Is it ever OK to ram?

Spooky Wooky

Downing Street
I was in a public lobby yesterday, didn't know anyone else in the lobby, track was Sazuka, cars were GT3. An opponent was about 2 seconds ahead but ran wide at Dregner. As I approached him (he was back on the track) instead of letting me past he door-handled me into the wall of the bridge. Luckily I saw it coming, backed off the throttle and got back on track.

By the time we were approaching Spoon's I was right behind him and used him as a brake, consequently pinging him off into the large run off area, getting my place back and ruining his race.

1. Was that a fair thing for me to do considering he tried to ruin my race a few turns earlier?

2. Where do you draw the line with rammers?
  1. Yes, I would agree that it was the right thing to do IF the lobby is not strictly a "clean" room.
  2. I draw the line when they actually try to ram you into the wall. For example, ramming someone into a wall on one of Route X's straightaways.
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In a serious league/series race, ramming is never acceptable. Other than that it really depends on how strict the room is about clean driving.

Agreed, I would never have retaliated like that in a league/series event.
I was in a public lobby yesterday, didn't know anyone else in the lobby, track was Sazuka, cars were GT3. An opponent was about 2 seconds ahead but ran wide at Dregner. As I approached him (he was back on the track) instead of letting me past he door-handled me into the wall of the bridge. Luckily I saw it coming, backed off the throttle and got back on track.

By the time we were approaching Spoon's I was right behind him and used him as a brake, consequently pinging him off into the large run off area, getting my place back and ruining his race.

1. Was that a fair thing for me to do considering he tried to ruin my race a few turns earlier?

2. Where do you draw the line with rammers?
You should of punted him into the wall then pinned him against the wall forcing him to leave. :)
Never acceptable. And it's also wrong to call Sakitto Sazuka when the track only very loosely follows its layout.
I don't think it really matters. It's a modified version of Suzuka so obviously people will call it Suzuka.
1. Was that a fair thing for me to do considering he tried to ruin my race a few turns earlier?

2. Where do you draw the line with rammers?
1. Serves him right

2. You can usually tell the difference between someone making a genuine mistake and being a (insert your choice of expletive). I've been know to revenge-rage when someone has blatantly taken me out because they've chosen to
Heavily modified.

Yes they are different but are similar tracks.
I was playing with some guys from GTP last night and a few randoms joined, was racing round Nurb GP and took the uphill left/right chicane flat out, some guy in front of me lost the line and slowed down so I ended up right on his bumper, didn't ram him though, but we got stuck together (which is a bit OTT in this game), we both went wide, I apologised and told him to pass me but instead of doing that he just rammed me off the road.

idiot. he left before he was booted. apart from that it was another night of good behaviour from everyone.
For me it is never ok to ram but having said that I can understand when people who usually would not do it decide enough is enough. There are many people happy to ruin the race for clean players.

I have never intentionally rammed someone because I detest it being done to me. There has however been a few occasions so far when I had a tough time convincing myself not to get my own back on some idiot acting like they are playing Destruction Derby.

The night after release I was racing at La Sarthe in GT3 in my gorgeous Pedace R8 LMS when I was smashed by some fool and dropped to 14th. I quickly caught up and got along side them on Mulsanne. I was looking sideways at them waiting for something to happen when they threw their Z4 GT3 at me. I tapped my brakes just enough for him to miss me and fly into the wall just before the Michelin Chicane. It felt fantastic to see them screwed by their own poor sportsmanship and disrespect for others.
I remember one race where a car was coming up behind me going into a tight corner. It was clear that I was about to become a brake and get punted into the outfield. I moved over to get the widest line possible and at the last second dived hard into the corner. The car behind me whiffed and went flying off track with no contact. I had a little trouble making the corner but kept it on track and pulled far enough ahead that he never got another chance at me.

I try hard not to make contact with other cars but on a few occasions I have put someone into a wall after them having slammed me.

Of course I have hit others without meaning to. Sometimes you just misjudge what the car in front is doing or you miss a brake point or the other car is in a blind spot and contact happens. I found it easier when everyone was wearing a headset and could let you know if they were inside or outside.
I was playing with some guys from GTP last night and a few randoms joined, was racing round Nurb GP and took the uphill left/right chicane flat out, some guy in front of me lost the line and slowed down so I ended up right on his bumper, didn't ram him though, but we got stuck together (which is a bit OTT in this game), we both went wide, I apologised and told him to pass me but instead of doing that he just rammed me off the road.

idiot. he left before he was booted. apart from that it was another night of good behaviour from everyone.

