- 7
- texas
- hakosukaRB26DET
As of now team consists of 5 drivers as we are growin.
hakosukaRB26DET new name (oni-hakujaden)s15 varietta
D1_SpiritCrusher_s14 k aero
ctaveras 75-skyline 370gt
Vidasti97_jza80 supra
Superdude-man-hachi roku
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Thats what im doing at this very moment but its late and every ones crashed .I promise there will be more from this team u have my word!
Well this is awkward. Good luck with the team.Team Shiro Oni
Well this is awkward. Good luck with the team.
I spy an angle hack on the AE86. No hate, though. It looks cool.
Got to admit though that AE86 looks sexy as hell in that picture.