GTA 3 banned in Australia!!!

  • Thread starter vat_man


Staff Emeritus
GTA 3 has been banned in Australia!

The game has been refused classification by the Office of Film & Literature Classification (Rockstar is apparently appealing the decision).

Just as background, video games, like films and literature, is given a rating, G, PG, MA, M, R and X.

There's no R or above rating for video games so if you're too violent/sexy for an M rating, no rating for you!

The comical thing is the game's been on sale since early November (yours truly has a copy at home), so I assume copies on shelves are being withdrawn as we speak.
Originally posted by vat_man
GTA 3 has been banned in Australia!

The game has been refused classification by the Office of Film & Literature Classification (Rockstar is apparently appealing the decision).

Just as background, video games, like films and literature, is given a rating, G, PG, MA, M, R and X.

There's no R or above rating for video games so if you're too violent/sexy for an M rating, no rating for you!

The comical thing is the game's been on sale since early November (yours truly has a copy at home), so I assume copies on shelves are being withdrawn as we speak.

Wow man. That's crazy. We should buy a bunch and ship them to you. You could black market them for $350 AUD and we could make a killing (: Or ... are PS2 games regional?

Originally posted by LoudMusic

Wow man. That's crazy. We should buy a bunch and ship them to you. You could black market them for $350 AUD and we could make a killing (: Or ... are PS2 games regional?


Welcome to John Howard's increasingly conservative Australia. Apparently the image of a vibrant, progressive people that we gave at the Olympics last year was all just an act, we're actually really conservative and introspective...

The games are regional, but I think if you get them from Europe they should work...

The first shipment sold out within days (I couldn't get a copy for love or money in mid-November after coming back from Qld) so all the people who really wanted a copy got one - so it's all a bit of a joke really...

Typical. And people wonder why I'm cynical...
Originally posted by vat_man

Welcome to John Howard's increasingly conservative Australia. Apparently the image of a vibrant, progressive people that we gave at the Olympics last year was all just an act, we're actually really conservative and introspective...

The games are regional, but I think if you get them from Europe they should work...

The first shipment sold out within days (I couldn't get a copy for love or money in mid-November after coming back from Qld) so all the people who really wanted a copy got one - so it's all a bit of a joke really...

Typical. And people wonder why I'm cynical...

Qld? Queensland? I used to tell people I was from Australia. I had a shirt with a kangaroo on it. The funny thing is, at the time I didn't know much of anything about Australia. But things have changed ...

A few of my life goals as they pertain to the World (not necassarily in this order):
Vacation in Wales for a few months
Live in Australia for a decade
Walk the Great Wall of China
Ride my bike across the United States (mountains included)
Sail across the Pacific

You know, that doesn't fit in this thread. But I'm not going to take it out (:

Originally posted by LoudMusic

Qld? Queensland? I used to tell people I was from Australia. I had a shirt with a kangaroo on it. The funny thing is, at the time I didn't know much of anything about Australia. But things have changed ...

You know, that doesn't fit in this thread. But I'm not going to take it out (:


Qld does indeed mean Queensland.

You were lucky you never met a dinky-di Australian.

No-one here (except new immigrants) wears shirts with kangaroos on them unless related to a sporting team.

Actually, just on that - can anyone remember a teen movie with a very young John Cusack where he spent much of the early part of the film wearing an Australian Wallabies Rugby Union jumper - very distinctive piece of clothing, predominantly green with yellow collar and cuffs?
LOL, I think you should thank your lucky stars that you already bought your copy of the game. And when Rockstar's city Riot game "State of Emergency" comes out, I'd race to buy it before it is banned too.
Look on the bright side, now you can turn your house into a "speak-easy" (1920's US alcohol prohibition - speak easies were secret clubs people would go to drink - for non US members that might not know). Have a secret password, and a 10 spot gets you in the door, and a shot at the game. ;)
I think this is the almighty punishing all of Australia for what Gamespot Australia said about Madden 2002. :P
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell
LOL, I think you should thank your lucky stars that you already bought your copy of the game. And when Rockstar's city Riot game "State of Emergency" comes out, I'd race to buy it before it is banned too.
Look on the bright side, now you can turn your house into a "speak-easy" (1920's US alcohol prohibition - speak easies were secret clubs people would go to drink - for non US members that might not know). Have a secret password, and a 10 spot gets you in the door, and a shot at the game. ;)
I think this is the almighty punishing all of Australia for what Gamespot Australia said about Madden 2002. :P

:D Good one!

I could do that - or I could keep playing it myself, while shouting out the window 'I'm playing GTA 3, and there's nothing you can do about it' whilst hanging my bare backside out of the top balcony.

Yes that seems a much more calm and rational plan...

( ) )
