Just a Fanfic - Chapter 3 / Part 2 - Dream.


Le Mans circuit, there is a battle for the first position, in GT class, between a Ford GT LM Spec II and a Dodge Viper Team Oreca.


Suddenly, the Dodge loses control, hitting the GT and taking both out of the race.




In same second, the GT’s driver get out of his car, removes the helmet, and yells at the Dodge:

GT Driver: God damn it, what is wrong with you? I knew this were going to happen, sooner or later!

Then he throws his helmet at the crashed Dodge. After that show, the Dodge’s driver, also known as Bianca Abruzzi, na young italian female racing driver. Once she steps out of the car, she faints. She wakes up again inside the medical car, the doctor says something that she couldn’t understand and then closes her eyes again... as she does that, she start to remember all her life.

She is Bianca, white girl with dark hair, light green eyes, from Castel Del Rio, Bolonha, Italy, a small village near Ímola. 4th child of 6, being 4 boys and 2 girls. Bianca was born in 1989. Bianca’s father, Orestes Abruzzi was a car mechanic, and that made Bianca really get into cars, they were used to watch old F1 races in TV, cheering for the drivers... since then, Bianca got a dream, to be a racing driver, and she fought for it. To understand how this started, let’s back when she was in high school.

First day, of the last high school grade, Bianca wakes up in the morning, her father already left for work, he got a 2nd job days ago, as he said, to help the family income. Then she goes downstairs take a breakfest, gets ready to school and heads out. The class starts, and she notices there is a new Guy among the students, then she comments with her friend Giulliana Spoleto:

Bia: Did you see what i see?

Giulli: Hell Yes, he looks like your number.

Bia: He looks from other school, that means... he has no friends!

Giulli: Indeed!

Both move themselves to sit near the new guy.

Bia: Hello! Are you new in this college?

New guy: Hello, yes, i am, how did you know?

Bia: It is noticiable. Though, i am Bianca, Bianca Abruzzi, this is my Best friend, Giulliana (Giulli waves) and you are...

New guy: I am Marcello. Marcello McFadden.

Bia: Nice to meet yo...

Teacher: Bia! What are you talking back there? Looks more interesting than the class, care you to share with the class room?

Bia: ...

Teacher: I thought so, now pay attention. In the break you people can tell each other all the vacation stories.

Bia and Marcello look each other and both giggles.

End of the prologue.
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After the class, Bia, Giulli and Marcello went to a park, near the college, to talk a bit more.

Giulli: So, how was your first class here?

Marcello: Was a bit hard, this school is better than the one I was before.

Bia: Relax, soon you get used to it. So, your surname is McFadden, that is not Italian…

Marcello: Haha, yes, it is not… I born in United States and moved here 2 years ago.

Giulli: Really? Man, that is cool! But, why you moved to this village?

Marcello: Ah… family problems, I do not want to talk about it. So, enough about me, tell me more about you both…

Giulli: Well, there is nothing much what we can say, since both, me and Bia never left Italy…

Bia: Yeah… though, I will one day.

Giulli: Oh true, Bia is a total petrolhead… a boy inside a girl’s body. Hahaha

Bia: No! I like cars, but I still being a girl… you arse.

Marcello: Hahaha. You two know each other since a long time, right?

Bia: Yes, totally… sadly, I know this monster since my childhood, but you know… love is blind. Haha.

Marcello: Though, I forgot to ask, why did you want to go out of Italy so much? I think it is a lovely country.

Giulli: She has a dream to be a racing driver… but believe me, you don’t want to see she driving.

Marcello: Hahaha, wow, like cars and also like motorsports, that is not common in a girl.

Bia: I know…

Giulli: Yes, she is a weirdo.

Marcello: What about you Giulli, any dreams?

Giulli: Me? Yes, I do… my dream is…

Bia: Marry a rich old man.

Marcello: Hahaha

Giulli: No, it is not… I want to be a doctor, medicine college and stuff. Help people…

Marcello: Oh, that is really cool, I want to be a doctor as well!

Giulli: Really?

Marcello: No, actually… no.

Giulli: Then…

Marcello: No, I was joking, I want to be a doctor. Hahaha Well, I think we all have things to do, we better head out to our houses now.

Bia: Seems like. See you later Marcello! Tomorrow, I guess… haha.

Marcello: Bye to you both, and sure, we meet tomorrow.

Giulli: Bye Marcello!

Marcello goes to other direction than Bia and Giulli.

End of chapter two.
Bia wakes up on the morning.

Bia: God, I can’t believe this year have past so fast! Last school day already…
As she goes downstairs, her father is in the kitchen.

Orestes: Good morning my angel.

Bia: Good morning dad. Why are you still here at this time? What about your work?

Orestes: Don’t worry, I just want to talk to you today. This is your last day in college right?

Bia: Yes… why?

Orestes: Because… if you pass, I have something for you.

Bia: Oh, you kept your promise?

Orestes: Yes, I did. Sure I did.

Bia: Can I know what it is?

Orestes: No, it is a surprise. What is the point on not telling you the whole year to tell it before you see today?

Bia: Aww… ok, fair enough.

Orestes: Hahaha… look, you drink your milk, get ready for school, I am going to wake up your lazy brothers.

*Bia sighs*

Bia: Dad…

Orestes: What?

Bia: Do you think they are coming for my graduation?

Orestes: They who?

Bia: Fran, Paola and Pietro…

Chico (Francesco), Paola and Pietro are the older brothers and older sister of Bianca. They all already moved out of the house, leaving only Bianca herself, and her 2 younger brothers, Mateo and Timo.

Orestes: Sure they are coming darling… don’t worry. *smiles*

Bia then gets ready and goes to school. After the class, Bia, Giulli and Marcello get along again:

Giulli: I can’t believe this is our last year in this college, now we are going to split up, each of us taking our ways…

Bia: Yes, I can’t believe it…

Marcello: Yes, I can’t believe either… even thought I met you guys this year, I feel like I know you both since a long time.

Bia: I feel the same, feels like we know each other… since…

Giulli: Yes, long time. Haha Though, we still have the graduation party…

Bia: Ah, and let’s promise… whatever what patch we follow, let’s keep in touch!

Giulli: Right! I agree on that, also, you will not be free of me so easily Bianca!

Bia: Hahaha, so, are you two trying to get into the Bolonha University to study medicine?

Marcello: Yes, I will, not sure about Giulli, since she likes to procrastinate. Haha

Giulli: I will try as well, obviously. Bia?

