Looking to testdrive some custom tracks...

  • Thread starter Flynn77
United States
St. Ann, MO
ryldhune is my id. Send me an fr along with the name of the track in your profile that you'd like for me to give a go, and I'll get some feedback to you. :)
Hey Flynn77, have a track you might like, it was made for all racers from novice to pro, works with all types of cars, it is 3.69 miles long,172.7ft of elevation,29 corners,longest straight .60 miles,don't let the amount of corners put you off, it's fast. not sure how to post pic i'm a little behind tech curve. aprox 40 ppl have run this track and countless online,only one person did'nt like it and he does'nt like anything with right hand turns lol. my psn id is santhur feel free to send fr request, plz mention track if you send request, oh the track is just named ' race and time trial', let me know what you think,thank you for your time,
Not that i care, but to post that you want to try some created tracks and will give feedback,and then download track and not even reply to messages, then delete yourself from fr list, without so much as a "your track sux or is good" is just plain rude, so to others with custom tracks they want to share, DON'T BOTHER HERE it's not worth your time, so have a good life flynn77 or rydlhune and you can KMA
Not that i care, but to post that you want to try some created tracks and will give feedback,and then download track and not even reply to messages, then delete yourself from fr list, without so much as a "your track sux or is good" is just plain rude, so to others with custom tracks they want to share, DON'T BOTHER HERE it's not worth your time, so have a good life flynn77 or rydlhune and you can KMA

My apologies. I didn't have the time, and FYI, I didn't download your track. :indiff: