How the Rest of the World Views the United States

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- When you think of Americans, what do you picture in your mind?
i picture a middle class families, some overweight people, hot blondes
:sly: , big houses, great education system.

- Why do you think of Americans that way?

tv, news, it's typically presented that way

- The phrase "I like Americans, but not the American Government" is said a lot. Does that still apply in your situation?
yes, it applys. one reason would have to be the war in iraq. the other reason is because of the way the goverment think of immigrants Ex: the goverment calls them terrorists, criminals. these people are just here to work.

- Any other comments about America/Americans in general?
Most Americans are nice people
Its interesting that the education system is mentioned so much. Lately there have been so many complaints about how horrible the education system is set up in the US, and how unfair it is in many parts of the country.

Take for example here in Grand Rapids, Michigan (thats the state that looks like your hand if youre not from around here. BTW: Us folks from Michigan like to show where they are from using our hands dont we?) where shools as little as ten miles apart differ from one of the wealthiest school districts and most well performing districts in the state, to the exact opposite almost down the same street.

The other problems lie with the fact that you are not guaranteed a college education, and a good number of our citizens make it by with just their high school diploma. Although many resources are given to encourage attendance even to the most baisic of community colleges, many people do not take advantage of them, and go without the possibility to take some of the highest paying jobs in the country.

...Its a pretty deep subject in the country, something that I myself could not completely explain, despite the fact that I would want to become a teacher myself.
Our education is trash. Noone can fail, even if they get a zero teachers and administrators will pass them so as to not screw them selves over on funding. Exceptionally good students aren't challenged at all. I made it through high school with high ninetees without lifting a pen out side of class. I made a rule that if I couldn't finish my work within the day it was assigned or when it was due, I wouldn't do it (with exceptions for essays). There were no negative results.
I made it through high school with high ninetees without lifting a pen out side of class. I made a rule that if I couldn't finish my work within the day it was assigned or when it was due, I wouldn't do it (with exceptions for essays). There were no negative results.

As someone who went through the public school system, I'm gonna say this is totally inaccurate.

At worst I'd say that the average American citizen - as the perception is presented to me - isn't too well informed of world matters, is a little overweight,

Probably valid.

owns more than one gun,

Actually, very few Americans have even seen a gun in real life. Those of us that do own more than one gun are just very loud. :)

enjoys NASCAR

No that's a crime.

and drives a car which gets no better than 20mpg.

biiiiig pickup trucks.

whenever we think of Americans on TV we somehow zone in on Jerry Springer and Married (With Children). Hey Al...

Oh dear God! :lol:

...four touchdowns in a single game
Originally Posted by SPM88
the other reason is because of the way the goverment think of immigrants Ex: the goverment calls them terrorists, criminals. these people are just here to work.

I totally agree. Those guys that blew up those buildings were just stressed out because the Search for Work was tougher than they thought it'd be. They tried McDonald's but the illegal Cuban aliens got there first. The attacks were just their way of advertising their availability. But maybe they should have gone to Monster first...
Plus, since when did it become ok to call people who are here illegally criminals??
Plus, since when did it become ok to call people who are here illegally criminals??


Illegal immagrants ARE criminals. I don't care what they are here to do. There are here against the American laws. That makes them criminals in America.

So, there you go. There's legal immagrants from many different countries. Then there's the people that come over illegally (the criminals ) and the idiot employers that help them to do it.
- When you think of Americans, what do you picture in your mind?
3 main groups....
The slightly well off family living in a wooden house that is easily blown over in a light wind and drives an American sedan that has an oversized underpowered engine..

There's also the 'hood group which drive around in blacked out vans and are constantly fighting and stabbing and stuff,

Then there's the country folk that drive big huge pickups, always have a few bottles of beer in the back seat, and own enough guns to arm the Welch (yes Welch) regiment.

- Why do you think of Americans that way?
TV mainly, but every so often the odd news story makes you go "damn, it is true!"
- The phrase "I like Americans, but not the American Government" is said a lot. Does that still apply in your situation?
I have little against GW.Bush and his policies. Though I do think he's abit of a dumb arse.
- Any other comments about America/Americans in general?
Why do they insist on building houses out of wood all the time? Surely bricks and mortar is better atleast 80% of the time.

And do you ever stop complaining about fuel prices? We pay so much more than you and we don't even complain that much.
And do you ever stop complaining about fuel prices? We pay so much more than you and we don't even complain that much.[/color]

That's mostly taxes my friend. :) We have taxes on our gas as well, but not as extreme as yours, thankfully.
That's mostly taxes my friend. :) We have taxes on our gas as well, but not as extreme as yours, thankfully.
I know perfectley well why we spend so much more :) , but it's still annoying when you guys pay a 6th of what we do and still complain.