Bia: Well, I might try get a job now, maybe buy a car… try follow my dream…

Giulli: Well, you know a lot of work to do then, it will not be easy.

Bia: Yes, because your university will be sooooooooo easy. Haha

Marcello: Hahaha

Giulli: True, true…

Bia, Giulli and Marcello end the conversation and head to their houses. Once Bia arrives her house, she sees a red metallic Maserati Granturismo S, parked near the house, then when she enters the house, her father, is there, waiting.

Bia: Dad?

Orestes: Bia?

Bia: Dad?

Orestes: Bia?????

Bia: Do you... do you... that...

Orestes: That what?

Bia: The… no…

Orestes: No what?

Bia: The Maserati! You did not…

Orestes: Hahahaha no Bia, I am sorry, even I wish to give you a Maserati, but I think you will be happy as well. As I promised, here it is your surprise.

Orestes hands over a car key to Bianca

Bia: Really? Where it is? Where it is?

Orestes: it is behind the house… let’s go take a look at it.

They get in the area behind of the house and there is a light blue Fiat 500F ’68.

Orestes: Sorry, it is not a Maserati, but that is what I could save of my second job.

Bia: Dad… it is… lovely!

Orestes: Yes, I had a really hard job on restoring it for you.

Bia: Thank you! Really, I love it!

Orestes: Hahaha, I still can’t believe you thought it was the Maserati!

Bia: Haha, true, that was silly of my part. Come on, let’s drive it… and I want you to be my first passenger!

Bianca hugs her father, say thanks to him again and then both get in the car for a drive.

Time pass a little and it is the graduation party day, Bianca is getting ready when her phone rings. It is a message, from Marcello.

“- Hey, can you pick me up? I need a ride to go! Haha thanks.”

Bia smiles, finish to get ready and goes pick Marcello up.

Bia: Right, I am here, where is he?

Bia honks the 500 and Marcello shows up getting out of the house.

Marcello: I am here, I am here… haha. Patience at its best.

Bia: Haha… hey, you look good in that suit man, almost couldn’t recognize you.

Marcello: Thanks, you looks good too… also thanks for the ride.

Bia: No “problemo”.

Bianca starts driving to the graduation ceremony location. While they are going, Marcello asks:

Marcello: Bia, what do you really think about Giulli?


Bia: What a weird question… haha. Well, I think she is a very sweet girl… I love her.


Marcello: I see… and, since you are my friend, I think I can tell you that I feel same way.

Bia: What?


Marcello: I like Giulli, I really do…

Bia: …

Marcello: What? Relax, I will not do anything, will not steal your friend. Hahaha

Bia: Good…


Then they reach the location, and as the ceremony goes on, all the students families, Bianca notices that her brothers and sister are not there. She gets really upset. After the ceremony, everyone went to the graduation party, everything is fine, people are dancing… then Bianca notices that Marcello and Giulli are not there.

Bia: Where the hell are they?

Bianca remembers what Marcello told her earlier and starts to search them around. She goes outside, and she found Marcello and Giulli, being together outside of the building, kissing each other. As she sees that scene, she leaves immediately in her 500, crying…


End of Chapter 3
Bianca reaches home, and at that night, before she sleep, she makes a promise to herself, a promise to really go for her dream and forget the rest.

Some time has passed since then, and Bianca is now working in a small shop in San Gimignano, and have been saving and tuning her 500, little by little… a better suspension, better tires… though, everything seems pointless, until that afternoon.


The door bell rings.

Bia: Can I help you sir?

Some guy: Ah, yes… maybe so…

Bia: Say what?

Some guy: Can I just leave this flyers here?

Bia: What is this about?

Some guy: It is a rally event.

Bia: Car rally?

Some guy: Yes, what else could be? Haha

Bia: Heck I know! There are some people rally, where they go and walk in the woods. Haha

Some guy: So… can I leave this flyers?

Bia: Yes… I have a spot for them, right here in the desk, so, whoever walks in, will see them.

Some guy: Right, thanks.

Bia: You’re welcome!

The guy goes out, leaving the flyers with Bianca, she takes one to read:


*Historic Rally. Bring your car and start racing.*

Bia: Hmmm… I better really upgrade my little one.


Finally the race day has arrive, Bianca have spend a lot of hard work and money to upgrade her Fiat 500F, it has now a turbo, sport suspension and specific tires for gravel and tarmac.


Bia: Silvia! Silvia!

Silvia (Bianca’s boss): What?

Bia: Can I go already? Today is the rally day, remember?

Silvia: Ah, of course! I can handle today, the movement is not strong.

Bia: Thank you very much Ms. Silvia.

Silvia: Haha, you’re welcome. Now, go for it, and fight!

Bia: I will try my best!

Bianca and Silvia waves to each other. As Bianca arrives the rally location, she sees some nice cars, as an Alfa Romeo GTA, Lancia Stratos, Porsche 911’s, Mini Cooper’s.

Bia: God… this will not be easy… but come on Cyan, you can do it, I believe on you.

Cyan is the nickname that Bianca gave to her 500. Though, it is now time to get prepared for the race, Bianca is waiting the car ahead leaves, so, will be her turn… she feels the nervous and tension of the pre-race. The car ahead leaves really fast.

Bia: Oh god, oh god… I am so nervous…

Bianca holds the steering wheel more tight, fancing to stop the hands shaking. Yellow light, she steps on the gas, revving the engine. Green light, she releases the clutch and the 500 leaves, in a considerable speed.

First corner is coming up.

Bia: Trust on the car, trust on the car. Remember, this is gravel, not tarmac… so… come on, COME ON!


First corner is done in a good way. Bianca starts to feel confident and start to abuse more and more of the car, even making some corners a bit sideways.


Bia: Right, now the straight line…

The car performs a jump on the straight line.


Bia: oooOOOOO! Ouch! God… that was fun!


After the straight line, there is a high speed S-turn, followed by a tight hairpin turn. Bianca slides the 500 and regain control with great ability, then slows for the hairpin.


Bia: Wooooooooo, I am likeing it! Nice Cyan, we can do it!


Gravel stage is over, and then they have to wait one hour until the tarmac stage. Bianca is changing her tires, and notices that she takes a bit of attention already, but that doesn’t bother her.

Tarmac stage is about to start.

