I was seriously counting on GT7

  • Thread starter 787B GT4
United States
Orange Park, FL
I really know some may be confused by the title of the post but basically I've been without a PC for months on end because I don't have a desk as I had to give it up in my move and am currently unable to setup my desktop PC. Therefore I was really counting on GT7 to keep me busy for months on end like all previous GT games have. Before 1.07 I was having a blast. After 1.07 I'm nearly in tears as a long term GT fan.

I hate to be the one who anticipates a sealed fate (especially for my all time favorite franchise) But I believe what we are seeing here is the immediate end of Gran Turismo and Polyphony Digital if drastic and immediate measures aren't taken ASAP, and so far what we've seen is complete and utter ignorance and attempts to play their playerbase for fools.

The reason I believe this is because I've been playing GT since the very beginning as a small child and there has never once in history been an outrage this far wide and so outside of inner GT circles. What we are seeing here is complete corporate overreach completely disregarding respect for a 25 year old franchise by releasing a very clearly unfinished game and giving players a lack of options for obtaining end game content besides unrealistic grinds or opening up their wallets and paying 4X what they paid for the game for a singular car..

That is egregiousness at and well beyond the worst offenders in the scene such as Blizzard, EA, Activision etc and this could honestly be a F2P game with its current business model.. But then you remember it's a full priced AAA title..

I'll admit that I was too a sucker and preordered because I'm a naive kid at heart when it comes to Gran Turismo and have always had the "never my GT" attitude and seen Kazunori as a god in my eyes as he made my awful childhood worth living. So much so that I bought a PS4 Pro just for GT Sport and was thrilled when I found out 7 would also be on 4 and immediately preordered.

I absolutely can't lie. This is the most disappointed I've ever been with Sony and Polyphony Digital, and as someone who still has a deep love and attachment with GT since I've been a kid it breaks my heart. 1.07 almost got me teared up a few times when I started to see the extreme backlash and remembered how GT used to be so long ago.. Where are the endurance races and LMP/Prototype races?! Why does no event in the game require higher than a National A license?!

This game was definitely released before it was finished and I think the state of the lobbies proves that more than anything if you don't buy the other reasons.. Regardless of who's fault it is, whether it be Kaz or Sony both could have seen the unmitigated disaster that's occurring and prevented it but neither did and then Kaz made it worse with his statement..

I can only hope they have plans in motion as we speak because when Muta from SOG starts making videos about it you know it's truly egregious and bad.. The worst part in all of this is that I can see the love for this game was there as usual.. But in un-Polyphony like fashion seems to be unfinished, rushed out the door and with very poor thought given to the economy.. I never thought I'd see the day..

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Still dont get it. Much love for the game. Maybe because for me its clear that there are more events coming and about 40% for me is Multiplayer. Even just doing singleplayer i am having a blast. Cant imagine this should be the end of GT.

Also no problems with rewards. MTX dont exist for me.
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I had a lot of the same feelings as you OP. I very, VERY rarely pay full price for ANY game these days (i usually buy games when they're under $30, preferably under $20) but 'happily' shelled out $175 for the GT7 Anniversary Edition, with the PS5 physical copy(even though we don't have a PS5) and PS4 digital version, thinking that it'd be back to the ways of old.

But it isn't. I've never regretted the purchase of a game more than GT7, in my 23 or so years of gaming. I honestly feel quite heartbroken because i'm a huge GT fan, and basically now have all my bets and hopes on the fact they listen to all this negative feedback and make some drastic changes and additions before they lose too many players for good.

As i've said in other posts, they haven't lost me yet - but they need to get this game up to the standard expected of a triple a game/numbered GT game before i go back to it. Basically i, along with others, feel as though the game was released too early, and thus is missing most of the career mode races and so on.

If things somehow don't improve in the way many of us want, then this may be the last GT game i ever buy. :ill:
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Still dont get it. Much love for the game. Maybe because for me its clear that there are more events coming and about 40% for me is Multiplayer. Even just doing singleplayer i am having a blast. Cant imagine this should be the end of GT.

