Help! DFGT Users

  • Thread starter Stavingo
Hey there everyone, I just dug out my PS2 and GT4 and wanted to start drifting, although Im wondering about 2 things.

1. Is the DFGT Compatible with the PS2?

2. If so, where do I plug the USB cable in?

If you can help me out, thanks for the Info

I think the DFGT is compatible, but i' not absolutely sure....
The usual place to plug in an USB on the PS2 in on the front and to the left, and to the bottom. (when placed flat on the ground, and not when on a vertical stand)
Yes, its is compatible. The PS2 has 2 USB ports, just plug it in there
However, it will work like a Driving Force Pro
Most definitely compatible, I just got mine and started playing GT4 with it yesterday :D

I have a lot of work to do on my drifting x.x
Ok, I have something of an issue with the DFGT myself, I'm running GT4 on an 80gb ps3 and my DFGT only seems to work on the options menu, I've tried fiddling with some of the options but can't make it to work. Is there something I'm missing?
I too have the DFGT and I think it's a great wheel for PS2 besides the few things that don't work. (Red dial etc.) What I would really like is if some people post their drift settings for use with DFGT. I can drift with a DS2 pretty decently but I'm hopeless with a wheel. Every car is either really hard to start and maintain a drift or its really easy to spin out. If you don't want to clog up this thread with the tunes I will happily make a new one just tell me to and I will. Many Thanks, Cougar23. :)

Red dial: This has nothing to do with the wheel, it means that the PS2 is not reading the disc porperly.

Drift settings: These should be the same for DS and DFGT, with the wheel you need to try be more (or less) aggresive, Practice makes perfect.
Red dial: This has nothing to do with the wheel, it means that the PS2 is not reading the disc porperly.

The red dial they are referring to is on the wheel, not the red clock of death.
GT4 has no input for the red dial, it's a GT5P feature, that's all.

Have fun with your DFGT, Stavingo.