GTP_Registry & Qualifying Race (GT5Prologue)

  • Thread starter Sphinx
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Staff Emeritus
United Kingdom
The Registry will be closed at 23 November 2010 till a new GTP GT5 qualifier is announced.


:: Gran Turismo 5 Prologue ::

:: GTP_Registry & WRS Qualifier ::


How to Register:

To be eligible to race here you must follow the three steps detailed below. Good luck. đź‘Ť

Step One:
Creating Your GTP_PSN ID

All drivers must create a GTP_PSN tag. You can simply copy your current GT5P game save to the new account.

Required GTP_PSN Name Tag Format:

All registered GTP_PSN ID's must follow the required format:


For example, a registered GTP_PSN ID is 'GTP_Sphinx'.

There is no requirement for you to use your GTP forum username within the GTP_PSN ID.

Creating a PSN Account:

Follow this link to create a PSN account via the World Wide Web, or alternatively create one via your PS3:

Step Two:
Run The GTP_Qualifier

The GTP_Qualifier:

Run the qualifier below and make sure you are aware of the race details before trying it. Check and check again. Any mistakes and your run will be void.

:: Official GTP Qualifier ::


:: Mazda RX-7 Spirit R ::


:: Fuji Speedway F ::


Race Details:
  • Mode: Arcade
    [*]Physics: Professional
    [*]Track: Fuji Speedway F
    [*]Make: Japan > Mazda
    [*]Model: RX-7 Spirit R
    [*]Drive Train: FR

Vehicle Specifics:
  • Driving Aids: Optional
  • Transmission: Optional
  • Tyre Type: S2/S2
  • In-Race RA Functions: Optional (if available)

Race Specifics:

  • Green areas, including grass areas are not considered part of the track (see image examples below)
  • The use of the clutch is prohibited







Standard Clean OLR Rules:
  • 2 wheels on (or vertically in line with (when airborne)) the track at all times
  • rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • run-off areas are not part of the track
  • no contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • if you're not 100% sure that your lap is clean, then consider it dirty
  • no hybrids
  • no cheating of any kind
  • nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • save your ghost replay

Specific Qualifier Rules:
  • Do not discuss privately or post publicly any of your splits or final times, or anything relating to this qualifier that would help another driver to improve on his/her final lap time. By taking part in this qualifier you therefore agree to this very strict ruling

  • the use of the clutch that is found on the G25 wheel is strictly prohibited. This prohibition also applies to any other device that allows the use of a clutch

Time Verification:

Save the 'Save Best Lap Replay' (ghost replay),
d800DhOcHlE3jh0ON3QcgSMrLSdo8uyUdrbrv4xQ p5Fd3Ig=_l.jpg
not the 'Save Replay', and keep it at least 6 weeks after your time has been submitted:
  • top 10 fastest times from each division will be required to submit a replay for verification
  • any submitted time is subject to a time verification request
  • when a time verification has been requested, the driver concerned must provide a replay within 7 days
  • failure to do so will result in the submitted time being rejected
  • video replays are not accepted as a valid method of verification (video replays = .avi .mpg movie files etc)

Viewing your T1 & T2 Lap Time Splits:

You need to make sure you save the 'Save Best Lap Replay' (ghost replay),
d800DhOcHlE3jh0ON3QcgSMrLSdo8uyUdrbrv4xQ p5Fd3Ig=_l.jpg
not the 'Save Replay'.
To view you best lap replay, go to 'My Page' and watch the replay from there using the 'Replay' option.

Submiting a Requested Replay:

If a request is made for you to supply a replay, we will contact you via PM and supply you with all the relevant information you need in order to carry out the request.

Step Three:
Submitting Your Registry Request


  • you can submit only ONCE (so be sure to give it your best effort)
  • please include in your submission, your newly created GTP_PSN ID, your location, Final lap time together with the T1 & T2 splits(go to the replay section in My Page to view the splits)

All submissions must be sent to via PM:

The Registry will be closed at 23 November 2010 till a new GTP GT5 qualifier is announced.

  • please name the PM subject title ‘GTP_Qualifier’. Any ambiguous subject titles can easily be lost.

What Happens Next?:

Once we receive your registration, it will be processed, and if accepted, we will add your new GTP PSN ID to the registry and place you into the correct division for your submission, we will then notify you via PM when once the process is completed. Please allow 7 days for your registration to be processed.

New GTP forum members, please note that you must make a post in the forums before you can send Private Messages. When you have made a post to the forum, It will only be a short time to wait for your Private Message System is enabled.

What Happens if My Registration is Refused?:

In the unfortunate and unlikely event of being refused entry onto the register there is another method of entry. The second method of entry has been put in place to eliminate any chance of being wrongly labelled as a bad driver in the past.

In order to secure entry onto the register after being refused, you will then have to acquire two guarantors who are already registered on the PSN registry to vouch for you. Once this has been achieved, then your entry onto the registry will be reassessed in a fair and unbiased manner.

Explanation of the Division System:

The GTP WRS contains five divisions, with division 1 being the highest division. Each division is subdivided in a gold, silver and bronze category.

Based on the time run in the qualifying race, a player is placed in the corresponding division and category. This way players can compare themselves to other players with a similar level of play, without having to feel to be participating just to fill up the results.

Since the result of the qualifying race is only a random indication, players might be promoted when the result of the qualifying doesn't display the actual level of play of the driver or in case the driver shows an apparent improvement in level of play.
Only the Racing Admins will decide if a player is eligible for a promotion, on the condition that the player takes part on a regular base and shows to be able to maintain that higher level of play for at least 3 weeks in a row.

Terms & Conditions of Registration:

When applying to register, you hereby agree to the following terms & conditions:

  1. You agree to abide by the GTP Rules & Guidelines:
  2. Only one registered GTP PSN ID per GTP member
  3. Anyone found, or attempting to have more than one registered GTP PSN ID will be excluded from all approved GTP events and removed from the official GTP PSN Registry.
  4. By registering you agree to abide to all race rules & driving standards laid out by the hosts of all GTP approved race events.
  5. When using your official GTP PSN registered ID in public or private races outside of GTP's control, it is expected that you race to the standard that is deemed acceptable by the hosts of the given event.
  6. While GTP have a specific code of conduct for appropriate online gaming behaviour for our authorised "GTP" tag users to follow, we however have no control of any usage of the "GTP" tag by any person who owns a copy of the software and participate in online events. As such, all "GTP" tagged players who participate in any public or private online events should not by default be considered as an authorised "GTP" tag user, and GTP will in no way be responsible for any misconduct by anyone that uses a "GTP" tag if their player name does not appear in the Official GTP PSN Registry.
  7. You agree not to do anything that can be construed as going against the spirit of the game, either here at the GTP or anywhere outside the domain of GTP.
  8. The Race Admins will evaluate the registration of a player, after having been disqualified from a race for the third time, and subsequently have the right to disqualify this player from the GTP Registry in case they consider legitimate.
  9. Flagrant violations of the GTP Online Racing Rules & Guidelines may result in exclusion from the GTP Registry.
  10. Most importantly, you are expected to have fun.

Discussion Thread:

This is the place to go if you want to discuss all things related to the Official GTP PSN Registry:

The Official GTP PSN Registry Discussion Thread

Good luck. đź‘Ť

OLR Admin Team.
Last edited by a moderator:
Dear drivers,

Please take notice of the completion of the Terms & Conditions of Registration, condition 8 & 9.

Also for the new members a short explanation of the division system has been added.

The OLR Admin Team.
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