[EDIT] 6 th is probably not accurate, just what popped into my head.
- Any other comments about America/Americans in general?
Why do they insist on building houses out of wood all the time? Surely bricks and mortar is better atleast 80% of the time.

Can't argue with that. However, brick and mortor is much more expensive. Also, there are a lot of places that don't have the extreme weather conditions that require brick and mortar. Granted, the homes in New Orleans should have been made of that. Much like homes in Florida that are built specifically against hurricanes or homes in California are built to resist earthquakes and so on.

So, brick isn't always the best, but better then wood in most cases. The old school guys knew that. Just look at all the historic homes...:)

I know perfectley well why we spend so much more :) , but it's still annoying when you guys pay a 6th of what we do and still complain.

[EDIT] 6 th is probably not accurate, just what popped into my head.

But that's your government that has put those taxes on you. Much like America has a lot of stupid taxes. So yeah, I get a bit annoyed when the gass prices jump 2$ a gallon in a month. Who wouldn't??
Can't argue with that. However, brick and mortor is much more expensive. Also, there are a lot of places that don't have the extreme weather conditions that require brick and mortar. Granted, the homes in New Orleans should have been made of that. Much like homes in Florida that are built specifically against hurricanes or homes in California are built to resist earthquakes and so on.

So, brick isn't always the best, but better then wood in most cases. The old school guys knew that. Just look at all the historic homes...:)
Actually I though that brick was worse for places like New Orleans and the such because it got just as battered in severe winds as wood. Okay you wouldn't get as much flying debris, but damage none the less.

It's not so much the need of bricks and mortar to stand upto extreme weather, it just lasts longer generally and youd on't have to pull down forests to keep making them.
I know perfectley well why we spend so much more :) , but it's still annoying when you guys pay a 6th of what we do and still complain.

[EDIT] 6 th is probably not accurate, just what popped into my head.
That's understandable, but I'm sure Americans drive a lot more than people in Europe. Distances between states, cities are greater here. Around where I live, rise in gas prices are actually hurting businesses and the economy, so it's a pretty serious problem. :indiff:
It's not so much the need of bricks and mortar to stand upto extreme weather, it just lasts longer generally and youd on't have to pull down forests to keep making them.

Yeah, I don't like deforestation. It's one of the huge double standards of our country. We destroyed so much forest it's not even funny. Then we rag on people in Brazil for doing the same thing. It was wrong then and now, but fairly enough, we get called on it. :yuck:

But in general I can understand your view of America and American culture.
That's understandable, but I'm sure Americans drive a lot more than people in Europe. Distances between states, cities are greater here. Around where I live, rise in gas prices are actually hurting businesses and the economy, so it's a pretty serious problem. :indiff:
Rises in fuel prices has heavily affected haulage firms here aswell. Many truckers are having to work extra hours and tight shcedules. This affects their family lives and the safety of their driving. A few years ago they got so annoyed they started blockading fuel depots.

Though I can understand the point of having to travel longer distances, though there is certainly plenty of international freight haulage.
Yeah, I don't like deforestation. It's one of the huge double standards of our country. We destroyed so much forest it's not even funny. Then we rag on people in Brazil for doing the same thing. It was wrong then and now, but fairly enough, we get called on it. :yuck:

But in general I can understand your view of America and American culture.

There's nothing wrong with cutting down trees. They grow back.
Yeah, I don't like deforestation. It's one of the huge double standards of our country. We destroyed so much forest it's not even funny. Then we rag on people in Brazil for doing the same thing. It was wrong then and now, but fairly enough, we get called on it. :yuck:

But in general I can understand your view of America and American culture.
This is a secondhand information, but in Oregon, I guess we can cut down only as much trees as are planted. In theory, Oregon should always have plenty of trees. I talked to some oldtimers, and I guess forests around here were going bold really fast.

Rises in fuel prices has heavily affected haulage firms here aswell. Many truckers are having to work extra hours and tight shcedules. This affects their family lives and the safety of their driving. A few years ago they got so annoyed they started blockading fuel depots.

Though I can understand the point of having to travel longer distances, though there is certainly plenty of international freight haulage.
While oil companies are laughing all the way to the bank. It wasn't pretty when I think it was Mobil or Chevron or somebody recorded their largest profit, soon after the big gas/oil price hike. Oil companies got politician rolling in their hands. Sorry, it's bit off-topic.
Wood is cheaper than bricks. Most houses are, at least partially, made of bricks, usually thw bottom floor of a two story house. I believe that a wood frame house can also withstand a stronger horizontal force than a house made with four brick walls. Brick can hold up a lot of weight, but it crumles easily under a sideways force. A wood frame house can distribute the load throughout its structure.
But now that I think about it, I can't remember the last time I saw a house, brick or not, that didn't have some sort of wooden structure beneath it.
So how exactly are your houses built with 100% brick and mortar. What exactly is holding up the second floor, or the roof for that matter? Do you have columns inside your house every ten feet? Try building a 70x70 room that has a 25 foot ceiling without columns out of bricks. It doesn't work very well. Wood can do it just fine, and steel does it even better. Do you have steel houses over there in England? You can substitute stainless for wood if you have the money over here.

