Israel - Palestine discussion thread


Nothing To See Here GIF by Giphy QA

It looks like Israel backed off something truly provocative and did something...well I'm not sure what they did. I'm not sure Iran is ever going to let us know what they did either. Maybe they wrote "Shalom" with missile craters on some patch of desert.
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Nothing To See Here GIF by Giphy QA

It looks like Israel backed off something truly provocative and did something...well I'm not sure what they did. I'm not sure Iran is ever going to let us know what they did either. Maybe they wrote "Shalom" with missile craters on some patch of desert.
Is silence from Iran scoffing at Israel or showing some sort of failure?
Is silence from Iran scoffing at Israel or showing some sort of failure?
Silence from Iran means that the Mullahs don't want to escalate further and the attack was small enough that they can sweep it under the rug without looking weak.

This is a weird situation. There's been a tit for tat for tit and somehow there is no clear loser...or winner really. Joe Biden seems to have avoided a war by talking down the Israelis, Israel shot down a bunch of missiles, and Iran landed 9 missiles on target in Israel despite Israel having the most sophisticated missile defense system in the world AND with the US, UK, Jordan, and even Syria assisting. I'm not sure what we learned here. Maybe both countries will think twice before ****ing with each other again? That might be a useful takeaway?
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Would never happen in my country, with the current government full of proud zionists like Michael Gove.
It's great that Palestine is FINALLY getting the recognition. But, on what borders? The current ones? The 1967 ones? The 1948 ones? Or the ones prior to 1948?
Also those same countries recognize the apartheid state which - coming from a Muslim Syrian Arab - is hypocritical.

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Seeing that a big part of the West Bank is invaded with zionist colonists, i have nu clue how they gonna do the two-state solution. I hope the remove the illegal settlers. but i don't know how feasable that is.

ICJ orders Israel to halt Rafah offensive in Gaza​

The court rules that Israel must immediately halt its military offensive and other actions in Rafah, citing the "immediate risk" to the Palestinian people.
of course in reality it won't change anything

The ICJ ordered Israel to report to the court within one month on its progress in applying the measures ordered today.

As a reminder, while ICJ rulings are legally binding, in practice they are unenforceable by the court.
After a month Israel won't have done anything to comply, it will pass to the UN Security Council for enforcement and the Israeli puppets 🇺🇲 will veto any action.
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It will make it easier after the fact to maybe bring someone to justice, because they won't be able to claim that they weren't aware. But yeah, small comfort. Palestinians are dying and will die. Israel and the US have decided that it will be so. Trying to stop them would trigger a world war, and even then is unlikely to be successful in anything other than getting even more people killed.

I hate this timeline.
ICJ ruling goes unenforced.
UN security council votes on action.
USA vetoes.

A sad, genocidal yawn.
Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Díaz calls to genocide with FTRTS. Earlier Spanish Minister of Transport called J. Milei an junkie. Diplomacy.jpeg
Visegrad 24 is an extremely biased "source", whether the story is true or not; it purports to be a news agency focusing on the Visegrad Four, Slovakia, Czechia, Poland and Hungary, but writes very little to nothing about them and posts pro-Israeli propaganda non-stop.
It's already well documented that some hostages were housed with Gazan families - I would not assume that they all did so voluntarily, and I would go as far to add that some probably did so against their will (or, at the very least, against what they would want to do), but at the same time, there was doubtless those who would view such actions as part of their fight against Israel, and hence it would not surprise me in the slightest if this was true, even the insinuation that the household involved were willingly complicit in hostage taking, though that remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, alllegedly some 274 Palestinians were killed by the IDF in order to release those 4 Israeli hostages. I agree with the statement that this is unacceptable - and yet at least 50% of that unacceptability lies with Hamas' decision to hide hostages behind the human shield of the Gazan population, which as mentioned above, is well documented.
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