Also no problems with rewards. MTX dont exist for me.
My only real problem with the game is the extremely poorly thought out economy (900K/hr is a joke when you have Fear of missing out and 20 M cars that would take 20 hours of the same race to get)

and serious lack of career events compared to games like GT4, GT5 and even GT6. Like I said, no championship requires over a National A license. So what's the point of IB, IA and S then? That to me SCREAMS unfinished.. That and the lobbies.

If they just did these 2 things I'd be over the moon. People are so upset because they paid $70 for a game that's unfinished and pushes unacceptable grinds that are on the level of a F2P game if not worse. That's perfectly reasonable to be angry. Especially that it was changed AFTER launch.

It's a great game gameplay wise. But the career is unfinished and economy extremely predatory. People have every right to be upset because we've never been given an unfinished mainline GT game before.
I really know some may be confused by the title of the post but basically I've been without a PC for months on end because I don't have a desk as I had to give it up in my move and am currently unable to setup my desktop PC. Therefore I was really counting on GT7 to keep me busy for months on end like all previous GT games have. Before 1.07 I was having a blast. After 1.07 I'm nearly in tears as a long term GT fan.

I hate to be the one who anticipates a sealed fate (especially for my all time favorite franchise) But I believe what we are seeing here is the immediate end of Gran Turismo and Polyphony Digital if drastic and immediate measures aren't taken ASAP, and so far what we've seen is complete and utter ignorance and attempts to play their playerbase for fools.

The reason I believe this is because I've been playing GT since the very beginning as a small child and there has never once in history been an outrage this far wide and so outside of inner GT circles. What we are seeing here is complete corporate overreach completely disregarding respect for a 25 year old franchise by releasing a very clearly unfinished game and giving players a lack of options for obtaining end game content besides unrealistic grinds or opening up their wallets and paying 4X what they paid for the game for a singular car..

That is egregiousness at and well beyond the worst offenders in the scene such as Blizzard, EA, Activision etc and this could honestly be a F2P game with its current business model.. But then you remember it's a full priced AAA title..

I'll admit that I was too a sucker and preordered because I'm a naive kid at heart when it comes to Gran Turismo and have always had the "never my GT" attitude and seen Kazunori as a god in my eyes as he made my awful childhood worth living. So much so that I bought a PS4 Pro just for GT Sport and was thrilled when I found out 7 would also be on 4 and immediately preordered.

I absolutely can't lie. This is the most disappointed I've ever been with Sony and Polyphony Digital, and as someone who still has a deep love and attachment with GT since I've been a kid it breaks my heart. 1.07 almost got me teared up a few times when I started to see the extreme backlash and remembered how GT used to be so long ago.. Where are the endurance races and LMP/Prototype races?! Why does no event in the game require higher than a National A license?!

This game was definitely released before it was finished and I think the state of the lobbies proves that more than anything if you don't buy the other reasons.. Regardless of who's fault it is, whether it be Kaz or Sony both could have seen the unmitigated disaster that's occurring and prevented it but neither did and then Kaz made it worse with his statement..

I can only hope they have plans in motion as we speak because when Muta from SOG starts making videos about it you know it's truly egregious and bad.. The worst part in all of this is that I can see the love for this game was there as usual.. But in un-Polyphony like fashion seems to be unfinished, rushed out the door and with very poor thought given to the economy.. I never thought I'd see the day..

I agree that it seems unfinished. Even with the delay they had the career mode is lacking. I like the cafe part myself but imho it should have led to opening the race divisions that previous versions had. Hopefully they can correct this

I can honestly say that I wish I would have waited and got it from GF before I bought it. I pre-ordered the 25th aniv version and at the moment it was not worth the price. I will keep fingers crossed it gets better.
I had a lot of the same feelings as you OP. I very, VERY rarely pay full price for ANY game these days (i usually buy games when they're under $30, preferably under $20) but 'happily' shelled out $175 for the GT7 Anniversary Edition, with the PS5 physical copy(even though we don't have a PS5) and PS4 digital version, thinking that it'd be back to the ways of old.