Bia: Right… we have made a good time in the gravel stage, but this is tarmac, I have a bit more experience, and my tires are really good ones… come on 500, we can do it. We can’t win the overall race, but at least in our category!

Green light, Bianca starts racing again. The first sequence of corners are coming and Bianca clip the apexes.



Bia: Good, good… good speed…


She passes in the checkpoint with a great time and keeps racing hard.


Bia: Come on, push to the limit!

The car start to go so fast that it starts to kick the tail out on corners.


A long straight line appears, Bianca floors the car.


Bia: God, I have never been so fast on this car!


The Fiat 500F reaches over 170km/h at the end of the straight line and right after it, the stage ends.

Bia: Wooo, that was so fun… winning or not, totally worth it.
As the rally ends, all the drivers meet into a room for the winners announcement.

Speech guy: The winner of the overall rally is Totó Pascucci with his Lancia Stratos! Come here to pick your trophy, congratulations!

As the announcements keeps going… it is time of the Bianca’s category.

Speech guy: The winner of the category Under 1.000cc is… Bianca Abruzzi with her Fiat 500! Come here to pick up your trophy! Congratulations!

Bia: Thank you, thank you people, and congratulations to everyone else who participated! Thanks!

Bianca back to seat to wait for the end of the announcements. As it ends, she is putting everything in the 500 to back home, when she hears someone calling her name.

Strange voice: Bianca? Bianca Abruzzi? I want to talk to you!

End of Chapter 4
Bianca turns around and there is a man, wearing a hat and glasses.

Bia: Who are you?

Strange guy: I am Daniel, but I am here representing Alessandro Rossi.

Bia: Really? Alessandro Rossi? The famous one from Rossi Racing Team??

Daniel: Yes! Well, we are looking for new drivers, new faces… and you showed a lot of potential with that little 500!

Bia: Thanks… but, what shoul…

Daniel: Just sign here, and show up for the test. We are getting a group of drivers, you guys will all race same car, in a circuit race. The winner will have a sponsor.

Bia: Wow, just… thanks for the opportunity… now, if you don’t mind, I will read this paper.

Daniel: Take your time.

Bianca smiles.

Bia: So, in one week, I have to go to Rome, for this test… what should I take to there?

Daniel: Yourself… we will provide everything.

Bia: Right… I will be there.

Daniel: I hope so!

Bianca and Daniel shake hands, and split up.


One week have past, and Bianca arrives the hotel in Rome.


Then she goes to the receptionist.

Bia: Hello, I am Bianca Abruzzi, Daniel told me to come here today…

Receptionist: Hello Bianca! Yes, you came to the right place, let me show you your room.

Bia: I have a room?

Receptionist: Yes, you do… it is reserved.

Bia: Awesome!

Receptionist: Haha, you are not from Rome, are you?

Bia: That is right, though, how do you know that?

Receptionist: The way you look at everything here. It is very noticeable.

Bia: Well, I come from a small village… so, go figure… haha.

Receptionist: Well, here we are, your room. Here is the key, and there is a phone, if you need anything, just call 2.

Bia: Right, thank you.

Receptionist: Ah, god, I almost forget to tell you, be ready tomorrow at 9:00 AM, a van will come pick up all the drivers.

Bia: The other drivers are here in this hotel as well?

Receptionist: Yes.

Bia: Cool, thanks… and, can I know your name?

Receptionist: Sure, I am Arisa Fujikage. You know what Ms.Abruzzi?

Bia: You can call me Bianca, no problem.

Arisa: *smiles* Right, you know what Ms. Bianca… i

Bia: No, without the Ms. thing! Hahaha

Arisa: Right. You know what Bianca? I like you… you look simple, different from any other driver that showed up here today. Haha

Bia: Well, I liked you too, I thought people here were snobs.

Arisa: Mostly are, specially in this area and business. Watch yourself.

Bia: Right, thank you, I appreciate. See you later Arisa!

Arisa: Yes, I better back to the reception hall, see you later.
In the next day, Bianca is ready for the race, at 9:00 AM, the van comes and picks all the drivers.

Bia: “ Some of them look like pros… I think, it will not be easy. “

As they reach the racing spot, watch a pre-race conference… the starting grid is made by raffle… Bianca will start in 4th position. Her car is a red Volkswagen Lupo GTi Cup Car.


Yellow light comes up, Bianca get herself feeling very nervous again.

Bia: “ Concentration… breathe… enjoy… “


Bianca then holds the steering wheel more tight and the green light comes up, starting the race.

Bia: Right, keep it clean… watch the other cars movement…


As the first corner comes up, Bianca holds the inside line, overtaking the yellow Lupo, taking the 3rd place and going for 2nd.



Bianca overtakes the 2nd racer.


But the next corner tricks her, making Bianca lose the apex.


Bia: Vaff… Right… let’s really race now!


In the straight, the 3rd racer opens to overtake the 2nd too soon, leaving the drafting way free for Bianca, and she goes for it, overtaking the yellow Lupo again and almost overtaking the 2nd racer.


Bianca is tailgating the 2nd racer.


Bia: Next straight I will overtake you!

As the next straight comes, Bianca pulls aside. Next corner is coming.


Bia: I will not back down, you brake earlier!

But the other driver is also tough and they almost have an accident, luckly, Bianca keeps the 2nd position, racing hard to get the 1st.



After a few corners, Bianca is now tailgating the 1st, and it is the final lap.



Bia: Come on! Come on!

In the following straight, Bianca overtakes without much problem. After a few more corners, she crosses the line and wins the race.



Bia: Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo-hoooooooooooo! I did it! I can’t believe it!

Then her memories start to advance in a really fast speed, she remembers the sponsor sign, the races, the victories, the loses, the Le Mans race, the Viper accident, the angry GT driver, when suddenly, she wakes up again and can’t recognize where she is.

End of chapter 5
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Bia: Where the hell am i? How long I am here? Ouch… god, my neck hurts… EEEEEIIII SOMEONE!

Bianca start to look around and realizes that she is in an hospital. Then she seats on the bed.

Bia: Nurse! Doctor!

Then a nurse opens the door.

Nurse: Oh, you woke up…

Bia: No, I still sleeping…

Nurse: Right… I will tell the doctor, hang on a minute.

Bia: Ok…

As the doctor gets in the room…

Bia: Gi… Giulli????

Giulli: Hello hello missing girl!

Bia: How the… how i…

Giulli: Calm, calm… you still need to rest, your crash was a bit hard on your neck.

