"JP" instead of the "J" word.

  • Thread starter Biggles
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May I suggest that GTplanet users adopt the abbreviation JP, instead of the (possibly offensive) "J" word. This would be the equivalent of "US", "EU" or "UK".

I don't think most GTplanet users of that word intend any offense, but acronyms & abbreviations are the way of things in Email & internet. I don't think anyone wants to have to type out "Japanese" all the time...
...this is one of the most absurd things I have ever seen on here. If "the J word" is used in context with the version of a game, then how is it considered a slur? Should I reprimand my grandmother for calling her pet a pussy cat? Because, after all, she's insulting it, then stating that it's a cat, right? And when she calls to it on occasion, she says "Here, pussy pussy pussy." My foulmouthed granmother. Oh no wait... it's a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WORD.
Well I don't know if its quite suitable for a short form. Just use Japan or JPN as shorter way to pronounce it. But then again, its really up to you. I don't mind spelling out Japanese. But I do know that some short form of calling people are very offenseive (like the J word, the short form for Pakistani, and also the commonly used word to call a Nigerian (well I think you know what it is....)

But if anyone knows, why does the short form sometimes become offensive? :confused:
Didn't even know it was a racial slur.
We always use the short form (even in dutch) when we want to say it's a Japanese car.
It's a racial slur?!

Man, I'd better get people to stop calling me a" Brit" then.
And daan, holdenhsvgtr and amp88 are now no longer "Scots".

Would you guys prefer "person of Scottish origin?

I could understand the offence if the "J word" was used in a negative manner with the intention of offending people. but banning the word outright is ridiculous.
In my opinion, I've never seen it to be offensive. I've seen it pop up here and there that it's offensive over the last couple of years, but making a public threads about it (directed about daan's stickied threads here) it'll gain unneeded attention.
It's intersting that alot of people are ignorant to the fact that the 3 letter spelling of Japanese is offensive, just like calling Asian people "Oriental".

These terms or wording were used as degrading and demeaning, and the request to stop using them should be respected
As I said: I don't think it has been intended in a derogatory way when used on GTplanet. However, it has been used in a derogatory way historically.

I think daan is simply trying to avoid this possibility - I was just suggesting a simple alternative that would work for everyone.

No need to make a federal case out of it... :rolleyes:
It's intersting that alot of people are ignorant to the fact that the 3 letter spelling of Japanese is offensive, just like calling Asian people "Oriental".

If you claim it to be offensive, may you explain why? Be more specific instead of making comparisions.


Edit : Just noticed Daan's thread. Political correctness written all over it :grumpy:
You all could just look at the Wiki article daan posted… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese
If you claim it to be offensive, may you explain why? Be more specific instead of making comparisions.


lol....It's NOT what I claim!! try reading Daan's thread or better yet use your brain and google the term.
It's a racial slur?!

Man, I'd better get people to stop calling me a" Brit" then.
And daan, holdenhsvgtr and amp88 are now no longer "Scots".

Would you guys prefer "person of Scottish origin?

I could understand the offence if the "J word" was used in a negative manner with the intention of offending people. but banning the word outright is ridiculous.
Did you read the link? Scot is an abbreviation of Scottish, but its not a racial slur.
Apparently it started with us in the U.S. in WWII. We started using the term as a racial slur, and it's been that way ever since.

Blame America on this one, boys. I'm sorry you British folk don't get it.
O.K. then, Therefore since I'm a southern boy born and raised south of the Mason/Dixie line in the state of Virginia,USA. I don't want to see the words "Redneck" "Hillybilly" or "Southern boy" on this forum:dopey:. See how stupid some of you are when you can't even abbrevate the name of a country. So listen I guess we can't have any Tex/Mex food anymore can we?
Scot is just a word to identify people from a particular country. Japanese (have to use it this time) identifies a certain race and ofcourse also people from a particular asian country. That's why it could be concidered as racial slur.

It's the same as An American and an Indian (native American). Indian is a word that identifies a certain race living in the US and they're also Americans.
you people need to explain to me how an abbreviation of a country's name = racism. last time i checked, japan is inhabited by blacks, whites, latin, ext

calling a Japanese person a "sweat shop" worker or dog eater would be racist
The term Japanese is used in English as an abbreviation of the word "Japanese." Today it is usually used as an ethnic slur, though English speaking countries differ in the degree they consider the term offensive. Most people of Japanese descent in these countries consider it offensive.

It's "usually" used as an ethnic slur? I honestly don't remember the last time I heard anyone use "the j word" as a racial slur, and I live in friggin Texas! There's racial slurs EVERYWHERE! I think the person a few posts up had it right. It's all about political correctness, or as I call it - Global pussification.

***edit*** We should also ban the word cracker. Granted it may be food, but it's also a racial slur against us Caucasians.
you people need to explain to me how an abbreviation of a country's name = racism. last time i checked, japan is inhabited by blacks, whites, latin, ext

calling a Japanese person a "sweat shop" worker or dog eater would be racist

Totally 100% agree with you. Japan is a country, not a race. Asian is the race. **Breaking News**We Americans now find the term "Yanks" offensive and racist.
you people need to explain to me how an abbreviation of a country's name = racism.
This nothing to do with the fact its an abbreviation.

It's all about political correctness, or as I call it - Global pussification.
There's always the red X up the top corner if you don't like it here.

***edit*** We should also ban the word cracker. Granted it may be food, but it's also a racial slur against us Caucasians.
Feel free to report it if you see it used (unless they're referring to the biscuit or the member)
How many people here are Japanese? It doesn't matter what YOU consider it to be, it matters what THEY consider it to be. It is not comparable to Brit, Scot, Aussie etc because thoes are not taken as offense by the people from thoes nations.

talk about a big deal out of nothing. I've know it can be considered as a slur for years, I've seen people politely request other not use it when they have on this site even. If you were unaware of that fact then fine, but now you are aware of it you should respect it.
JP is fine, "Japanese" however is not.

Basically we want to show respect to other people's countries, cultures and races, and if spelling out Japan or using an acceptable abbreviation to show that respect, we should do it.
...this is one of the most absurd things I have ever seen on here. If "the J word" is used in context with the version of a game, then how is it considered a slur?.
The Japanese version of the game is labelled as the NTSC-J version.

lets not forget about the Italians, best ban the word mobster as well
That's not offensive. A mobster can be anyone.

I'm in shock with this thread. Some of you need to take up US history, and learn where the term came from. The term is offensive, despite if you've ever heard it or not. As for the guy who claims he's in Texas and never heard it, yes, Texans have had the issue arise.

Back in 2004, this happened.
In Texas, under pressure from civil rights groups, Jefferson County commissioners in 2004 decided to drop the name "Japanese Road" from a 4.3-mile road near the city of Beaumont. The road was originally named Japanese Road in 1905 in honor of a local Japanese rice farmer.

BTW, before you guys claim it is an abbreviation, no, it's not. The abbreviation for Japan is either JPN or JP.
Guess what is with the mods powertrip lately. From now on then I will take offense to being called an Aussie, because I am Australian. Guess people on this forum go overboard. Get a life.
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