I realized B-Spec was a crock...

  • Thread starter mkpelto
it doesnt matter how people play the game as long as they are enjoying how they are doing it. I like using b-spec so I can get better cars and have more fun with more tracks. Once I finish the game or come close to I plan to go back and start all over again and do it just A-spec but for the time being b-specs fine for me and no-one should tell someone how they should play the game. If you don't like to use b-spec than don't use it but don't bag people coz they do. Different people have different strategies and enjoy different things in different ways just shut your hole and play your own game.
Does Michael Shumacher ever go: "sorry guys, dont feel like doing this race, but hey, you could just put the car in Bspec mode, that'll do the trick", or Mark Skaife (Aussie V8 Driver) go "sorry fellas, don't feel like Bathurst this year round, its too long, put it in Bspec.

Well, since Shuey is paid millions to drive, he has plenty of reason to do it. It's not like he has a B-spec anyway. That's Jean Todt's job.

I don't get paid anything to play GT4. It's a hobby.

Find someone that will pay me to play GT4 for a living, then I'll think about using A-spec for everything. 'Til then, I'll use B-spec to get the cars I want from the game. I'll be building a garage of killer cars to race real people with.
I have over 10K B-sec points and only about 5K A-spec points....I really like the B-spec as Im not the best driver in the world, but at the same time Im getting the game completed. :)

its getting boring reading all the b-spec threads....

Are you sure about that? I didn't think that it was possible to get more than 10,000 B-Spec Points. Anyway, I'm nearly at 23% done, have over 16,500 A-Spec Points, and only about 1,000 B-Spec Points. I am in no hurry to finish this game, and before I am done playing, I fully expect to get the most out of it by getting the maximum A-Spec and B-Spec Points available, as well as getting machine, course, and battle skills to 100, which I believe to be the max.
yo wassup guys this is my 1st post here so bare with me lol, i like b-spec alot but sometimes b-spec can be a lil full of shyt with the AI, i do b-spec alot when i cant finish the race by myself or if i dun got the time, but ya i love gt4 n its a gift from god for b-spec otherwise how the hell can we complete those races. But i was wondering if u guys have had ne AI problems doin b-spec?

Yeah, don't B-Spec on a tight, oval track. My Toy GT1 kept getting stuck in one of the turns. It is actually possible to lose a B-Spec race, particularly if the cars are of similar hp and sometimes even if you have a lot more hp. It depends on the track and the rpms I guess as to who has the advantage. The B-Spec cars run on a tighter, ideal line than most gamers do. Just my opinion.
i do the races myself first, and if i need money in a hurry i do easy races b-speced (like i clear the civic cup and do it again b spec for 125, 000 in about 20 mins
I own GT 1, 2, 3 and now 4. The love has waivered and is close to dead. B-Spec offered me a way to run these stupid races and keep my sanity. I shouldn't have to race a 24hr. race to drive a grey and black formula (I wanted anything but that, or the white with pink). I shouldn't have to race the Suzuki over and over and over to get either a red, blue or yellow rsx (6 races=3 white, 2 black and 1 grey). Let me paint it, let me compete with like kind cars.

But I digress. I want to earn my way to the top, compete competitively against like cars. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I show up with a car that can compete with all but one car of the cars, and that one whips my you know what! So I soup up a car, beat the crap at of everyone (24 hours of Nuhremburg-24 laps ahead of second after 201 laps (Audi R8). An you think I got the time to do that A-Spec.

I have all sorts of great cars now- because of B-Spec. But most I won't be able to race and have fun, because the competition (cars) are either too good or too lame.

B-Spec sucks, but not as much as the reason I need it does.

My two cents!
That B-Spec driver is worthless! It's first attempt at a pass is usually up the tail pipe of the car its trying pass. The second attempt is 2.86 mm to the right. The 2.99 mm to the left. Then the car ahead, getting tired of it's tail end being rammed, moves over and let's "Dingle Balls" the B-spec driver through. The best lap times the b-spec has are always worse than mine, and not by a little.
WOW people! Let people play the game how they like. So what, GT has to sell to the masses if were going to get to play it. PD has to make money. I've heard it said, "what happend to the skill usualy associated with the GT player?" If someone is giving you heck about how good they are at GT just challenge them to a spot race, then you'll know if their a B spec-er or not. And no matter how trained their driver is you'll be able to beat it.
i think people shouldnt give a hoot how other people
play the game.

when it comes to face-to-face competition with another
human, that's the only time it should matter. if it at all
were possible, and people we bspecing against other
human players, then it'd be somethin' to gripe about.

otherwise, play the game how you want. just like you
dont have to buy all the same cars, and tune 'em the
same as the best player, you dont have to race every
freakin' race.
I use B-spec as my TEST driver, and I find it useful. everytime I prepare for a race with a certain car, then I use B-spec for my first run. If B-spec win the title easily, then I drop this car or tune down hp, if B-spec can't even overtake any car in the field, I will do a little shopping or tunning. Then back to race do another B-spec run, till it take the 3rd or 4th position, now, it's my A-spec turn. I do enjoy this process, thanks to B-spec (the test driver), my every race is so competitive, and always get about 150+/- A-spec points. In some race, there's PRACTICE function, then my B-spec driver can have a little coffee break. If the race time over 1hr, my B-spec driver can help me couple stints. He's one of drivers in my team, the not-so-good one, but useful one, just like a reliever at the baseball mound. All in all, I do enjoy B-spec mode, it helps a lot, and make this game more pleasant...
I have to say that so far i haven't tried b-spec mode yet. Why put a driver winning races if i can do it more easily? where's the fun in winning races like that? No thrill. Probably try it in some longer races like 24 hours endurance races but other than that A-Spec mode rules. I beat the game not the game itself
I just came across this and thought I would add my 2 cents. I am having fun with the directors mode by trying to tune the least powerful car possible so the stupid computer can drive it. The computer drives completely differently than a real person so you have to find its strengths. I spend hours sometimes tuning the gears and suspension as well as the downforce so that I can win races using a car on the same level as the others in the race. Then I do the opposite of you guys who let it run while you sleep....I sit and stare at it and make it run itself mostly out of gas before refuelling and do all the minor work that they intended. One might even say I was "directing".

Oh well, just another view. I know it wasnt a serious thread to begin with.

And yes, I have let it win races for me too when I was too poor to get a car I needed ;)

i never b-speced anything.
for the endurance races, me and my friends took turns. there were three of us, we each did 8 hours before switching it to the other person. lol we did this for all the 24 hour endurance races, and for the others, we split it up.
we did this for 3 games!!!
it was fun lol i had to do the night shift though from like 12 am to 8 am.
it was fun, it really put me through alot, we used stock cars i cant remember what we used. the race was worth like 159 points, why you ask??
well guess who was there for all the races except nurburing.
1. mazda 787b-really fast acceleration but sucks for top speed
2. Minolta toyota 88-cv race car- good car
3. Sauber Mercedes C9 race car- good car
4. Nissan R92cp race car- good car
5. Nissan R89C race car- good car
6. of course us

we were never more than 30 seconds ahead. the annoying thing was that we pitted every 7 laps while they pitted every 8 laps, which is bull cause fuel doesn't last that long. so we were scrambling our @sses when they pitted. we won everytime with like +3 seconds and not more.
anyways ill keep u posted if i remember the car we used.

back to the topic, i think b-spec is not for lazy people, but for people who dont have time. im 16 wit a girlfriend. i have alot of time lol