Bia: Right… I can’t remember much, can you tell me what happened? Also, what are you doing here? I mean…

Giulli: Sure I will tell you… well, when our school finished, I could get in the Medicine University, and now I work here as a temporary work. This is the Bolonha Hospital… when I heard about your accident, I begged to take you as my patient… Of course, the real doctors first checked your health before hand over me… but this is it…

Bia: … how long I have been here?

Giulli: Three days…

Bia: Bloody hell… and… what about Marcello?

Giulli: Ah, he tried, but he couldn’t get in the university, you know… he never took the studies that serious. Haha

Bia: Yeah… I know.

Giulli: What is wrong?

Bia: Nothing, I guess… I still feeling weird because the accident.

Giulli: Right, well, take a rest, I will tell your father that you are awake, also your friends…

Bia: Ok…

Giulli leaves the room. Bianca sighs and in a short time, Orestes walks in.

Orestes: Daughter!

Bia: Dad…

Orestes: Thanks god you are awake!

Bianca hugs her father with tears in her eyes.

Orestes: Why this now? Where is the strong Bianca that I know? The girl who has pride in say her name?

Bia: Sometimes even the strongest gets tired of being strong.

In that time, Arisa also walks in.

Arisa: Oops… did I come in a wrong time?

Bia: No, it is ok my friend…

Arisa: Oh, ok… I am glad that you are awake.

Orestes: Well, I guess we all are.

Arisa: Haha, true.

Orestes: Well, sadly I have to back to my work now, later I back to see you.

Bia: Right dad… see you later.

Orestes leaves.

Arisa: So, how are you?

Bia: What?

Arisa: I was planning to back to Japan for a while, see my family… if you want, you go with me and stay in my home.

Bia: Really? I think I will accept the offer.

Arisa: Ok! So, we are going then.

Bia: And think that a receptionist that I met in Rome would end up being my friend and my businesswoman taking care of my carrer… haha

Arisa: Well, I thank you for that, work in that hotel was soooooooooooo lame. Hahaha

In the next day, Bianca is able to leave the hospital and she backs to her home, staying there until the trip day to Japan.

Bia: Father, can you drive me to the airport?

Orestes: Yes, I can…

Bia: We have to pick up Arisa first…

Orestes: Ok, that is fine.

Then they leave and go to pick Arisa.

Bia: Here Arisa, come!

Arisa: Right, hello Mr. Bianca’s father.

Orestes: Hello.

They now head off to the airport.

Bia: Arisa… excuse my ignorance, but there is any kind of racing in Japan?

Arisa: Of course! And some really skilled drivers.

Bia: Really?

Bia: Haha, surrender, you don’t know.

Arisa: Shut up, I will remember… Taka… Takanori! Takanori Kanonji.

Bia: He is cute?

Arisa: I don’t know Bianca! I just heard of him… haha

Bia: Hahaha.

Then, they arrive in the airport.

Bia: Bye dad, thank you, I love you.

Orestes: Bye my angel… when you will back?

Bia: I am not sure… but I will. Love you.

Orestes: Love you too.

Arisa: Bye Mr. Bianca’s father, haha. Thank you.

Orestes: Haha, bye Bianca’s friend… take care of her for me.

Arisa: Copy that.

Orestes leave Bianca and Arisa there.

Bia: I never went to Japan…

Arisa: I think you will like it.

Bia: Maybe… maybe…

Arisa: Ok, let’s go.

Then the girls go check in and get in the plane. In some hours they arrive Japan.

Arisa: Welcome to my land!

End of chapter 6
Bianca and Arisa are in Tokyo, Japan and they take a taxi to the hotel. Arisa notices
Bianca look everything around.


Arisa: Nice, isn’t?

Bia: Yes, very nice… this place seems to never stop working… and those cars…



Arisa: Tomorrow if you want, we can look for a car.

Bia: Cheap one, I do not want to spend much, since I might not be here for too long.

Arisa: Already wanting to go back? Haha

Bia: No! It is just, you never know…

Arisa: Fair enough…


Arisa and Bianca arrive in Arisa’s house.


Arisa: お母さん、あなたはそこですか?私は友人をもたらす!

Bianca: Say whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Haha

Arisa: Hahaha. Don’t worry, I told my mother to not kill you.

Bianca: Really?

Arisa: No, of course not! Hahaha, that was easy.

Bianca: You fool… haha.

Arisa: Oi! Take off your shoes before get in, please.

Bianca: Ok…

At the night, they go to bed.


Bia: Arisa…

Arisa: Let me sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep…

Bia: Ok… I just want to say thanks.

Arisa: You’re welcome, now sleep, tomorrow will be fun!

Bia: Oh really? How so?

Arisa: It will, it will… good night.

Bia: Good night.

In the following morning, they wake up very soon and hit the city.

Arisa: Hey, what you want to do first?

Bianca is not paying attention on Arisa… the city is distracting her. Arisa pushes Bianca.

Arisa: OI!

Bia: What the heck! What?

Arisa: What you want to do first?

Bia: Hmmm… let’s look for a car?

Arisa: Why you need a car so bad?

Bia: To race?

Arisa: No, let’s… hmmm… do our hairs first, buy some shirts, jackets, boots…

Bia: With one condition.

Arisa: Which one?

Bia: Is there any open race around here?

Arisa: Oh god! I knew.

Bia: Hahaha, pleeeeeeeaase! I am without race since my accident.

Arisa: Ok, yes, there is… and it will be tomorrow…

Bia: Perfect, we buy the car today and go tomorrow!

Arisa: But…

Bia: I know, let’s go do what you want to do.

Arisa: Cool!

Bia: You know what? When we get to do our looks, let’s split up and then meet somewhere… so, will be a surprise for both of us. But it is to be different.

Arisa: Ok, I accept the game, haha.

End of chapter 7

In regards to Arisa's Japanese phrase:

あなたはそこですか?- is wrong.

She should have just said:

Okaasan, koko ni imasu ka? - お母さん ここ に います か?

"Imasu" is used for "presence of a living being". So asking "Okaasan koko ni imasu ka" means that you are asking if your mother is there or inside the home.

And also this part:


The correct phrase is: Kyou Tomodachi issho ni imasu! - きょう 友人 いっしょ に います! Which means "I have a friend with me today."

Still a nice chapter, though.
After a few hours, they meet up again to see what each other have done.

Bia: Arisa?

Arisa: Oh, hi there Bianca! Do you li…

Bia: Hahahahaha god damn Arisa! Blue?