I punter Bubbles by mistake, but stopped and let her go first at Donington last night. Can't say the same thing happened when Hammy put me into the wall at the last chicane. What did you think of the Radical? I didn't even realise it was in the game.
I would never ram somebody deliberately, but if I know my braking point is correct and I hit them by accident because they brake earlier, that would be a racing incident, hence nobody's fault
I'd say:

1. No it wasn't correct to retaliate
2. Be the better one. And imagine how rammers will be annoyed if you beat them fair and square. Or even better, it may educate them and make them realise there is another way.

If someone's on their out lap and I'm on my qualifying lap I'm going to force my way past. Other than that I don't ram unless it's accidental contact, or retribution for dirty driving.
I punter Bubbles by mistake, but stopped and let her go first at Donington last night. Can't say the same thing happened when Hammy put me into the wall at the last chicane. What did you think of the Radical? I didn't even realise it was in the game.
it's got a wilder back end than the SP300 so I prefer to drive that really. also it's my old Driveclub favourite so I'd be doing t a disservice if I didn't take it out more
I would never ram somebody deliberately, but if I know my braking point is correct and I hit them by accident because they brake earlier, that would be a racing incident, hence nobody's fault
There's a trick to nose/tail racing. Brake when the guy in front brakes.. Not at your marker. It makes for some excellent racing and you can line them up better for the pass.
A guy told me that in the Skip Barber series on IRacing back in '09. I applied it to my races and my on track incidents dropped dramatically.
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There's a trick to nose/tail racing. Brake when the guy in front brakes.. Not at your marker. It makes for some excellent racing and you can line them up better for the pass.
A guy told me that in the Skip Barber series on IRacing back in '09. I applied it to my races and my on track incidents dropped dramatically.

I have done that in the past, normally when I'm fairly new to circuit.
But what happens if he brakes too late? ;)
These things can occur accidentally, in the heat of the moment. Without proximity indicators you have to do a lot of glancing left/right/back to know where everyone is and it's just not always possible or practicle to do so. I can easily see people online getting confused by other cars and I can also see it being deliberate. Rage has got the best of me a few times online, but my normal response is assume it's not intentional unless it happens again, and then avoid them as much as possible or go find another room.
I have no spare buttons on my wheel to map Look L/R so I can't always see someone coming up beside me so naturally there might be some accidental turn ins on occasion. I'll try to avoid ramming whenever possible though, especially as I always put full damage on if I host a lobby.
This is exactley why i dont do road racing online on my PS3/4 at least untill the casual gamers have moved onto another game
I have no spare buttons on my wheel to map Look L/R so I can't always see someone coming up beside me so naturally there might be some accidental turn ins on occasion. I'll try to avoid ramming whenever possible though, especially as I always put full damage on if I host a lobby.

It sure would be nice if racing games had optional rear and side view mirrors [both sides] as part of the hud that could be shown in every view. Ideally they could be positioned where the player likes but I think the bottom left and right corners would be fine for side view or even the top corners would be ok. I would not even car if they had very little detail in them just need to be able to see that there is a car there by simply taking a glance in the mirror rather than hitting a button that basically turns your head quite a lot in that direction.

I can map the look right and left to the dpad but it always seems odd to use it, a mirror would be so so much better.
I was in a public lobby yesterday, didn't know anyone else in the lobby, track was Sazuka, cars were GT3. An opponent was about 2 seconds ahead but ran wide at Dregner. As I approached him (he was back on the track) instead of letting me past he door-handled me into the wall of the bridge. Luckily I saw it coming, backed off the throttle and got back on track.

By the time we were approaching Spoon's I was right behind him and used him as a brake, consequently pinging him off into the large run off area, getting my place back and ruining his race.

1. Was that a fair thing for me to do considering he tried to ruin my race a few turns earlier?

2. Where do you draw the line with rammers?

On track retaliation is Never Acceptable, even if it was done to you deliberately.
Accept that he is a lesser driver than you. But don't stoop to the same level.
no matter how much you want to do it..