Hi everybody!!

  • Thread starter sandfisch
Hello gtplanet,

as a new member I thought I could introduce myself.
I'm married and have a little son and we both like VG-racing very much, even though he's not too much into sim-racing yet, he's 8 years old. But he often beats me at games like mario cart :)
Beside my family, who are absolutely no.1 in every respect for me, I like video gaming, especially racing, ice hockey, and everything computer related.
Sometimes I even do a bit of RL-racing in a local cart-dome.
Luckily my wife also likes VGs so we often play games together, even though she doesn't like racing games.
I came to Gran Turismo only with GT3 but the DVD broke for a long forgotten reason and so I only recently came back to it, after buying GT4 at a local fleamarket a few weeks ago.
Unfortunately my spare time is very limited so my progress in the game is rather slow and my talent is rather low ;) At least my ambition is very high, because I don't play racing games just for completion but for the fun of race driving, which is even more fun, when a friend is around you can race against.
i came here while searching for a useful guide for the licenses because I figuered out they help you greatly learn and improve your driving. Unfortunately I have the ambition to be good enough to get all Golds and so far, even though already owning the B-License, I won't continue to A before i have all gold for B and right now the full lap runs are giving me a hard time. the single purpose exercises haven't been too difficult to master so far, but I'm still 1-2 seconds behind gold for the full lap runs. But time is on my side ;) I own a PS2 and the game and I don't have to hurry myself as I won't get a PS3 and GT5 any time soon :)
Ok, enough now, I'm glad I found this interesting community and look forward to an enjoyable ride 👍
Hi, Doctor Nick!

I mean...enjoy your stay at GTPlanet!
Brian - This guy:


Dr. Nick Riviera
Hello, and welcome aboard - don't let the real hotshoes intimidate you; there are plenty of us who don't play as much as we like and aren't nearly as quick as we would like to be. Just have fun!