I can't decide....

  • Thread starter Ian JB
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Ian Bick

Its been a while since my last post here. I am a little bit stuck and I think I need your help, here goes...

I loved GT6 and still do. As you all know - there is no online stuff now. I am about to purchase a PS4 and I don't know which racing game to go with. I may even decide to purchase another console type after reading some of your comments and thoughts...

Do I go for Gran Turismo or another type - Project Cars seems to get good / great reviews.

I particularly enjoyed the tuning aspect and the vast range of cars available in GT6. I am not big drifter. The track choice was a big thing for me also.

Please feel free to flame me or roast me for my lack of knowledge about these things!!! :-)

Thanks and regards.

GT Sport has very limited track choice & tuning options compared to GT6. If it's cars, tracks & tuning that you're after, I'd say go for an XB1 & Forza. If it's accurate simulation that you're after, go for P CARS 2 on PS4.
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You said you enjoyed the variety of cars and tracks, and also the tuning aspect of GT6. If you want something that follows this you should buy Forza 7. GT Sport is a different game from the former numbered ones.
Forza 7's tuning is kind of b/s as well given that they implemented "Homologation".

It was interesting back in F4 F5 and it started to wane with 6 but its entirely useless in 7.

THere is still "tuning" in GT Sport, there's just no parts upgrades.

I'll be honest with you, when I saw the "Level UP powered by mileage points" the first words out of my mouth was literally... "What is this b*ll****???"

But its someting you get used to.
Forza 7's tuning is kind of b/s as well given that they implemented "Homologation".

It was interesting back in F4 F5 and it started to wane with 6 but its entirely useless in 7.

THere is still "tuning" in GT Sport, there's just no parts upgrades.

I'll be honest with you, when I saw the "Level UP powered by mileage points" the first words out of my mouth was literally... "What is this b*ll****???"

But its someting you get used to.
Homologation isn't different from Balance of Performance though. Two different solutions for the same purpose: balancing unbalanced cars. And Forza adds the parts and visual upgrades that GT Sport has lost, so it takes the lead in customization and tuning.
There is much less emphasis on tuning online in gtsport with Balance of Performance the main focus, especially I'm FIA events. Another reason to buy GTS for online racing.
If you want to tune and customize cars, the Forza series is where it's at. Forza 7 has a great track and car list, with tons of parts to change and tuning things to do if you want to get down to that level. If you want open world fun, horizon 4 is great, if you want on track battling, forza 7. Just know that the online for forza 7 is 9 out of 10 tens, a bunch of non drivers trying to throw one up the inside and taking out half the field
If you are definitely getting a PS4 (you should), than Forza is out of the question, because it's a XBOX exclusive for consoles. Between PCR2 and GTsport, here are my main pros for each

Best online play of any racer I've played.
Free normally monthly updates that usually add new cars and tracks.
Graphics are amazing.
Livery editor, tho I don't use it, I love using liveries that others have made.
I love the selection of race cars and street cars.
I feel that this game will be supported by the community and developers for a lot longer than PCR2

Huge track selection
Cool weather and time of day changing effects
Tons of race cars, but lack of street cars
Damage model and crashes are cool
More to do in single player than GT sport

At the end of the days, it comes down to whether you want to race humans or AI. For me, after racing humans for the last year, I cannot go back. I've put 200+ hours in GT sport and I've probably only played PCR2 for around 10 hours because I cannot get that same adrenaline rush that I get out of GT sport. I can be battling for 10th place in GT sport, and I'm having more fun than winning in PCR2. It would be cool if GT sport had weather/time of day transitioning and damage, but I can easily live without it.
I'd get Assetto. Ultimate Edition is on sale for 15$ on the PS Store. That's quite a good bargain, especially if you have a wheel. Played GT Sport, PC2, but neither can come close to Assetto in terms of fun. Also has a great car list.
Forza 7 sounds like the game you are looking for but keep in mind that it has the worst public lobbies out of any racing game.

Is PC an option for you? That’s something i’d look into since this generation of console will be replaced in a couple years.
Its because I am a muppet of the first order.....

My mate has come up with a perfect solution - I can borrow a PS4 and an Xbox. I can also borrow various games - That way I can spend a day or two, over the holidays, and make my choice that way! How cool is that?

I would like to thank you all for your input - While its not a massive purchase, it is something that I will be spending quite some time enjoying, this way I can make (hopefully) the right choice!

Thank you all once more.

Love and kisses and all that cra*


If you could buy a PS4 then get either GT Sport or PC2, lol, then why not both? At least you have two different racing games, right?
If you could buy a PS4 then get either GT Sport or PC2, lol, then why not both? At least you have two different racing games, right?

Hello GTV (et al)

This is exactly what I have done. I am waiting delivery of a new PS4 and I have, sat in front of me, Gran Turismo Sport and Project Cars2 - still in the wrappers. I hope the console arrives soon - my fingers are itching !!!!

Thanks again for all your input and comments - Brilliant as usual!


Hello GTV (et al)

This is exactly what I have done. I am waiting delivery of a new PS4 and I have, sat in front of me, Gran Turismo Sport and Project Cars2 - still in the wrappers. I hope the console arrives soon - my fingers are itching !!!!

Thanks again for all your input and comments - Brilliant as usual!


Okay. It's a nice gift for this Christmas, I would assure you.

Have fun and happy holidays!

Its been a while since my last post here. I am a little bit stuck and I think I need your help, here goes...


I was in the same boat.... haven't played for years and had no inclination to get GTS after seeing poor reviews.
However, got given a wheel for Christmas and decided to give it a go (83Gb download!).

After only one day on it, I am really impressed. I have no idea why it got any bad reviews. Graphics awesome, gameplay great fun - they have done a fantastic job!

Only thing is some of the music is truly awful and I am trying to work out how to skip tracks!!

My advice is to get it, I really don't think you'll regret it.
I think going back to GT4 and prior, the always got rave reviews as they were perfect unique experiences out of the box.

That changed with GT5 that had to go to spec 2.0 for it to be 'playable'.

GT6 and GT Sport have (had) the same formula, the game was a 'work in progress' from day one. I arrived on the scene early 2018 so I jumped in with the Leagues and the single player experience largely intact... but I could see how reviews from say 2017 would be harsh.

The game has been half price for almost 10-11 months now so I dont see how this isnt a huge bargain.

Granted PCR2 is like $10 here now.