LAN Offline 2 players

  • Thread starter TheEagle
I asked this question for GT5 in PS3 and the answer was No.
If 2 players have 2 xbox consoles and 2 monitors and a router could they play Forza Horizon against each other without internet each player using his own monitor(not split screen)?
Hi, I'm not 100% sure but I believe on XBox this is called System Link, I had a quick search around and from what I can tell you can't system link on this game.

Apologies if I'm wrong about this, I can't try it for myself as I only have 1 XBox.
I know that all new games require internet may be to check if the game is illegal copy but what I'm asking about is while playing 1v1 if it also requires internet then this is a problem for me and many people who live in poor countries with limited slow internet.

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