Tearing, and Frame Rate

  • Thread starter SpeedAaron
United States
United States
I can't believe it took me this long, but I finally got around to playing Gran Turismo 6 this last week and as an enormous GT fan I was left feeling largely underwhelmed.

I've been working back through all the old mainline Gran Turismo games starting with GT1 so I can (nearly) complete all the campaign modes while also experiencing some of the titles I missed originally. I originally played a ton of GT2-GT5 when they were current, but I never got a chance to play GT1 or GT6 (GT2 was out by the time I got my first PS1 and I was busy playing FM4 and racing cars IRL when GT6 came out).

After spending about 5-hours with GT6 I'm shocked by the graphical step backwards compared to previous PS3 entries in the series.
  • Tearing & Frame Rate: I personally even find the graphics of GT3 & GT4 more appealing largely because of GT6's Tearing and Frame Rate issues. GT5 still has its share of Tearing & Frame Rate issues, but my experience has been that GT5 has considerably less performance issues when both games are in fully-patched form.
  • Aliasing: The aliasing (rough edges, flickering transparency effects, shimmering, etc) add to the visual problems to the point I've decided to skip GT6 even though I like nearly everything else about it more than GT5. I'll never understand why Polyphony decided to step backwards from GT5's 720p 4x MSAA to GT6's MLAA; GT5's more stable presentation is considerably less distracting.

For anyone curious, I've tried playing GT6 in two different configurations:
  1. 160GB Slim PS3 (CECH-2501A) on a 30" Sony CRT (16:9 BVM) with a normal DS3 controller. Primarily playing it in 720p, but also tried 1080i. I would have thought the smaller screen and softer CRT would have helped enough to save GT6.
  2. 60GB Fat PS3 (CECHA01) on a 77" LG OLED with a my full Fanatec setup that I use for GT Sport. Primarily playing in 720p, but also tried 1080p. I'll be the first to admit that although this setup is awesome for playing GT Sport at 1800p, it is way too big of a screen for GT6 at 720p.

I think it's time for me to skip GT6 and start with Forza Motorsport (skipping FM3, FM5, & FM6) until GT7 comes out on launch for PS5 ;)

How about everyone else here?
Any different or similar experiences?
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3 best in its own time era
4 cause of the pure content
5 cause of Garage Editor abilities
6 cause of the cars, tracks, 1080p
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Agreed on all of that aside from GT6. I wish I could get past the graphical problems I have with the game because the content and user experience seems like the best of the GT series otherwise.

For me its...
  • 1 I rarely touch aside from pure curiosity and the one play through I did of it a few weeks ago.
  • 2 because of Nostalgia and it’s fun to play in 240p on an old-school consumer CRT.
  • 3 because its the one I’ve played the most and I think it was ground-breaking on the PS2. I also enjoy the slightly arcade-like/old-school physics. It’s also fun to play in 480i on a CRT.
  • 4 because the content and controller/DS2 physics just felt perfect to me.
  • 5 because it is the last classic GT game in HD that I think looks good.
  • 6 to me has the best campaign and content, but the graphical issues just ruin it for me.
  • Sport because its gorgeous and feels the best with a wheel.
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I have not played GT5, but out of the ones I have played, GT6 definitely does not have the best campaign. In fact, it has the worst campaign.

After experiencing the open-ended nature of GT4, where you're free to do almost whatever you want after you get all the licenses, there is no going back to a linear experience like GT6 offers.

GT6 has fantastic graphics, near endless content, great physics, and had I owned a PS3 earlier to experience the online side, probably a great online aspect as well. But the singleplayer campaign? I'm not gonna mince words here: GT6's career mode sucked. Why is it so linear? Why can't I just get all the licenses at the beginning of the game and just play the game my way? Why do I have to freaking unlock the license tests? Why does the game flood you with money to the point where the starting cash is irrelevant and even if you're a terrible driver, you can just do all the Ayrton Senna time trials and the Sierra challenges to have about two million credits at the very start of the game? Just... Why? Dear Senna, this career mode is trash.
It’s been several years since I played GT6 but when I did it was a lot, like almost 2,000 hours. If my memory serves the screen tearing and frame rate issues started after the game was updated over its lifespan. It was really smooth at release.

The aliasing was apparent at launch. It was especially bad at Spa from what I recall.
It’s been several years since I played GT6 but when I did it was a lot, like almost 2,000 hours. If my memory serves the screen tearing and frame rate issues started after the game was updated over its lifespan. It was really smooth at release. The aliasing was apparent at launch. It was especially bad at Spa from what I recall.
That thought occurred to me that maybe PD crippled the game accidentally at some point with an update that resulted in the aliasing, tearing, and frame rate issues. If so, that’s really unfortunate because I actually would like the game if it weren’t for these issues.
For me GT6 feels like big update for GT5 :P
If you implement all improvements of GT6 to GT5 with new tracks, cars and events (without moon thing obviously) it would be massive and best racing game ever. After that only patch sounds and AI :) and have working online obviously :P
I've also got GT5 and 6 late, playing them atm. GT5 feels much more stable, besides the issues you mention with framerate and tearing, I also notice more pop in, glitched shadows in some tracks and cockpit view feels sluggish in most cars not to mention way too dark. It's disappointing specially after 14gb worth of patches that took ages to download and install.