Homework Help Forum

  • Thread starter Zero
Since school is starting again for some of us in the states, I was thinking that if Jordan, you want to put a forum on this site devoted to members helping others with homework it would be a great idea. My school has already started but some others havent, so I figure, if the idea is a hit, to put the forum in like the week of labor day or something :)
You cheater Zero, you expect help with your homework?!

Actually it would be cool...
Yeah actually I do, because right now Visual Basic is very confusing for me and it will get harder and i wont understand it unless someone helped me outside of class, and help isnt cheating.
I know I was just kidding...I rarely do homework at home...we have a full class period every other day when the whole school is academic lab, like study hall, and we can go see our other teachers and do our work. 90 mins.
Let's see what kind of support it gets in this thread. Until then, you're welcome to use the Rumble Strip. :)
Plus, some of us older members can always poke our heads in there and see if there is a subject that we could help out in.
Java is in the 2nd year course and C++ is in AP Computer Science, both of which i will probably take next year.
I'll help ya with VB Zero. I've taken both VB and C++ and passed both with an A. If anyone needs help with C++... go find someone else! :lol: C++ was HARD!
Originally posted by Viper Zero
I'll help ya with VB Zero. I've taken both VB and C++ and passed both with an A. If anyone needs help with C++... go find someone else! :lol: C++ was HARD!

Thats because C++ is boring and counterintuitive, at least java is linear and uses easy to remember commands.
I need tons of help on my homework... I'm doin Science 10 by correspondance now because I got kicked out last year... I don't have a clue what I'm doing either.
Hey i wouldn't mind you guys helping me out too... I might be in year7 but i do year 9 stuff:D
I might help you out there Dodge the :viper:

Not promising anything though...Time is money and all :clock:
:lol: Maybe Jordan could set up a homework page where those that help out get paid for the time they contribute.... :2cents:
(only kidding, of course)

It looks like the :au: School System works like the :uk:'s with, 'Years'.....? How do the :USA: Schools work again?
I'm moving up to Secondry school this term, I'll probably need some help too!
(I come from a state school to a private school)
:USA: School system.

Preschool (not everyone takes it)
Kindergarten (before actual grade school)
Elementary School (1st grade to 5th grade)
Middle School (6th grade to 8th grade)
High School (9th grade to 12th grade / Freshman to Senior)
College (Freshman to Senior)
VZ I had 3 years of preschool I think...

Kindergarden was at my elementary school so I took that and then 1st though 5th...Parkway school district had it originally where it was 1-6 grades, then the middel school had 7-9, and then highschool was 10-12, but they changed it to the right way many years ago.
Australian school system (queensland)
Preschool (not compulsory)
Primary School (years 1 to 7)
High School (years 8 to 12)
University (no freshman crap)
Such a forum should be good for most you still in High school and such. Don't think anyone will be able to help with my Physical Chemistry though. :(