How to include downforce in calculations

Siemianowice Sl
Hi there,

I was wondering if someone can answer the question above?

In my case, it is my first attempt to tune a car - Ford Ka F200. After adding and taking some parts, it weights 833kg, and the weight balance is 57/43 front/end. Now when I am adding downforce at the rear (let's say 85kg rear), this weight doesn't change obviously in stats. So, for calculations about springs/ARBs etc., should I use the 833kg, or add the 85kg at the rear? Because in my case it changes the balance to 52/48 front/rear, but the downforce starts working at some speed, right?

These might be a noob question, but I honestly cannot figure that out from all the advices on forum and found on internet.

The downforce number is handled poorly in game. Downforce increases with the square of the velocity. So the 85 kgf of downforce is only true at one speed. Turn 10 has never revealed that speed, so we can't be sure how much downforce we really ever have.

As for tuning the suspension, downforce works primarily at high speed. When you're going slow, you can ignore the downforce. At high speed you can't. The weight distribution across the four tires will change as you accelerate, and you may have to take that into account. The road car wings don't add a lot of downforce though, and in a F class car the speed isn't going to be high, so it might not be absolutely critical to balance everything perfectly.
You can't really calculate much when it comes to downforce, because as Exorcet pointed out they haven't revealed any numbers. Just keep playing with the suspension and downforce till you can find a good balance.

From my experience in F class downforce isn't that important as the speeds are too slow to use it most of the time.

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