GTPlanet vs. Wham! - Last Christmas

  • Thread starter RouWa
It's time again for the famous and infamous "Last Christmas" competition.

As you may know, Wham!'s "Last Christmas" is the most evil song on earth. It causes wars, "ear cancer" and other mean things. Once the Christmas time begins, there is no escape. The song will be everywhere. But resistance is not futile. Not this time. The members of this forum will fight. And win!

Here are the competition rules:

You win, if you "survive" 2010 (31th December 23.59.59 o'clock, your time zone) without hearing the song or any part of it. That is the only way to win.

You lose, if you get "whamed".

- Only the original "Last Christmas" by Wham" with George Michael singing counts. Covers (are there any?) do not count.
- Any part of the song you hear, no matter how short, throws you out of the competition.
- Only audio counts. Images, Animated GIFs or the official music video without sound are OK.

If you lose, you have to post here when, where and how you got "whamed". Then you must try to throw out other users as well, i. e. by posting fake links in this topic or any other.

Some tips to win:
- do not watch TV
- do not listen to the radio
- avoid public places during Christmas time
- turn off the volume before clicking on links in any forum

The last one is the most important, as any link can be fake and lead to a video of "Last Christmas".

Even in big forums hardly anyone ever wins. GTPlanet is the biggest forum I know, so we will probably have some victorious members here.

Leave a message if you participate.
Alot of people already won! Though you should post something like this in December.
Quite Interesting, Even tho i've never heard that song and now Im curious about it :sly:

I might participate in this, but cant resist to know what im not allowed to hear :lol:
Apparently there is covers...Heres one by Cascada...

The song sucks, but I wouldn't mind finding her under my tree. No need to wrap her up, it won't be on there long anyways.
I'm in. This will be fun/difficult.

My ipod is coming EVERYWHERE with me this christmas then.
This would be difficult. You made me pop the song in my head already, does this count toward losing? I still haven't heard the song this year, if I recall.

Now I can't get it off my head. :indiff:
Hmmm, don't go into malls, and carry my iPod nearly everywhere. I accept this challenge; and will just tell friends that we're avoiding any chain restaurants if we're going out for dinner :lol:.
This would be difficult. You made me pop the song in my head already, does this count toward losing? I still haven't heard the song this year, if I recall.

Now I can't get it off my head. :indiff:

I have a cure for that.
I immediately fail because 'Last Christmas' is going to be played repeatedly at work(along with every other damn Christmas song) in the next few weeks until the big C. :indiff:
Do I win?


This is looking more and more like an outside-the-US thing.
This is looking more and more like an outside-the-US thing.

Possibly just a UK thing!

I'm in although I know I'll be out by the end of the month. I don't listen to the radio and do most of my shopping online but there is no escape from Wham!
I immediately fail because 'Last Christmas' is going to be played repeatedly at work(along with every other damn Christmas song) in the next few weeks until the big C. :indiff:



Ouch... :lol:
Never thought of doing that... Changed now ;)
I'm in BUT I will garuntee a fail. Our radios don't play Christmas songs until the 1st December so I will probably make it to the second.:lol:
You should update your opening post with who is taking the challenge and who has failed.
sounds like a good game but ill definitely loose as they only play the mediocre radio stations at work :-(

Even though I hear it loads at Christmas time it doesn't bother me much, there are many worse xmas songs....
i. e. by posting fake links in this topic or any other.

Errr. No.
Posting fake links anywhere else in these forums with links to a Wham! video will earn you the same treatment as Rickrolling, i.e. an infraction for Useless Post / Spam.

Just so we're clear on this.
Damn it, now the song's in my head thanks to reading the first post.

I already lost, and I didn't actually hear it.
I lost already, Radio Veronica played it last week, cause the presenter liked the song :indiff:. (His partner presenter asked him why he did it) LOL
I lost by another forum doing the same thing... Got "Wham! Rolled" I guess you could say.
The song is ok. I lose, and I don't care. At least i'll get presents for Christmas.
I asked my wife if she knew the song Wham! - Last Christmas and she started singing it.

If you can call what she did "singing." :lol:

Thankfully covers don't count, so I'm still good.
I don't care if lost or whatever, but the music video for this song is so incredibly 1980's. And this song, like all other Xmas music, is annoying. Plus they are already playing Xmas music around here so I'm bound to hear this song approximately 2.4 millions times.