But it isn't. I've never regretted the purchase of a game more than GT7, in my 23 or so years of gaming. I honestly feel quite heartbroken because i'm a huge GT fan, and basically now have all my bets and hopes on the fact they listen to all this negative feedback and make some drastic changes and additions before they lose too many players for good.

As i've said in other posts, they haven't lost me yet - but they need to get this game up to the standard expected of a triple a game/numbered GT game before i go back to it. Basically i, along with others, feel as though the game was released too early, and thus is missing most of the career mode races and so on.

If things somehow don't improve in the way many of us want, then this may be the last GT game i ever buy. :ill:
Nice insight. It seems us weak for GT were all played extremely hard. I feel for you man.

I honestly don't see what choice they have. They can either fix the game or kill GT forever. The backlash is so bad that the franchise or even PD absolutely will not survive if they do nothing and it'll be known as one of the saddest deaths in gaming history IMHO. 25 years turned to dust in a matter of weeks.

Even if we dont get any new content for awhile whatever fine. At the VERY least put the payouts back to what they were or higher and I think around 50 - 60% of this blowback would go completely away..
My only real problem with the game is the extremely poorly thought out economy (900K/hr is a joke when you have Fear of missing out and 20 M cars that would take 20 hours of the same race to get)

and serious lack of career events compared to games like GT4, GT5 and even GT6. Like I said, no championship requires over a National A license. So what's the point of IB, IA and S then? That to me SCREAMS unfinished.. That and the lobbies.

If they just did these 2 things I'd be over the moon. People are so upset because they paid $70 for a game that's unfinished and pushes unacceptable grinds that are on the level of a F2P game if not worse. That's perfectly reasonable to be angry. Especially that it was changed AFTER launch.

It's a great game gameplay wise. But the career is unfinished and economy extremely predatory. People have every right to be upset because we've never been given an unfinished mainline GT game before.I
The economy is a big issue yes. But correct me if I am mis remembering things. If you didn't gold all the tests in some of the other versions were you not left with a grind to move up divisions?
The economy is a big issue yes. But correct me if I am mis remembering things. If you didn't gold all the tests in some of the other versions were you not left with a grind to move up divisions?
The previous games had prize cars that were specific to getting all gold silver or Bronze. In GT7 it's just all gold and all bronze prize cars, none for silver. However if you mean what I think you mean no. You could still get any license by just getting bronze on every test, you just wouldn't get the all silver or gold prize cars. You could always go back though and gold all the tests to get them. I think that's what you mean but I could be wrong.
The previous games had prize cars that were specific to getting all gold silver or Bronze. In GT7 it's just all gold and all bronze prize cars, none for silver. However if you mean what I think you mean no. You could still get any license by just getting bronze on every test, you just wouldn't get the all silver or gold prize cars. You could always go back though and gold all the tests to get them. I think that's what you mean but I could be wrong.
Sorry no thats not what I was meaning. Sorry I wasn't very clear.

I remember starting previous versions (memory issues can't remember which one) in the Sunday Cup there was a couple of races in the Cup. If irrc you had to run 1 or 2 of the same race over and over again to gain enough credits to upgrade your car to be able to compete in the other races. I could be wrong but I swore I used to run SC races constantly when I started some of the previous versions.