Your grocery store is probably just around the corner. Most of the American population lives, I'd estimate, about 5 miles from the local grocery. We put way more miles on our cars than you Brits do, mainly because America had land to spread out, and we used it. We have room to stretch our legs between houses.

EDIT: Well, that was a little late, but there you go, Exige.
There's nothing wrong with cutting down trees. They grow back.

There is if you cut too many to quickly.
They still grow back.

way off topic,

But not if the land erodes from all the deforestation.

Anyway, it's still something that should be done with inteligence and not just, "bulldoze everything" mentality. That's what I was talking about.
While oil companies are laughing all the way to the bank.

The price we pay for fuel is roughly 75% tax (including tax on tax - purchase tax levied on the subtotal price which includes fuel duty) and about 4% is oil company profit. So while the oil companies may be laughing all the way to the bank, HM Government is making 20 times the profit with zero outlay.
The price we pay for fuel is roughly 75% tax (including tax on tax - purchase tax levied on the subtotal price which includes fuel duty) and about 4% is oil company profit. So while the oil companies may be laughing all the way to the bank, HM Government is making 20 times the profit with zero outlay.

Check aaaaand Mate.
Wood is cheaper than bricks. Most houses are, at least partially, made of bricks, usually thw bottom floor of a two story house. I believe that a wood frame house can also withstand a stronger horizontal force than a house made with four brick walls. Brick can hold up a lot of weight, but it crumles easily under a sideways force. A wood frame house can distribute the load throughout its structure.
I've heard this aswell and have nothing against it.
But now that I think about it, I can't remember the last time I saw a house, brick or not, that didn't have some sort of wooden structure beneath it.
So how exactly are your houses built with 100% brick and mortar. What exactly is holding up the second floor, or the roof for that matter? Do you have columns inside your house every ten feet? Try building a 70x70 room that has a 25 foot ceiling without columns out of bricks. It doesn't work very well. Wood can do it just fine, and steel does it even better.
Are wooden houses made entirely from wood? No! So should it be assumed that Brick and Mortar house sare made entirely of bricks and mortar? No!

Upper floors are supported by wooden beams and upper walls that are not load bearing are generally stud partitioning with plaster board. You may even find some of these downstairs.

Something else I have noticed recently is alot of new houses are being built with a complete wooden sub structure and then have a brick and mortar shell. Why? Because brick and mortar generally handles most weathers with relative ease.

Do you have steel houses over there in England? You can substitute stainless for wood if you have the money over here.
I live in Wales, and by saying England you've just fuelled the comments made by some members.

And even though we have little sun over here, I imagine stainless steel would be quite unbearable April-September.

Your grocery store is probably just around the corner. Most of the American population lives, I'd estimate, about 5 miles from the local grocery. We put way more miles on our cars than you Brits do, mainly because America had land to spread out, and we used it. We have room to stretch our legs between houses.
So why do you insist on such un-economic cars if you use them so regulary?
So why do you insist on such un-economic cars if you use them so regulary?

Because they think they need, or maybe just want them. Or maybe because they're marketed well. Companies sell them because they sell well, and people buy them because they're persuaded to. Is it "worth it"? To the person able to fork over the cash for the gas, sure.

And don't generalize "you" as all Americans, because it's not like every single person has an SUV - far from it.
I imagine stainless steel would be quite unbearable April-September.

It doesn't really affect the temperature inside the house. The steel just takes place of the wooden studs and all that. It's just a bunch of C shaped beams, really thin and fairly light.

I live in Wales

Sorry, I pulled a "dumb American" by thinking Wales was a "province" or something of England. But you really don't hear much about it as being a seperate country.

So why do you insist on such un-economic cars if you use them so regulary?

I don't, and I have no idea why others do. I'm the car enthusiast type, and I have no desire to operate a vehicle that can't make me smile when driving it. There's just a lot of really uninformed people that don't look at driving in the correct light. They worry about getting in wrecks. Well, if you weren't such a ****ty driver you wouldn't get in a wreck. If you didn't drive an Excursion that took a quarter to stop form 60 you might be able to avoid that little kid chasing his basketball. And that thumping when you hit your brakes? It's not broken, so don't let off the pedal, you ****stick, it's ABS. Now turn the wheel at the same time...there you go.
Nobody over here, except the "drivers" which are obvious to spot, have any sense of driving skill. But I've covered my opinions in the speed limit thread. Somebody needs to bring that back, cause I love flaming stupid drivers.

EDIT: Zrow, don't get on him about generalization, because that's all Americans do. You know you do it, I know I do it, danoff does it, we all do it.
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