Logo Request

  • Thread starter Villaman68
Can some kind talented artist please create this for me please. The Black background isnt needed just the cat thanks.

Thanks ExtremeManiac15, I would really appreciate it. The logo is from a parcel delivery company called Lynx Express in the UK, I worked for them for 20 years before they were taken over by UPS and sold down the river. I'm trying to recreate the company Ford Tansit to bring back a few good memories.
Yeah that logo is going to be like 45 to 50 layers. i spent 10 minutes on it yesterday and over half of it was done so ill add you on xbox and send it over when i get a chance to finish it.
Thanks ExtremeManiac15, got your friend request and look forward to seeing your design. 40/50 layers is beyond my patience threshold lol, I just can get my head around using shapes etc to design a picture. I could just about manage to create a black ops logo while following a step by step guide using only 10 layers, thats why some of these degins amaze me when they use 700+ layers to create a photorealistic drawing its just 100% talent wish I had even 2% of it.

Thanks Again