Arisa: Hahaha, well, we were not supposed to make something different? I did, but you, nothing much really different.

Bia: Well, to me that looks very different.

Arisa: But you just got it blonde! You should put a pink on that. Haha

Bia: Hell no, this is enough… I am almost regretting already.

Arisa: Hahaha ok, fair enough.

Bia: Can we go look for the car already?

Arisa: Ok… ah, I know a good place to buy a good car… come.

Few minutes later…

Arisa: Here, let’s see which cars they do have…

Bia: Ok!

Arisa: Hey, look that cute one!

Arisa points out a grey Suzuki Swift Sport.

Bia: Yes, it is cute… but, looks too new, maybe a more used is cheaper… What about this one?

Bianca gets besides a Honda Integra Type-R (DC5).

Arisa: That is a nice car… I like the spoiler… though, it might cost more than the cute one.

Bia: Hmmm, maybe, but I think it worth the price, look at it!

Arisa: Right, so… let’s buy it.

In that moment, an employee of the showroom arrives with a Nissan Silvia S13 that just came back from washing.


Bia: Is that one for sale?

Arisa: I guess so… hold on a second, I will ask.

Arisa goes and checks if the car is for sale.

Bia: Hahaha, you look so funny with that blue hair!

Arisa: Haha, thanks. I love you too. By the way, that car is for sale.

Bia: Right, I have to take a look at it first…


Bia: Oh, I like those exhaust tips…


Arisa: I like the rims too…

Bia: It seems to be tuned, even if a little… I will buy this one.

Arisa goes and makes the deal.

Arisa: Here are the keys.

Bia: No, you can drive it first… it is ours, not mine.

Arisa: Cool!


Bia: So, tomorrow we will race this car and see how good it is.

In the next day, at Tsukuba, there is a Del Sol holding a few cars behind, being unable to overtake.


Bia: Hmmm… what is this bunch of cars? I will try overtake them all…

Bianca gets stuck behind a red RX-7 and start tailgating it.


Bia: Step off!

As a hairpin turn comes, Bianca takes the outside line and the car slides the tail a little.


Bia: Oooou, almost…

Now Bianca is going for the black GTO, as the corner number 9 comes, she pulls aside the black Mitsubishi.


Bia: You brake first!

But the Mitsubishi drives is also brave, and brakes very late as well, sharing the corner with her.


Bia: Oh shi…


Bia: God damn, that was close… now… let’s get that black cool car ahead.

Bianca now tailgates a black Prelude.



After a few corners she overtakes it easily and now is behind the Del Sol, who ends up blocking in the straight line, forcing Bianca to brake.


Bia: Oooo watch out fool!

In the corner number 8, Bianca tries a different line, starting outside and diving inside at the end, but…



Bia: OOoooops, sorry, haha. Well, at least I managed to overtake you, now, let’s race hard!



Bianca now with the way cleared, did a lap of 1:10.667, her best lap with that car.


Bianca once again got a car in front of her.


Bia: Step off you too!



But this driver is also really good.



After a heated battle, the Silvia start to overheat.

Bia: I think I went too hard on this used car… sorry little car with no name yet, I will head up to the pits.

Bianca then gets in the pits and is waiting the car to cool down.

Bia: Where is Arisa?

Arisa is walking around the track… when she sees a white Skyline R32, with a big wing on the back.


Arisa: No… not possible… I must tell to Bianca.

Arisa now runs to the pits, where Bianca is working on the car, trying to fix the overheating.

Arisa: Bianca! Bianca!

Bia: What?

Arisa: That driver I told you, Takanori, he is here!

Bia: How the hell you know that?

Arisa: I just saw his tuned R32!

Bia: A Golf?

Arisa: No, a Skyline, come, he will pass here soon!

Both girls go to the pits wall, to look the main straight, when they hear a loud exhaust note.

Arisa: He is coming!

Now they see a R32 getting in the main straight…





… and going away in an unbelievable speed, doing the lap time of 0:52.416.

End of chapter 8
Bia: What the hell is that lap time?

Arisa: No wonder I heard of him even in Rome. Hahaha

Bia: I guess, it is his car, it looks like a serious business, I have to take a look at it!

As Takanori goes to the pits, Arisa and Bianca sneak out to take a look of his car.

Then Takanori takes off the helmet and shakes his head since he's rather sweaty and he wants to cool off.

Takanori: "Whew! What a hot day today! Still though, I managed to break the course record today!"

Then he sees the 2 girls staring at his car.

Takanori: "Hey, can I help ya?"

Bianca looks at him with wide eyes.

Bia: No, no, i am not doing anything... no i mean... what the hell i am saying?

Arisa laughs

Takanori: "Are you okay? Hey, I can speak English too."

Arisa: She wanted to ask you what you have done to this car... since you made a fast lap...

Bia: What she said...

Takanori: "If I am going to mention it all, it would probably take forever."

Arisa smiles and Bianca just looks at Arisa.

Bia: Well, excuse our bad manners, i am Bianca and this is my friend Arisa.

Takanori: "So, what brings you here?"

Arisa: Are you really Takanori Kanonji?

Bia: We are here because i wanted a time out of my place. You know... too much things going on there, need a time out to cool down.

Takanori: "Well, Japan is a nice place. I hope you enjoy staying here."

Bia: I am already enjoing... this track is cool, my car is also cool, but... ages slower than yours... haha

Arisa: Mr. Kanonji, can you give me an autograph? Haha

Takanori: "Your S13 Silvia is pretty decent."

Bia: You never asked my autograph Arisa! Nah, my car is old, it is overheating... not sure why.

Arisa: Well Bianca, when you get famous overseas i ask your autograph, maybe...

Takanori: "Are you a racer?"

Bia: Yes... i participated in a few rally races in Italy, and few races in europe only... this is my first experience racing out of Europe.

Takanori: "Europe huh?"

Then he looks up at the sky and thinks deeply. Bianca looks up at the sky too.

Bia: What is there? I can't see anything

Arisa pushes Bianca.

Takanori: "Oh, nothing. I just thought of someone."

Bia: Ah... i am sorry, my condolences.

Arisa facepalms. Takanori scratches his head.

Bia: What Arisa?

Arisa whispers to Bianca

Arisa: You fool, he has a girlfriend, who probably is in Europe.

Bia: Oh, what the heck... i am sorry Mr. Takanonji...