Not saying the way they handled the Econ in 7 is at all good or right.
They need to add events and fix the dealership maybe add a user to user auction house or the ability to sell cars for some value.. Well and probabaly the roullette too its aggresgious to call a daily reward unlocking the ability to spend 3.6 million on a car you dont want... You cant hide all the pre 2001 cars behind a used car dealership and than more than half the new cars in said dealership are either repeating in the second week of the game or are newer than 2001 and excpect no backlash. I'd be willing to pay another 70 80 100 dollars if they were to fix these things properly.. The first few days this game was awesome i couldnt put it down, played 8+ hours a day lost a little sleep took a day off from work haha At this point though its getting boring repeating the same championships and races just to grind for credits and not afford what i want anyways.. I seem to only find myself playing more than couple races now and enjoying myself when a new car i like pops up,or to get my daily reward and if said reward is good i stay on for a fewmore hours usually but thats only about once a week so far if that ... I sure hope we we see an update fast
They need to add events and fix the dealership maybe add a user to user auction house or the ability to sell cars for some value.. Well and probabaly the roullette too its aggresgious to call a daily reward unlocking the ability to spend 3.6 million on a car you dont want... You cant hide all the pre 2001 cars behind a used car dealership and than more than half the new cars in said dealership are either repeating in the second week of the game or are newer than 2001 and excpect no backlash. I'd be willing to pay another 70 80 100 dollars if they were to fix these things properly.. The first few days this game was awesome i couldnt put it down, played 8+ hours a day lost a little sleep took a day off from work haha At this point though its getting boring repeating the same championships and races just to grind for credits and not afford what i want anyways.. I seem to only find myself playing more than couple races now and enjoying myself when a new car i like pops up,or to get my daily reward and if said reward is good i stay on for a fewmore hours usually but thats only about once a week so far if that ... I sure hope we we see an update fast
I don't know if adding a user auction house is a good idea. People could try to sell cars for way to high of a price leading to more people thinking they need to buy credits.

I hope events at least get added soon. Or Gt7 will get uninstalled from my ps5 and I will go back to F1 2021. And that's a shame because I bought my PS5 for 2 games. GT7 and FF16...
Sorry no thats not what I was meaning. Sorry I wasn't very clear.

I remember starting previous versions (memory issues can't remember which one) in the Sunday Cup there was a couple of races in the Cup. If irrc you had to run 1 or 2 of the same race over and over again to gain enough credits to upgrade your car to be able to compete in the other races. I could be wrong but I swore I used to run SC races constantly when I started some of the previous versions.

Not saying the way they handled the Econ in 7 is at all good or right.
Yes you're correct. The older games you had to upgrade your starting car in order to keep progressing because the AI basically cheated on the old games with rubberbanding lol but once you got through the first few races you usually got cars that didn't need upgrading as often to be competitive. I believe it was 4 which was the first GT game to not have AI rubberbanding.
well beyond the worst offenders in the scene such as Blizzard, EA, Activision etc and this could honestly be a F2P game with its current business model.. But then you remember it's a full priced AAA title..
It seems you've never played the FIFA or any other EA sports games in recent years. Let me tell you how FIFA works. As you can see in this list, there are roughly 100 players with 1-10 million FUT coins price tags, so you can spend 50-100 million FUT coins just for one team. But you can't earn 50-100 million FUT coins by just playing the game, as it only gives you roughly 1k coins per match and you can only play 3-4 matches/hour. You could earn more money by trading, but you need to spend a couple of thousand hours to amass such amount, not 50 hours. This is the reason why there are people selling bots, like this (they charge €10/mo).

The only fast enough method is paying, but you can't just buy FUT coins directly from EA. What you can buy from EA is FIFA points, not FUT coins you need. So you have to first buy 12,000 FIFA point for $99.99 (or $89.99 if you paid $5/mo or $30/y subscription) and then you convert those FIFA points to FUT coins by purchasing loot boxes and selling what you got from the loot boxes on the market. Some packs have higher ceiling but low expected return (and vice versa), but you could get roughly 1.5k FUT coins on average (minimum 700 coins, maximum several millions) for a pack that costs 150 FIFA points. So the 100 million FUT coin team will cost you either $83k or a few months of 24/7 trading or a several years of grinding to play 100k matches. On top of that, if you buy one at this moment, the team comes with an expiration date of 6 months, beause EA will release FIFA 23 on September this year. Maximum lifespan you can get is usually a full year.

See the differences? Multi-level conversion process including loot boxes (real money - fifa point - packs - items - fut coins), higher spending ceilings, much harder to grind (impossible for regular gameplay), items that are directly and heavily beneficial to the competitive gameplay, expect you to repeat this process every year, etc. FIFA is not exactly the most vicious game out there (especially compare to many F2P games), but every single one of those differences matters a lot. As such, you can safely remove EA from the list.

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