How's your German? (New track speculation)

  • Thread starter S13KS
Found this little bit of info on a German forum:

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About half way down the page it would seem this guy has used the GT3 volume viewer app to view the contents on the vol file on the GT4P disc.

See this screenshot:

Looks like a list of tracks to me. There are additional files of track names which are proceeded with the prefix 'L_' which seem to be all the tracks in GT4P. Other files include:

Alaska - Maybe rally
Capri - ???
Deep Forest - We all know
High Speed Ring - Makes it's return
Hong Kong - Already confirmed
Las Vegas - Street circuit?
Laguna - We all know
Midfield - Same
Mini - ???
Motegi - Real-life Japanese race circuit
Nurburgring - Could it be?!? Or is it the GP cicuit?
Nursnow - Maybe rally too?
Paris Rally - A rally course in Paris (duh!)
Paris Tarmac - Street Circuit
Seattle - We all know - but this file name has r_ in front of it. Maybe 'revised' (King Dome?)
Route 5 - Known
SS_Louisberg - Special Stage? Prolly rally
SS_Nazenji - Same as above
SS_SanMarco - Ditto
Test - Test circuit 1
Test 2 - number 2
Trial Mountain - Known
Yosamite - Rally???

I count about 15 new tracks which weren't in GT3 or GTP4. Add the 5 from GT4P and the 19 from GT3 and we've got a total of about 39!
Yeah, we've already seen it here. This is the list that the359 made.

New York
Grand Canyon
Las Vegas
Assisi (?)
Fisco (track in Japan)
Deep Forest
High Speed Ring
Hong Kong
Paris (1 dirt, 1 tarmac)
San Marco
Louisburg (?)
Nanzenji (?)
Trial Mountain
Test Track
Grand Valley
Autumn Ring Mini
Akaska (?)
Nanzenji appears to be the name of the temple/village in historical Kyoto, Japan.

Gymkhana is a popular type of motorsport in Japan when you race against the clock on a large open space driving around cones/bollards and the like.
A worker of the Nürburgring circuit confirmed that Japanese took the measures of the GP track and also of the Nordschleife. It might be the developers of PD? :cool: :mischievous:
I completely forgot to mention one thing I've noticed few days ago:

- there is a glytch of Suzuka in GT Prologue.

While driving licences on the small Test Course there is a Ferris Wheel in the distance back of the track - pressumably, the Suzuka's Ferris Wheel.

maybe it's a small test track behind the suzuka circuit. never heard of a test track behind suzuka. of course it could be made up.
There's a thread over in the main GT4 forums actually SHOWING the Hong Kong track. The kicker is that the kiosk (which rocks BTW) is labeled Prologue.

There is rampant speculation over there hoping that it's unlockable.

Anyway, if you didn't know about it, check it out - It's a bit dark, but the driver looks to be very good (and he's using a Dual Shock 2).
Originally posted by amar212
I completely forgot to mention one thing I've noticed few days ago:

- there is a glytch of Suzuka in GT Prologue.

While driving licences on the small Test Course there is a Ferris Wheel in the distance back of the track - pressumably, the Suzuka's Ferris Wheel.


I thought that when I saw it, but if that was the case you would see the rollercoaster too.
I doubt that the Nurburgring track mentioned is the Nordschleife. If you look at the file sizes, the N-Ring's is average if not low. The Nordschleife is 13.someodd KM's long, significantly longer than any of the other tracks on the list. Fitting 92 turns into 3 MBs when Grand Valley is 4.2? If the N-Ring mentioned is in the game, then it is most definately the F1 circuit.
Are the files in that Prologue folder Complete tracks??

i mean.. you can extract that folder and switch names! and then make a new iso file of it.. (and play)

i mean lets say, change the "newyork" file with "hongkong" file..
and then start the New York track in the Prologue game so it actually starts the Hong Kong track..

understand? :)

or is it a stupid thought :rolleyes:
Originally posted by DMotion
Are the files in that Prologue folder Complete tracks??

i mean.. you can extract that folder and switch names! and then make a new iso file of it.. (and play)

i mean lets say, change the "newyork" file with "hongkong" file..
and then start the New York track in the Prologue game so it actually starts the Hong Kong track..

understand? :)

or is it a stupid thought :rolleyes:

Well it could work if they are 'relatively' complete tracks but they probably aren't, theres probably also some error checking method that will probably fail when trying to load an 'incorrect track' but ya never know. God knows why there even on the GT : P disc. I presume u mean changing the name of (for example) to & hoping it will load a different track.

I would of thought somebody else would have tried, although I never read about anything, you could always attempt it if you've got a few spare dvdrs lying around ;)

And no it won't be the Nürburgring Nordschleife, pretty sure in an interview K.Y. already said the PS2 can't handle it due to memory limitations or something similar :(
Well PGR2 on Xbox has the full length version, although PGR2 isn't a simulation racer, its realistic for an arcade racer. And its a blast around the Nordschleife in an Enzo. :)
Originally posted by DMotion
Are the files in that Prologue folder Complete tracks??

i mean.. you can extract that folder and switch names! and then make a new iso file of it.. (and play)

i mean lets say, change the "newyork" file with "hongkong" file..
and then start the New York track in the Prologue game so it actually starts the Hong Kong track..

understand? :)

or is it a stupid thought :rolleyes:

It's not a stupid thought - I know somebody did this with a car file and got a different car body. Lot of work though to get it completely right. Could be worth trying this with a track and see if anything happens.
Originally posted by T5-R
Well PGR2 on Xbox has the full length version, although PGR2 isn't a simulation racer, its realistic for an arcade racer. And its a blast around the Nordschleife in an Enzo. :)

Oh man......I just wet my pants when i read that :eek: :eek: Wow......It must be incredible....Sorry for the off-topic post :P
The Nurb in the enzo is...scary on pgr2. If you push the car like your meant too, man, you need nerves of steel too keep it on the track, the car is just TOO powerful. In short I love it. :D