Takanori just chuckles. Bianca shame laughs.

Bia: Do you can take a look at my car, if it is not ask too much?

Takanori: "Hey, just call me Takanori, okay? Spare me the honorifics. Oh sure, no problem!"

Bia: Ok... haha. So, look, it overheats... but, i can't find what is the problem.

Takanori opens the S13's hood

Bia: See? To me it looks fine...

Takanori: "Hmmmmm..... you've got a broken intercooler. And the cooling hoses have gotten loose due to wear and tear from driving a lot."

Bia: You know where i can fix it?

Arisa: I know a mechanic, but not sure... i think he only fixes mopeds...

Bia: How you know that?

Arisa: I had a moped... he fixed mine everytime it got a problem...

Takanori: "Tokyo has lots of tuning shops. I suggest you have a tour on them. Haha!"

Bia: You can't tell me a place? Haha PLEASE!

Takanori: "Ummmm.... uh.... You go to Kaido's tuning shop located in Shinjuku in Tokyo.

Just ask anyone where "grumpy Kaido" is. They'll point you at his shop."

Bia: Arisa, you know how to go there?

Arisa: Shinjuku? Yes...

Bia: Ok, thank you Mr... i mean, thank you Takanonji.

Arisa: It is Takanori.

Bia: Sorry, thank you Takanori! I think we better go down there, because this car can't race anymore.

Takanori: "Well, I hope I helped you a lot today. I need to change tires for my R32."

Bia: And one day I will race against you, take note of that... it is just a matter of time. Hahaha

Arisa: Shut up Bianca. Bye Takanori and thanks to help us.

Takanori: "Sou desu ka? Kakatte koi yo!

Arisa laughs.

Bia: What?

Takanori: "It means that I'll accept your challenge."

Bia: Ah, ok... right, i will work for it. Thank you again.

Arisa: Bye bye. Ok Bianca, let's go.

Takanori: "Ja, mata! Ki o tsukete!"

With the conversation over, Arisa and Bianca get off.

Bia: He is nicer than I thought…

Arisa: Yes he is… he looks better than I thought.

Bia: I saw the way you were looking at him, Hahaha.

Arisa: I was looking at him like I look anyone else.

Bia: Right, next time I will take a photo… No no, a photo would not work, would be like take a picture of 2 suns, because your eyes were shining like that.

Arisa: Go to hell Bianca! Hahaha

Bia: Hahaha

Arisa: And you, “no no, I am not doing anything!”. My god, that was so lame. Haha

Bia: What you want, he was not supposed to see me looking his car. Plus, I don’t know Japanese people too much; They maybe will use karate on me.

Arisa: Of course not! You are so idiot Bianca, hahahaha, Japanese people are people like anyone else, we are not hostile.

Bia: Hahaha, I wonder what he thought when he saw us… and then talked.

Arisa: Haha, so true, he might be thinking: “What two weirdos I just met.”

Bia: Hahaha totally! Specially you with your blue hair!

Arisa: And you with that… look, fake blonde… wait a minute, let me pay attention on the road now…

Bia: Ok… wait! If we are going to leave this one for repair, what we will use until it gets done?

Arisa: We rent one… that is where I am going right now…

Bia: I see…

They then arrive in the car renting showroom, rent a car and head to Kaido’s tuning shop, leaving the S13 there. They are now heading home in the rented vehicle.


Bia: What did you told him to do on the car?

Arisa: Well, I told him that was Takanori who told us to go there, I also asked if he could tune it…


Bia: Why?

Arisa: You don’t want to race against him and win?


Bia: I suppose…

Arisa: So… I asked him to tune it… also paint it black.


Bia: Whaaaaaaat?

Arisa: I like black cars!

Bia: Ok…


After a few days, the S13 is ready.


End of Chapter 9
Bia: Ok, it looks pretty.

Arisa: I told you.


Bia: Right, let’s go test it.

Arisa: Ok, even I will try some laps…

Bia: Haha, ok.

Then they head to Tsukuba circuit, Bianca takes it for a spin.



Bia: Wow, the car feels totally different. The grip, the acceleration… everything.


Bianca does a lap time of 0:55.983.

Bia: Hmmm… still not fast enough… I think, If I want to beat Takanori’s car, I must change mine…


Bianca heads to the pits.

Arisa: What is wrong? I can see in your face.

Bia: It is good, but not fast enough…

Arisa: Well, I told the tuning guy, Kaido, that we met Takanori, and you challenged him, he said the S13 would never beat that Skyline… it is a good car, but…

Bia: I see… I think, I have to look for other car then…

Arisa: What about this one?

Bia: Well, it was cheap… my gift to you, I forgot your birthday gift this year… you can keep it, late gift.

Arisa: Really? Thanks! A gift that I paid half… how kind of you.

Bia: If you don’t want, I will take it and sell.

Arisa: Noooooooooo, I will keep it. Haha

Bia: So, here it is, take the keys.

Arisa: Oooooo let’s drive it. But before, let me put those old tires that I bought.

Arisa goes away and backs with a cart, filled with old tires.

Bia: When the hell you bought that?

Arisa: Well, you wake up late everyday… haha give me an hour.

One hour after, the S13 is ready.

Arisa: Bianca, get in.

Bia: Oh god, I hope we don’t crash.

Arisa leaves the pits, and do a full lap just joking with the car, slaloms and hard turning.

As the corner 9 approaches, Arisa brakes and performs a scandinavian flick with the S13, starting a really nice drift.





Bia: WHAT THE F:censored:!!!!!!

Arisa: Stop yelling!

Bia: How the hell you did that?

Arisa: I had a boyfriend, who teached me how to drift…

Another corners comes up and Arisa keeps drifting.


Bia: Woooooooooo my friend is a drifter! And she will teach me how to drift!

Arisa: I never said anything about teaching you.


Bia: But… but… but…


Arisa: But but nothing. Haha

Bia: Teach me, teach me, teach me…


Arisa: Stop it!

Bia: Teach me, teach me, teach me…


Bia: Teach me, teach me, teach me…

End of chapter 10
A normal day is happening, when Arisa get's in home shouting.


Arisa's mother: She is not here, i think she went out to buy a new car.

Arisa: God damn it, i have to tell her something, also... she went out to buy a car without me? God, she is impossible!

Arisa then rushes out and start looking around... when she sees Bianca in a car showroom, looking for a new car.

Arisa: Bianca!

Bia: Oh, hi there! Look, even without speak, i bought this car, i think.

Arisa: This small one? Anyways...

Bia: Please, do me a solid and go see if i really bought and it is all right.

Arisa: Ok, wait a minute.

Bia: Ok.

Arisa talk to the salesman, and makes the ok hand gesture.

Arisa: So, Bia, let me tell you something.

Bia: What?

Arisa: Remember that driver, Takanori?

Bia: Of course i do, how could i forget? Haha, bought this car to beat him.

Arisa: That one? Really? You will lose. STOP DISTRACTING ME!

Bia: OK!

Arisa: Well, Takanori had a twin brother, who was also a racing driver...

Meanwhile, Bianca get's the key of her new car and tells to Arisa get in. Arisa then get's in and continues on talking.

Arisa: His brother is dead... got killed. Funeral will be tomorrow.

Bianca get's pale.

Bia: Are you sure? I mean...

Arisa: Yes... the bad tongues say it was a debt... but, i don't believe so.

Bia: God... i mean... bloody hell! I think we should go there...

Arisa: Yes... maybe we should...

In the next day, both girls go to the funeral.

Bia: Look at these people...

Arisa: Here, park here... there is a spot

Bianca parks the car.

Bia: Ok... we better go there... or...

Arisa: Do we really have to?

Bia: I am not sure anymore... i think, that is more a family thing no?

Arisa: Hmmm... seems like...

Bia: Sorry Takanori, but next time we say we are sorry, now we will leave you in peace.

Then Bianca starts up her yellow Lotus Elise and leaves.

End of the special chapter lol
In the night of the same day of Takuma's funeral, Bianca is driving her Elise thru the night.



Bia: "Life is short... in one day, you are alive... in other... you could be dead..."

Bianca then heads to the highway.



Bia: "This road is free... today i will just drive here and enjoy the moment, the feeling...


As she gets in the highway, she floors the Elise, going over 250km/h. When she hears some other engine noises, and a group of racers overtakes her.



Bia: "Right... if they want to play, let's play... "

Bianca joins the group of racers.



Bia: "Why do i feel this way?"

End of chapter 11
Bianca then start think about her life and everything.

Bia: " Right, i know what to do... i have to back to the Italy and face my problems, i have been avoiding it for too long! But first, i will test this car, and let it here in Japan... but i have to call Arisa. "

Bianca calls Arisa, while driving... (bad Bianca is bad, lol)

Bia: Arisa?

Arisa: Yes?

Bia: Arisa, i am going back to Italy, you will be here for a while right?

Arisa: Yes, that was the plan... but, why are you going back?

Bia: Because i left undone things there... things that i have to fix!

Arisa: Ok...

Bia: So, tomorrow we are going to Tsukuba, i want to test this car, and then send it to that dude, who tuned the Nissan. And while it is tuning, i back to Italy and you stay here to take care of my Elise, ok?

Arisa: Ok, i can do that...

Bia: Thank you Arisa, you are the best!

Arisa: Hahaha, ok... bye.

Bia: Bye.

In the next day, Bianca and Arisa head to Tsukuba to test the Elise.



Arisa: " Bloody hell, i've never seen Bianca so determined before, she is using the whole track... and even a bit more. "



Bianca does the lap time of 1:04.220 and heads to the pits.



Bia: This car is fast, and has potential... Arisa?

Arisa: Oi?

Bia: I want you to take this car to the tuner guy, and tell him to make it faster than Takanori's R32, i pay whatever the price is.

Arisa: Ok, will do... but i believe, it will be expensive.

Bia: I will find i way to pay for it... now, shall we go to the airport?

Arisa: Right!

Bia: Why are you so excited? Will be good be free of me? Hahaha

Arisa: That too, but i just like to see you determined like that, you was a bit down these days.

Bia: I know... well, that is now past, let's do this!

Arisa: Right!

After a time, Bianca is arriving in Italy airport.

End of chapter 12
Bianca is now in Italy, heading to her house. As she arrives there, nobody is in home.

Bia: What? Where is everybody?

Bianca then calls her younger brother Mateo.

Bia: Mateo, where are you? Why nobody is home?

Mateo: Bia???

Bia: Yes, me... where are you?

Mateo: I am... i am... i should...

Bia: Say it!

Mateo: Dad is dead.

Bia: WHAT??????? Stop joking Mateo, this is not funny.

Mateo: I am sorry, but it is not a joke.

Mateo start crying on the phone.


Mateo: Sorry, i was too weak to call you when you was in japan, i just couldn't...


Mateo: Bia?

Bianca is crying.


Mateo: Dad had a heart attack, and went to hospital... apparently a medical error killed him.


Mateo: No, i am on my way to there, you are not in conditions.

Bia: Ok... thanks.

The call is over. Bianca sits on the front door stairs and looks to the sky.

Bia: " Why? Why you had to leave? Why when i was in Japan? I am sorry dad... i should be here with you, when you more needed me. "


Bianca cries like she never did before and after a few minutes, Mateo arrives.

Mateo: Bia...

Bianca runs and hugs her brother.

Bia: Why????

Mateo: I have no idea Bia... i have no idea... though, me and Timo are living by ourselves, renting a house...

Bia: I see... since we have nobody else... mom is dead, dad is dead...

Mateo: Bia...

Bia: What?

Mateo: I think dad knew he was going to die...

Bia: But was not a medical error?

Mateo: Yes it was! But i don't know these things, maybe you know when you are going to die...

Bia: Why do you say that?

Mateo: Because in hospital, he told me a lot of things... he told me to tell you, that he loves you, and no matter what, he will be always looking you, and giving support to you, to follow your dream, to keep your smile...

Bia: ...

Bianca then looks to the sky.

Bia: " Dad... "

Mateo: Here, let's go to our house... though, i have to ask... what is this hair you crazy girl?

Bia: Well... haha, only you to make me laugh in this situation.

Bianca hus her brother once more.

Mateo: Come...

Bia: Right...

Few weeks later, in the morning, Bianca is eating her cereal, while Mateo is heading off to work.

Mateo: So, how is the rally things going?

Bia: It is going fine... i've got hired for a team... not professional, but good enough, i believe.

Mateo: Cool! And the car?

Bia: Oh, they have an old model of a Lancer Evolution WRC.

Mateo: That is cool... when it will be?

Bia: Hmmmm... have a time yet...

Bianca's phone rings.

Bia: Arisa?

Arisa: Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Bia: Hi! When are you going to Italy?

Arisa: Soon, soon... i have to tell you something... the Elise.

Bia: What about it?

Arisa: Well, it will take a time to get done... a time, and a money. Little thing will be expensive! About 200.000 euros.

Bia: Hmmm... I will really need win this rally, and get a good sponsor.

Arisa: A rally?

Bia: Yes, i told you about that.

Arisa: Ah, right, i remember now... yes... you must win. But...

Bia: But... ?

Arisa: Kaido said if you beat that R32, he will give you a discount.

Bia: Ok... i sure will beat that R32 then. Thank you Arisa, take care.

Arisa: Right, i will! Bye my friend.

Bia: Bye.


In the afternoon of the same day, Bianca calls Giulli.

Bia: Giulli?

Giulli: Bianca! Why are you calling me?

Bia: I have some doubts, and want to clear them... also, can you contact Marcello? I would like him to come too... you and him.

Giulli: Yes, i can... just, when and where?

Bia: Hmmm, where you want.

Giulli: Right, come to my house, i will try call Marcello to come too.

Bia: Right. Can be tomorrow?

Giulli: Yes... in the morning.

Bia: Perfect. Bye.

Giulli: Bye.

In the next morning, Bianca goes to Giulli's house, and sees that Giulli is now a very well succeded woman, having a nice house and a pink Lamborghini.

Bia: What the...

Giulli goes out to open the gate for Bianca.

Giulli: Bianca... my old friend!

Bia: Hello.

Giulli: Wow... bit cold huh?

Bia: Is that your car?

Bianca points to the pink Lamborghini.

Giulli: Yes, it is... cute isn't?

Bia: Can i drive it?

Giulli: Y... yes, i guess.

Bia: Right... let's go then.

Both girls get in the pink Lamborghini, going to Monza.

Giulli: Where are we going?

Bia: You will see...

Giulli: What? A racing track? No no no!

Bia: Relax... and shut up, now i will say everything that is in my throat, wanting to leave, but i always hold it!

Bianca floors the Lamborghini on the track.






Giulli: NO!

Bianca shakes the Lamborghini doing a small but fast slalom.

Giulli: OK! WAS ME! YES!


Giulli: I DID NOT!









Giulli: I... I...



Giulli: That is past...


Bianca step hard on the brakes.





Giulli: STOP IT!



Bianca stops the Lamborghini.


Bia: Bye Giulli, was good to know you.

Bianca opens the door, throws the Lamborghini's key on Giulli's face and leaves, while Giulli is inside the car, more pale than a ghost.

End of chapter 13
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Well that was a bit rough. She kind of deserved it though. Again good chapter, I like it when people are always updating their stories.

Lol, after all, they are all humans. Feelings just got too high.

Edit: Well, i have found the character makes that RCKakashi uses, and made my characters... so far, just Arisa and Bianca, before and after. Lol


Bianca - Before/After


Arisa - Before/After
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Bianca is now in Toscana, testing her car for the rally, which is a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI.

Crew mechanic I: We will test first the tarmac stage, later we will test the gravel, ok?

Bia: Ok... so, i have to tell you guys what to improve and such...

Crew mechanic I: Yes, that would be a good idea. Haha

Bia: Right, the car is ready?

Crew mechanic I: Yes, ready to go!

Bianca starts the engine.

Bia: Oooooooo... nice noise... haha.

As she gets lined to start, she listens thru the radio:

Crew mechanic I (on radio): " Right, whenever you are ready. "

Bianca steps on the gas, and the awd Evo shoots out like a bullet.


Bia: Wooosh, this is fast... short gears, lots of acceleration!

The first corner comes, but the Evo just goes thru it very easily.


And it keeps going.



Bianca then starts to notice the car is having a bit of understeering.

Bia: " Hmmm, i have to say that, so they can fix it... "


With the finish of the tarmac testing, now it is time of the gravel testing.


Bia: " This car is good, even on gravel, it has grip... "


Someone is watching Bianca practice with the car



Bia: " Uuuuuuuurr.... what was that? Just got a bad feeling, out of nowhere! That's odd... "

The Evo performs a small jump and Bianca keeps racing it.



Bia: " This car is really good, wasn't so confident on it before... but i think... it can win! I have to win this... "

Bianca looks to the sky.


Practice is over, Bianca has passed all the info to the crew and they are now fixing the problems, while she is sat in a chair, just resting a bit, then Giulli arrives.

Giulli: Bia?

Bia: Giulli? What the hell are you doing here? I can't believe that you had the audacity to appear here after all that!

Giulli: Yes i had, and now you are going to listen to me. Back sit on your chair, shut up and listen!

Bia: I am not going to lis...

Giulli slaps Bianca on her face.

Bia: I... i... you...

Giulli: Shut up...

Giulli hugs Bianca and whispers to her:

Giulli: I am sorry Bia, if i knew you would be so upset with all that, i would never do what i did. I made a mistake, but really, the last thing i wanted was lose the sister that i have chosen... the sister that i never had.

Bia: Why you did then??

Giulli: I don't know... i was immature...

Bia: I meant about my father...

Giulli: Oh... well, your father... your father.. it was a hard case... he needed a surgery on his heart, i got nervous, made a mistake... a mistake that i will never forget... i am so sorry Bia, if i could back on time and... and...

Giulli starts crying.

Bia: I forgive you...

Giulli: What?

Bia: I... forgive... you... I think my father would not like to see me being such an arse with you, for whatever the reason is...

Giulli: Thank you Bia, that really means a lot to me...

Bia: Though... i have to ask about that as well, since you mentioned... why you and Marcello did that to me?

Giulli: Well, i did because i was immature, and Marcello did because he is an arse!

Bia: What?

Giulli: Yes... after that, he "dumped" me and did that many times in university... new girl every week... just, plain stupid.

Bia: ...

Bianca is surprised.

Giulli: Yes, i was too... then we start to lose contact... talk became more rare... now, i don't know where is he, or where find him... seems like he is gone from this world.

Bia: I see... Giulli?

Giulli: Me... ?

Bia: I am sorry. The car thing, scaring you, shouting... i just... was... too nervous, stressed... my father died not so long... soo...

Giulli: That is ok...

Bia: So, we are cool?

Giulli: Yes, i guess.

Bianca and Giulli hugs each other.

End of chapter 14
Very good story you have here. I respect it must be hard making a story written in English when it's not your first language which makes the story more impressive.